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  • territory;domain
版图 [bǎn tú]
  • [domain;territory] 指领土范围、国家的边界

  • 凡在书契版图者之贰,以逆群吏之治,而听其会计。--《周礼.天官.司会》

  • 这里,这想到了我们中国的整个版图。--秦牧《土地》

  • 罗马教会比罗马帝国版图更大,寿命更长

版图[bǎn tú]
  1. 在吞并占婆后,又把扩张的矛头直接对准了近邻柬埔寨(Cambodia),并兼并了柬埔寨王国的半壁河山,大致形成了今日越南之版图。

    After swallowing up the Champa & pura , the Nguyen also began to invade the near neighbor Cambodia and annexed the half territory of the Cambodia , which formed the domain of today 's Vietnam .

  2. 媒介版图与生态意识

    On Consciousness of Media Domain and Media Ecosystem

  3. 战后,欧洲版图被重新划定。

    After the war the map of Europe was redrawn .

  4. 战后欧洲的版图被重新划定。

    The map of post-war Europe was redrawn .

  5. 尽管雅库特人是少数民族,但他们却牢牢地掌控着这块版图。

    Although the Yakutians are a minority , they have firm control of the territory

  6. 在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。

    The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo 's urban sprawl .

  7. VLSI版图综合中的P/G网实体优化布线

    Optimized Physical Routing for P / G Nets in VLSI Layout Synthesis

  8. 基于Java语言的IC版图数据自动测评系统的实现

    An Automatic IC Layout Measuring and Evaluating System Based on the Java Language

  9. 集成电路版图CAD系统的数据结构方法

    A data structure for IC Layout System

  10. 基于Skill语言的版图数据处理程序开发

    Development of Skill Language-Based Layout Data Processing Program

  11. 集成电路版图(layout)设计方法与实例

    Method of IC Layout Design and Examples

  12. 基于SKILL语言的按比例自动缩放版图方法

    Automatic Layout Design Scaling with SKILL Language

  13. 一种MEMSCAD系统级到工艺级版图生成技术

    Interface Technology of MEMS CAD System Level Design with a Standard Layout Output

  14. 本文提出了一种二维集成电路(IC)符号版图设计紧缩的新方法。

    A new method for two dimensional IC symbolic layout compaction is presented .

  15. 分级式IC版图设计规则检查

    Hierarchical Design Rule Checking Approach for IC Layout

  16. MEMS版图自动生成与工艺匹配系统研究

    The research on MEMS layout autogeneration and process matching system

  17. MEMS标准工艺主要由工艺流程以及版图设计规则两部分组成。

    MEMS standard process forms by process flow and layout design rules .

  18. CPU中数据调整器的版图设计

    Layout techniques of data aligner for a CPU

  19. 第三部分为多品硅纳米薄膜MEMS力敏结构版图。

    Part Three focuses on the layout of Polysilicon Nano-film MEMS Pressure Sensor structure .

  20. 集成电路版图中GPC和PB的相交运算特性

    Intersection Characteristics of GPC and PB in Integrated Circuit Layout

  21. 在工艺级中设计了Z轴微机械陀螺的掩膜版图和工艺流程,并进行工艺几何仿真。

    In process level design , the layout and process with geometrical simulation was made .

  22. 提出一种新的基于扫描线算法的IC版图几何设计规则检查方法。

    A new design rule checking approach based on scan line algorithm for IC layout was proposed .

  23. 硬件设计包括原理图、PCB版图设计和硬件安装调试。

    The hardware design includes the schematics , PCB layout design and hardware debugging .

  24. 附录中给出了所有电路的原理图及PCB版图。

    The circuits ' schematics and the PCB layouts are presented in the appendix .

  25. 可编程逻辑阵列PLA自动版图生成器可以使设计者快速地得到宏单元,从电路盒物理版图的细节中解放出来。

    PLA automatic layout generator can make designer gain macro-cell quickly and conveniently .

  26. VLSI版图设计中的一种优化总体布线方法

    A Optimal Global Routing Method in VLSI Layout Dosing

  27. CMOSPLA自动版图设计系统

    CMOS PLA Automatic layout Design System

  28. VLSI版图验证系统中参数提取方法的研究

    The Method of Parameter Extraction in VLSI Verification

  29. 此外,论文对ESD版图规则也作了详尽介绍。

    In addition , the detailed ESD layout rules are also presented .

  30. 本文运用ADS仿真软件对各个模块进行仿真设计,通过电路设计和PCB版图设计,实现了本论文的设计方案。

    The simulation designs of each module have been implemented by use of the ADS simulation software .