
  • 网络Holy Week;Semana Santa
  1. 基督教的圣周与犹太教逾越节的头几天重叠。

    Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover

  2. 预计4月份会有超过一百万名的游客参加圣周及其后的约翰二十三世(JohnXXIII)及约翰·保罗二世(JohnPaulII)的封圣典礼。

    Well over a million visitors are expected in April when Holy Week will be followed by the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II .

  3. 确实的,圣周的寒冬已经过去。

    Indeed , the winter of our Holy Week has past .

  4. 圣周将在复活节基督徒庆祝耶稣复活时达到高潮。

    Holy Week culminates on Easter Sunday when Christians celebrate the resurrection .

  5. “圣周”使成百上千的基督徒来到耶路撒冷庆祝复活节。

    Holy Week has brought thousands of Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter , the resurrection

  6. 对基督徒来说,棕枝全日是圣周的开始,它会到下周日的复活节。

    For Christians , Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week , which concludes next Sunday on Easter .

  7. 教堂的钟声在整个耶路撒冷老城回荡,庆祝棕枝主日,标志着复活节圣周的开始。

    The sound of church bells wafted through Jerusalem 's Old City , marking Palm Sunday and the beginning of Easter Holy Week .

  8. 来自世界各地的基督徒们在圣周蜂拥至意大利,希望亲眼目睹第一位拉丁美洲的教皇。

    Christians from all over the world have flocked to Italy during the Holy Week with hopes of seeing the first Latin American pope .

  9. 数周之后,我们国家广播公司的几个人受邀飞往梵蒂冈,讨论我们所提议的圣周采访计划。

    A few weeks later , a couple of us from NBC were invited to fly to the Vatican to discuss our proposed plans for Holy Week .

  10. 早些时候,本尼迪克教皇主持了棕枝全日弥撒,以纪念耶稣成功进入耶路撒冷,它标志着圣周的开始。

    Earlier , Pope Benedict celebrated Palm Sunday Mass , which marks the start of the Christian Holy Week and commemorates Jesus Christ 's triumphant entry into Jerusalem .

  11. 全美宗教和政治领导人对上周末堪萨斯城附近发生的致命枪击案进行谴责,并对圣周的安全表示担忧。

    Religious and political leaders across the nation are condemning this past weekend 's deadly shooting near Kansas city , and risen fears about security at the start of holy week .

  12. 星期天复活节的来临标志着从上周日开始的圣周德结束,复活节是为纪念耶稣钉在十字架上三天后复活,为春分日之后月满后的第一个星期天。

    Easter of course Sunday , the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ . On the third day , after the Crucifixion , Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the first day of spring .