
  • 网络Copyright law;copyright act;DMCA;UrhG
  1. 美国1998年颁布的《千年数字版权法》(DigitalMillenniumCopyrightAct)的宗旨便是,在不压制受到保护的言论的前提下解决这一问题。

    The U.S.Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( DMCA ), enacted in1998 , was designed to address this situation without also stifling protected speech .

  2. (只想想看,当您问您的同事,是否认为应该废除数码千禧年版权法(DigitalMillenniumCopyrightAct)的反规避规定时,他们有多大的触动。

    Just think how impressed your colleagues will be when you ask whether they think the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 's anti-circumvention provisions should be repealed .

  3. 他为版权法工作,编写教科书,使英语美国化,编辑杂志。

    He worked for copyright laws , wrote textbooks , Americanized the English language , and edited magazines .

  4. 用户可以按照B国版权法的规定制作软件存档复制件。

    Customer may make archival copies of the Software as provided in the Copyright Law of country B.

  5. 大量受版权法保护的作品通过P2P软件在网络上传输和交换,给版权人的利益造成了巨大的损害。

    It cause great damage to the profit of copyright owners .

  6. 越来越多的人呼吁立法者重新思量3D打印版权法以保护3D打印设计者(的权利),但是也有人担心法律覆盖太广会压抑新构想。

    There are increasing calls for lawmakers to reconsider copyright laws that protect the owners of 3-D printing designs . But there is also concern that extensive laws could suppress new ideas .

  7. 美国主张,其版权法110节第5段完全与其在《trips协定》下所承诺的义务相符。

    The United States contends that Section 110 ( 5 ) of the US Copyright Act is fully consistent with its obligations under the TRIPS Agreement .

  8. 通过这些合同、技术和法律的结合,DRM系统给传统版权法造成了巨大的冲击。

    Through the combination of contracts , technical and anti-circumvention rules , DRMs caused a deep impact to the traditional copyright system .

  9. 第7层的筛选器可能将nanoHUB连接误认为违反版权法的文件共享应用程序

    Layer-7 filters that mistake nanoHUB connections for file sharing applications violating copyright laws

  10. 2001年11月普通仲裁第一案&美国版权法第110(5)节一案的出现表明WTO仲裁制度的实践发展到了一个新的层次。

    In Nov.2001 , United States-Section 110 ( 5 ) of the US copyright act , the first case which recourse to general arbitration indicated the practice of the arbitration within the WTO had advanced to a new stage .

  11. 因为版权法有规定,所以我要求员工不要再播放ipod或CD里自己的音乐了,大家都服从命令,只有那个男孩例外。

    I instructed the staff that we could no longer play our own music from our iPods or CDs because of copyright laws . Everyone complied . Well , except for this one guy .

  12. 该书强调,用户需要知道在他们的FOSS许可中所陈述的条件,以便他们不至于无意识地违反版权法。

    The Primer emphasizes that users need to know the conditions stated in their FOSS license so that they are not unwittingly violating copyright law .

  13. 第二,由于与版权法的保护相比,DRM能够更好地实现版权人的利益,版权人越来越多地使用这类系统,这使得其具有了部分地替代版权法的趋势。

    Second , compared with the protection of copyright law , DRMs can better achieve the interests of copyright owners , instead of rely on copyright law , copyright owners are increasingly using DRM systems .

  14. 法官认为,RIAA不能仅仅通过自己流水化作业而得来的那点证据,来对该公司进行控诉。他表示,RIAA至少得拿出那么一点点被告实际违反版权法的证据来。

    He said that the RIAA has to present at least some facts to show the plausibility of their allegations of copyright infringement against the defendant .

  15. 它的合法性在于,Aereo为每位用户创建了独立的视频文件——这么做在技术上并不必要,仅仅是为了不违反版权法。

    The legal basis for the business depends on Aereo creating a separate video file for each subscriber -- something that 's not technically necessary but is done only to comply with copyright laws .

  16. 避风港规则最早出现在美国的《数字千年版权法》(DMCA)中,是指对符合法定条件的网络服务提供商因其行为造成的损害赔偿责任进行一定限制的规则。

    Safe Harbor Provision first appeared in Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( DMCA ) of the United States , which provides a certain limitation of damage liability caused by the act of internet service provider ( ISP ) who meets the statutory requirement .

  17. 技术措施版权法保护:比较与评价

    The Copyright Law Protection of Technology Measures : Comparision and Review

  18. 网络传播的兴起对传统版权法提出了全新的挑战。

    Network communication has posed new challenges to traditional copyright law .

  19. 复制受版权法保护的作品是违法的。

    It is illegal to take copies of a copyright work .

  20. 16岁的迪佩塔对版权法一无所知。

    As a 16-year-old he had no understanding of copyright law .

  21. 保留所有权利。此程序受美国和国际版权法保

    All rights reserved . This program is protected by US and

  22. 一定要了解并遵守所有版权法。

    Make sure to understand and obey all copyright laws .

  23. 合理使用制度是版权法中的一个非常重要的制度。

    Fair use is extremely important in the copyright law .

  24. 少数民族传统文化版权法保护意义探究

    Study for Protection of Minority Traditional Culture in Copyright Law

  25. 不要印得太多,否则你会有违反版权法的危险。

    Don 't print too much or you risk infringing copyright regulations .

  26. 试论版权法中技术措施的规避与利用

    Discussion on Evasion Utilization of Technical Measures in Copyright Law

  27. 在1976年,国会颁布了最新的版权法,

    In 1976 , congress enacted the latest copyright law ,

  28. 版权法跟其它法律一样是复杂的。

    Copyright law , like most law , is complex .

  29. 版权法是一部形成一国社会文化的法律。

    Copyright law is a law to form social culture of one country .

  30. 遵守所有适用的版权法是用户的责任。

    Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user .