
shèng tán
  • an altar;chancel
圣坛[shèng tán]
  1. 历史上那些杰出的英国过教徒葬于教堂被称为圣坛的区域。

    Historically , prominent Anglicans were buried in that part of the church , called the chancel .

  2. 美从高高在上的圣坛滑落下来,附着在日常生活的表面。

    Beauty slipped from the very high chancel , and adhered to the surface of daily life .

  3. 圣坛受到破坏公物者的肆意践踏。

    The altar had been defiled by vandals .

  4. 教皇约翰·保罗二世身着白色长袍在简朴的圣坛前面跪下来。

    Pope John Paul II knelt in his white robes before the simple altar .

  5. 圣坛两侧是两棵圣诞树。

    The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees

  6. 圣坛用橘黄色的羽毛,菊花和金线织物装饰着。

    The altars were adorned with orange feathers , chrysanthemums and gold cloth .

  7. 他们三个人围在一起站在圣坛前。

    They were all three standing in a knot in front of the altar .

  8. 你站在婚礼圣坛上,凝视着你的爱人,说着你的婚礼誓言。你转过头偷偷撇了一眼婚礼来宾,你所有的亲朋好友都在哪里,然后你看到的是一片低着头看屏幕的“脑”海。

    So there you are at the altar , gazing into the eyes of your beloved , saying your vows a glance at your wedding guests , all your favorite beloved friends and family … and are greeted by a sea of down-turned faces staring at their LCD screens .

  9. JohnShea(新娘的父亲)告诉我们,Blair至少到了圣坛前。

    | To hear John Shea ( aka the father of the bride ) tell it , Blair at the very least gets to the altar .

  10. 因为这个原因,很久以来Mila已为她的小圣坛收集有很多北美土著的物品以及珠宝。

    Mila for this reason has long collecting many Native American pieces for her alter , along with her jewelry collection .

  11. 汽车工业崩溃的后果不堪设想,底特律一家教堂将三辆混合动力SUV置于圣坛之上,人们在下祈祷,希望能够得到神灵的救助。

    The prospect of a collapsed car industry was so terrifying that a church in Detroit placed three hybrid SUVs on its altar and prayed for divine intervention .

  12. 很长时间来,Mila在其圣坛上有一些皮毛及其他动物的神圣器具,大部分由居住在美国或加拿大的美洲土著制作而成。

    For a long time , Mila has had some fur and other animal parts in sacred pieces upon her alter , mostly created through Native Americans living in the US or Canada .

  13. 血液必须喷在上帝的圣坛上。

    The blood must be spilled on the altar of god .

  14. 他们在大教堂的圣坛上谋杀了牧师。

    They murdered the priest at the altar of the cathedral .

  15. 你不需要买矿石球来做合成圣坛。

    One need not purchase spheres therefore for the synthesis alter .

  16. 汤姆和玛丽在圣坛前,山盟海誓永结良缘。

    Tom and Mary exchanged their vows before the altar .

  17. 圣坛之后,七神似乎也在注视。

    Behind their altars , the Seven seemed to watch as well .

  18. 我的英雄从圣坛上掉下的声音吗?

    The sound of my hero falling off his pedestal ?

  19. 然后我们就能在圣坛相遇。

    And then we can meet up at the altar .

  20. 把这件球衣放到圣弗朗西斯教堂的圣坛上。

    Put this shirt on the altar of Saint francis .

  21. 而且你已经满足了我在圣坛前的祷告。

    You 'd meet me at the altar of prayer .

  22. 他这才起身,又向圣坛曲膝三次。

    Standing now , he faced the altar and genuflected three times .

  23. 一课塞浦路斯树通过天才人物变成圣坛。

    Cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine .

  24. 它们挂在圣坛的两边。

    They were on each side of the altar .

  25. 你们第一次在这个圣坛前列队接受检阅。

    For the first time you are presented for review in this forum .

  26. 那儿是他们膜拜食物的圣坛。

    That is the altar where they worship food .

  27. 在圣坛上就是这种感觉?

    Ls this how it feels at the altar ?

  28. 汪达尔人用白垩和油漆亵渎圣坛。

    Vandals desecrated the altar with chalk and paint .

  29. 这就是合成圣坛的基础。

    This is the foundation of the synthesis alter .

  30. 我听说你在圣坛前被抛弃?

    I heard you were ditched at the altar ?