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  • 网络St. George;st george;saint george;Saint-Georges
  1. 圣乔治(St.George)是犹他五大公园(MightyFive)中若干公园的门户城镇,2月份,它开放了自己的首个露天探险预约中心。

    St. George , a gateway town to several of Utah 's Mighty Five parks , opened its first outdoor adventure booking center in February .

  2. 他们的婚礼会在圣乔治礼拜堂(St.George'sChapel)举行婚礼,该礼拜堂的唱诗班会表演。

    Since they are marrying at St. George 's Chapel , the church 's choir - The Choir of St George 's Chapel - will perform .

  3. 圣乔治杀死了那条龙。

    St George slew the dragon .

  4. 英国在圣乔治赛马大奖赛中荣获亚军。

    Britain came second in the Prix St Georges Derby .

  5. 奖牌背面为英格兰守护神圣乔治像。

    On the reverse , the figure of St George , patron saint of England .

  6. 春季这一天的会议,目的是宣布圣乔治银行(BancodiSanGiorgio)开业。

    The purpose of the meeting that spring day was to declare the Banco di San Giorgio open for business .

  7. 伦敦画廊也不断扩张、忙于变换展场:维多利亚•米罗画廊(VictoriaMiro)重回伦敦西区(WestEnd),在苏富比拍卖行正后面的圣乔治街(StGeorge’sStreet)上另外开设了展场。

    London galleries are expanding and moving : Victoria Miro is returning to the West End , taking on an extra space in St George 's Street , right behind Sotheby 's.

  8. 几个月前,也就是在1407年年末,热那亚长老议会(CouncilofAncients)授权圣乔治大楼执行这个工作。

    A few months earlier , towards the end of 1407 , Genoa 's Council of Ancients had authorised the Casa di San Giorgio to carry out this job .

  9. BODE指数与圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ)评分和病人就诊次数显著相关。

    The BODE index was significantly related with the St George 's respiratory questionnaire ( SGRQ ) scores and the frequency of visit .

  10. 他在圣乔治节那天发布的长达90也的入选宣言中,强调表明了他的经济和防卫策略,然而却隐晦带过BNP的核心目标,即撤销移民政策。

    When he launched its90-page election manifesto on St George 's Day , he stressed its economic and defence policies and played down its core aim , which is halting immigration .

  11. 梅根和哈里将于明年5月在温莎城堡圣乔治教堂举办婚礼。她提到的“变化”是指《金装律师》中的RachelZane一角。

    The actress , who will wed the Queen 's grandson at St George 's Chapel , Windsor Castle in May , was referring to her role as Rachel Zane on legal drama Suits .

  12. 一直认为自己是女权主义者的马克尔,独自走进圣乔治礼拜堂(St.George'sChapel),而不是由父亲送进来,这个偏离悠久传统的做法本身就向世界传递了一个信息。

    Ms. Markle , who has long identified herself as a feminist , entered St. George 's Chapel alone rather than being given away by her father , a departure from long tradition that in itself sent a message to the world .

  13. 这名消息人士说,根据圣乔治教堂(St.George’sChapel)的规模,将邀请600位嘉宾参加婚礼,并表示因为哈里王子不是王位的直接继承人,这对王室夫妇不需要邀请世界领导人和政客参加他们的婚礼。

    The Palace source said that 600 guests would be invited to the wedding ceremony , based on the size of St. George 's Chapel , and said that it is not necessary for the royal couple to invite world leaders and politicians to their wedding because Prince Harry is not a direct heir to the throne .

  14. 但圣乔治银行却很难被人们提起。

    But the Banco di San Giorgio hardly gets a mention .

  15. 在圣詹姆斯球场有一个胡顿的圣乔治标语。

    There is a'Hughton is a Geordie'banner unfurled at St James ' .

  16. 圣乔治伦敦年夜学的研究人员协助介入了研究。

    George 's University of London collaborated in the research .

  17. 谁是圣乔治与龙呢?

    Janet : Who was the St George and dragon ?

  18. 这尊塑像体现的是圣乔治杀死毒龙。

    The statue represents St George killing the dragon .

  19. 挂着圣乔治旗帜的庞大舰队横渡舞台。

    A great fleet flying the flag of St George sails across the stage .

  20. 圣乔治银行并非欧洲建立的第一家银行。

    The Banco di San Giorgio was not the first bank to be established in Europe .

  21. 圣乔治勇敢面对那条龙。

    St George braved the dragon .

  22. 在英格兰,圣乔治礼拜堂是哥特式建筑最杰出的范例之一。

    St George 's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England .

  23. 圣迈克尔和圣乔治三等勋章圣乔治是英格兰的守护神。

    Companion of St. Michael and St. George St. George is the Patron Saint of England .

  24. 圣乔治大街910号。

    910 St. Gorge Street .

  25. 在圣乔治银行诞生之前,银行就是一个富裕的个人,他说。

    Before the Banco di San Giorgio , a bank was a wealthy person , he says .

  26. 2月15日在温莎堡的圣乔治教堂举行了小规模的葬礼。

    A small , private service was scheduled for Feb.15 at St. George 's Chapel at Windsor Castle .

  27. 圣乔治银行的天才也无法保证银行的持久经营。

    The genius of the Banco di San Giorgio , alas , could not guarantee its own permanence .

  28. 东部为连接西南的圣乔治海峡和塞尔特海的爱尔兰海。

    To the east is found the Irish Sea which reconnects to the ocean via the southwest with St.

  29. 卡迪根湾威:尔士西部海岸圣乔治海峡的开阔海湾。

    Cardigan Bay : a wide-mouthed inlet of St. George 's Channel on the western coast of Wales .

  30. 约克公主尤金妮娅与她的未婚夫杰克·布鲁斯班将于周五在温莎的圣乔治教堂结婚。

    The Princess of York will marry fiance Jack Brooksbank at St George 's chapel in Windsor on Friday .