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  • Noah;Christian Noyer;Joakim Noah
  1. 诺亚采用美式拼法,比如color而非英式的colour,music而非英式的musick。

    Noah used American spellings like color instead of the English colour and music instead of musick .

  2. 诺亚43岁时开始编写第一本美国字典。

    When Noah was 43 , he started writing the first American dictionary .

  3. 本富兰克林用诺亚的书教他的孙女读书。

    Ben Franklin used Noah 's book to teach his granddaughter to read .

  4. 诺亚一生做了很多事。

    Noah did many things in his life .

  5. 1843年诺亚·韦伯斯特去世时被认为是一位美国英雄。

    When Noah Webster died in 1843 , he was considered an American hero .

  6. 诺亚不喜欢美国的学校。

    Noah did not like American schools .

  7. 诺亚1778年毕业。

    Noah graduated in 1778 .

  8. 100年来,诺亚的书教导孩子们如何阅读、拼写和发音。

    For 100 years , Noah 's book taught children how to read , spell , and pronounce words .

  9. 1828年,诺亚70岁时完成了他的词典,第一本美国词典问世。

    When Noah accomplished his dictionary in 1828 , at the age of 70 , the first American dictionary came out .

  10. 所以,为了谋生,诺亚在格拉斯顿伯里、哈特福德和西哈特福德任教,后来他学习了法律。

    So , in order to make a living , Noah taught in Glastonbury , Hartford and West Hartford.Later he studied law .

  11. 诺亚认为美国人应该从美国自己的书籍中学习,所以在1783年,诺亚编写了自己的教科书《英语语法原理》。

    Noah thought that Americans should learn from American books , so in 1783 , Noah wrote his own textbook A Grammatical Institute of the English Language .

  12. 那时很少有人上大学,但诺亚非常喜欢学习,以至于他的父母让他上了康涅狄格州唯一的大学耶鲁大学。

    Few people went to college at that time , but Noah loved so much to learn that his parents let him go to Yale , Connecticut 's only college .

  13. 就像影片里的诺亚和艾莉一样。

    Just like Noah and Allie .

  14. 据美国印第安人博物馆(NationalMuseumoftheAmericanIndian)介绍,万帕诺亚格人几千年前就在该地区定居了,形成了错综复杂的社会体系。

    The Wampanoag were a people with a sophisticated society who had occupied the region for thousands of years , says the National Museum of the American Indian .

  15. 在接受英国杂志《Company》的采访时,高斯林坦言,当初选他来演可爱的诺亚卡尔霍一角,主要是因为导演卡萨维蒂觉得他长得不帅。

    In an interview with the British magazine , Company , Gosling admitted the main reason he was cast as the lovable Noah Calhoun was because Cassavetes didn 't think he was that good looking .

  16. 诺亚财富投资管理有限公司(NoahPrivateWealthManagement)的数据显示,到2010年底,在中国,拥有100万美元以上可投资资金的个人超过50万人。

    As of the end of 2010 , China had more than half a million individuals with more than $ 1m to invest , according to data from Noah Private Wealth Management .

  17. 诺亚•里昂(NoahLyon)为CommedesGarçons从属品牌SHIRT的衬衣与毛衣设计的插图同样赏心悦目。

    Also excellent were the shirts and sweaters with illustrations by Noah Lyon at Comme 's subsidiary label SHIRT .

  18. 林赛·费希尔开了一个新的Facebook主页叫“诺亚的眼镜”。戴眼镜的朋友可以把自己的照片发到这个主页来告诉她的宝贝:戴眼镜也很酷。

    Lindsey Fisher began a Facebook account called Glasses for Noah , where bespectacled friends could send in pictures of themselves to reassure her son , Noah , about becoming a glasses-wearer .

  19. 他们的邻居斯坦•毕曼(诺亚•艾默里奇饰)正是FBI(联邦调查局)反情报秘密行动探员,专门负责揭露外国间谍。

    Their neighbor , Stan Beeman ( Naoh Emmerich ) , happens to be an FBI counterintelligence agent who is trying to unmask foreign spies .

