
  • Copyright litigation;【法】copyright action
  1. Counterclaim反诉制作人团队提起反诉,声称版权诉讼毫无根据。

    The producers filed a counterclaim asserting the copyright claims were baseless .

  2. 一个联邦陪审团宣判,“齐柏林飞艇”(LedZeppelin)的摇滚名曲《通向天堂的阶梯》(StairwaytoHeaven)当中前奏的乐段并不是抄袭而来,令乐队在危及数百万美元利益的版权诉讼案中获胜。

    Led Zeppelin did not steal the opening riff of its rock anthem " Stairway to Heaven , " a federal jury ruled here , giving the band a victory in a copyright case in which millions of dollars were at stake .

  3. 版权诉讼的特点及若干法律问题

    Features and Law Problems of Copyright Litigations

  4. 近年来,随着权利人著作权意识的提高,有关期刊数据库的版权诉讼开始出现。

    In the recent year , with the enhancing of copyright sense of obligees , the copyright lawsuit about journal database appears frequently .

  5. 浅谈持久性有机物的特性、危害及对策公平行为对侵害版权诉讼的特定抗辩。

    Characteristics Harms and Countermeasures of Persistent Organic Pollutants Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright .

  6. 公平行为对侵害版权诉讼的特定抗辩。

    On the Counterargument by Finished Limitation Period ; Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright .

  7. 法院在审理跨国版权诉讼的过程中,首先要解决的两个基本问题是管辖权和准据法的选择。

    The court seized of the concerned cases has to face two fundamental problems : the determination of jurisdiction and the choice of applicable law .

  8. 这位被告抗辩了所有的起诉。公平行为对侵害版权诉讼的特定抗辩。

    The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution . Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright .

  9. 人民把《行政诉讼法》称为民告官的法律。公平行为对侵害版权诉讼的特定抗辩。

    People consider the Administrative Procedural Law as a " law for people to lodge a complaint against officials . " Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright .

  10. 民事诉讼中,原、被告的诉讼地位和诉讼权利义务应具有平等性和对等性。公平行为对侵害版权诉讼的特定抗辩。

    In the civil actions , the litigant position , litigant rights and liability of both the accuser and the accused should be opposite . Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright .

  11. 计算机软件版权侵权诉讼的证据问题

    The Problem of Evidences in the Computer Software Copyright Tort Actions

  12. 一位联邦法官已经驳回了一项旷日持久,发轫于2005年的版权侵权诉讼。

    A federal judge has dismissed a long-running copyright infringement lawsuit brought against Google ( GOOG ) in 2005 .

  13. 该公司输掉了一宗侵犯版权的法律诉讼,被告是一家在配饰产品上使用IPHONE商标的中国企业。

    It lost a copyright infringement lawsuit against a Chinese company that was using the iPhone trademark on accessories .

  14. 与其他著名人物的兴趣相差甚远,温斯顿·丘吉尔热衷于版权问题和诉讼争论。

    Unlike the estates of many famous figures , the estate of Winston Churchill is very keen on copyright and very litigious .