
  • 网络The New Testament;the Bible
  1. 为了知道如何成为基督徒,请您阅读圣经新约使徒行传。

    To find out how to become a Christian , read the book of Acts in the New Testament .

  2. 复习圣经新约各卷书,从《马太福音》直到《启示录》。

    Review the New Testament books of the Bible ; Matthew through Revelation .

  3. 圣经新约记载了耶稣的出生,即耶稣诞生。

    Jesus ' birth , known as the nativity , is described in the New Testament of the Bible .

  4. 虽然《圣经新约》写于第一世纪,不能说《圣经》的内容限于第一世纪。

    Even though the Bible was written during the first century , we can 't say that the Bible belongs only to the first century .

  5. 《圣经新约》再三地告诉我们,神用他的爱,他的恩典以及耶稣的宝血拯救世人。

    Over and over the Bible tells us that all people are saved by God 's love and grace and by the blood of Jesus .

  6. (复)军队或军团;圣经新约中的罗马书中使用;万军之主。

    ( plural ) hosts or armies ; used in the book of Romans in the New Testament of the Bible : ` Lord of Sabaoth ' .

  7. 威利斯·巴恩斯通(WillisBarnstone)是一位博学强识的作家,著有70多部作品&他是诗人、翻译家,同时也是研究诺斯替教和《圣经·新约》的学者。

    Willis Barnstone is a polymath author of more than 70 books & a poet , translator and scholar of Gnosticism and the New Testament .

  8. 圣经的新约全书是用希腊文写的。

    The New Testament of the Bible was written in greek .

  9. 亚拿尼亚《圣经·新约》里一个说谎的人,当彼得揭穿他后他就倒地而死。

    In the New Testament , a liar who dropped dead when Peter rebuked him .

  10. [你们做父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,恐怕他们失了志气。----歌罗西书第三章第二十一节(《圣经.新约》中的一卷)]

    Fathers do not embitter your children , or they will become discouraged . Colossians 3:21

  11. 他说当时他的兜里揣着两本要带给朋友的圣经《新约》。

    The man said he was carrying two New Testament Bibles in his shirt pocket to give to friends .

  12. 他自从成为这个快乐小家庭的大家长以后,最大的创新措施就是让每个新进犯人都拿到一本《圣经·新约》。

    His major innovation as the head of our happy family was to make sure that each incoming prisoner had a New Testament .

  13. 文章介绍了宽恕在汉语、圣经和新约中的含义并对宽恕的操作性定义进行了讨论。

    This article introduces the implications of forgiveness in Chinese , Bible and the New Testament , and discusses the operative definitions of forgiveness .

  14. 下个月,在奥运会召开期间运动员,行政官员,观众,游客可以得到免费的圣经(新约圣经)。

    Athletes , officials , spectators and tourists can pick up the Bible or just the New Testament for free during the Olympic Games next month .

  15. 她拿过来圣经,打开新约给他看了好几页的上边,它的确说。

    So she fetched the Bible , and opened the New Testament and shows him at the top of several pages , that it indeed says .

  16. 旧约圣经的预言在新约圣经中部分实现了。

    What the Old Testament foretells the New Testament fulfils , in part .

  17. 按照圣经里的顺序新约是从马太福音开始。

    In the order of the Bible Matthew is the First New Testament book .

  18. 圣经解释圣经,新约解释旧约,清楚的经文解释不清楚的经文。

    Scripture interprets Scripture , the new interprets the old , and the clear interprets the unclear .

  19. 属于或关于基督教派的,该派信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的。

    Relating to or being a Christian Church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the4 gospels .

  20. 这件事的事实是:一旦旧约圣经研究过了新约圣经就容易理解。

    The fact of the matter is this : the New Testament can only be understood once the Old Testament has also been studied . the canonical books ( of the Bible )

  21. 过去的一件件伤心事已经弄得他意志消沉。这件事的事实是:一旦旧约圣经研究过了新约圣经就容易理解。

    The elasticity of his heart had been crushed out of him by early sorrows . The fact of the matter is this : the New Testament can only be understood once the Old Testament has also been studied .

  22. 圣经考古有两个主要分支:旧约圣经考古和新约圣经考古。

    Biblical archeology has two main branches : Old Testament archeology and New Testament archeology .

  23. 隐喻可以说是《圣经》中最常见的一种语言现象,它贯穿于《圣经》的新约和旧约。

    It is universally claimed that the use of metaphors is the most distinctive and common language phenomenon in the Bible , which runs through the Old Testament and the New Testament .