  20. 莫兰的合伙人包括35岁的诺亚·谢利(NoahShelley)。他是AM模特选派公司(AMCasting)的老板和合伙人。这个公司负责里克·欧文斯(RickOwens)、OpeningCeremony和AnnDemeulemeester等品牌与模特之间的联络。

    Mr. Moran 's partners include Noah Shelley , 35 , an owner and partner of AM Casting , an agency that connects labels like Rick Owens , Opening Ceremony and Ann Demeulemeester with models .

  21. 这是来自耶路撒冷希伯来大学(HebrewUniversityofJerusalem)的教授尤尔瓦•诺亚•哈拉里(YuvalNoahHarari)的预言,他相信这种巨变会在未来200年内发生。

    This is according to Yuval Noah Harari , a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , who believes the radical shift will take place in the next 200 years .

  22. 到了春天,当地万帕诺亚格部落的印第安人(WampanoagIndians)向外来移民介绍如何种植玉米和其他庄稼,并帮助他们学会狩猎和捕鱼。

    In the spring , local Wampanoag Indians taught the colonists how to grow corn ( maize ) and other crops , and helped them master hunting and fishing .

  23. 一九八八年十一月,本宣言的最终稿首次由CBMW在伊利诺亚州的惠顿市发布。

    It was first published in final form by the CBMW in Wheaton , Illinois in November of1988 .

  24. 对于那些想获得更新奇更奢华体验的客户,这家公司也在德国冷战时期的军火库中建立了VivosEuropaOne,其宣传语为“现代的诺亚方舟”。

    For clients looking for something further afield and more luxurious , the company also offers Vivos Europa One , billed as a " modern day Noah 's Ark " in a former Cold War-era munitions storage facility in Germany .

  25. 当初自由职业者诺亚•戴维斯在《锥子》杂志(TheAwl)上透露了出版商支付给他的稿酬之后,他的文章被分享了3000多次,其中包括来自大约100名记者的分享转发。

    When freelancer Noah Davis revealed in the awl what publications paid him for his work his article was shared over 3,000 times , which included shares from about a hundred journalists .

  26. 诺亚韦伯斯特(NoahWebster)曾预言,美式英语将会面临同样命运,总有一天美式英语会像源于德语的现代荷兰语、丹麦语和瑞典语一样,变得与未来英国人所说的英语完全不同。

    Noah Webster predicted a similar fate for American English , which would one day be as different from the future language of England , as the modern Dutch , Danish and Swedish are from the German .

  27. 三都波佩斯库,保罗Skrzypczyk和诺亚林登三位科学家是谁在项目中工作。

    Sandu Popescu , Paul Skrzypczyk and Noah Linden are three scientists who worked on the project .

  28. 威斯特扮演的角色诺亚(Noah)是个教师,也写小说,与莫拉·蒂尔尼(MauraTierney)扮演的妻子住在布鲁克林的一栋联排房屋里。

    West 's character , Noah , is a novelist and teacher who lives in a Brooklyn brownstone with his wife , played by Maura Tierney , and four kids .

  29. 同样是欧洲央行管理委员会成员的法国央行行长诺亚(ChristianNoyer)也大力抨击了标普的这一决策,称标普此举未能把出台更有约束力的法规控制债务规模的新方案纳入考量范围。

    His counterpart at the Bank of France , Christian Noyer , also blasted the decision , saying S & P had failed to take into account new plans for more binding rules to keep public debt under control .

  30. 这不是阿拉伯国家首次因宗教原因禁播好莱坞影片:今年春天,达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基(DarrenAronofsky)的《诺亚方舟》(Noah)在七个国家遭禁;1998年,动画片《埃及王子》(ThePrinceofEgypt)在埃及遭禁。

    It 's not the first time Arab countries have banned Hollywood films because of religion : Darren Aronofsky 's " Noah " was barred in several countries in the spring , and the animated movie " The Prince of Egypt " was forbidden in Egypt in 1998 .