
  • 网络type area;type page
版心 [bǎn xīn]
  • (1) [type page]∶版口

  • (2) [core]∶书刊等每页排印文字图画的部分

  1. 版心:正文及插图,包括书眉和页码,在书页内所占的面积。

    Type area : Area occupied by text and illustration on a page , including running head and folio .

  2. 从职业道德美、整体设计美、封面设计美、版心设计美、栏目设计美等8个方面,论述了美学在高校学报编辑工作中的应用前景。

    This paper has described the application of aesthetics in the following eight aspects of the editorial work : professional ethics , overall design , cover design , type page design , column design etc.