
shèng zhǐ
  • imperial edict
圣旨 [shèng zhǐ]
  • [imperial edict] 即封建社会时皇帝下的命令或发表的言论,今常用于比喻

  • 假传圣旨

圣旨[shèng zhǐ]
  1. 有你的一句话,比圣旨还灵;

    One word from you would be better than an imperial edict ;

  2. 我若为王,我的姓名就会改作:万岁,我的每一句话都成为:圣旨。

    If I were King , my name would be changed to " Your Majesty " and every word I said would be an " imperial edict " .

  3. 你把他的话当成圣旨啦?

    Do you take everything he says as seriously as you would an imperial edict ?

  4. 我假传圣旨骗你爸剁了他的手。

    I played the cheater for thy father 's hand .

  5. 长安县梁氏家藏清代15道圣旨现世

    The Liang family display fifteen Qing Dynasty imperial edicts

  6. 按照圣旨,它得是北京最高的建筑。

    According to decree , it had to be the tallest building in Beijing .

  7. 我要上主的圣旨,上主对我说:你是我的儿子,我今日生了你。

    The lord have said to me : Thou art my son , today have I begotten .

  8. 今天,接到了一道“圣旨”:在周日下午穿好校服来学校摄影。

    Today , had received a " imperial ": on Sunday afternoon wear the good school to school photography .

  9. 议长先生,上个周五,我受到国王陛下的圣旨,受命组建新一届政府。

    Mister Speaker , on Friday evening last I received His Majesty 's commission to form a new Administration .

  10. 在这里,这就是我作为一个球员的圣旨,也是对将来所有在这里踢球的球员的指引。

    It 's been my guideline here as a player and it will be players guideline here in the future also .

  11. 一道圣旨当即传下,告诉苏力不应出门,否则就会危害健康。

    So a message was dispatched informing Sully that he was not to go out , or he would endanger his health .

  12. 大部分铭文为神谕圣旨,内容大都与政治事件和宗教活动有关,有些则是关于天气和战争的记录。

    Most of the inscriptions are oracular , dealing mostly with political and religious events , or with weather or warfare . / /

  13. 第二道圣旨颁发于嘉靖22年,长4米,宽33厘米。

    The second , issued in the 22nd year of Emperor Jiajing 's reign , is four meters long and 33 centimeters wide .

  14. 明代上堡古国武烈王李天保曾下圣旨将其定为国茶。

    Wulie King of Shangbao in Ming Dynasty , Li Tianbao , had issued the decree to prescribe the Qingqianliu as the national tea .

  15. 《紫微銮驾和高挂的圣旨》这“紫微銮驾”四字是咸丰皇帝写的。

    The " Ziweiruanjia " and the imperial edicts The four characters " ziweiruanjia " were written by the Xianfeng , emperor of Qing Dynasty .

  16. 例:儿子把我的话当做耳边风;可是他老师说的,简直是圣旨。

    Ex. : My words are taken as a puff of wind in my son 's ears , while what his teacher said are decree .

  17. 金牌正面中间刻有“金榜题名”四个大字,与图中圣旨十字相交,形如一个“中”字。

    Gold MEDALS positive inscribed " gold placard nomination among " four characters , and diagram decree cross intersection , shaped like a " in " word .

  18. 我若为王,我的姓名就会改作:“万岁”,我的每一句话都成为:“圣旨”。

    If I were king , I would be addressed as " Your Majesty " and every word of mine would become a " royal edict . "

  19. 诗2:7受膏者说、要传圣旨.和华曾对我说、是我的儿子、今日生你。

    I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord : He said to Me , ' You are My Son , Today I have begotten You .

  20. 那些没有按圣旨在30天内焚烧名单上书籍的人应被发配到北疆和犯人们一起修建长城。

    and that those who had not burned the listed books within 30 days of the decree were to be banished to the north as convicts working on building the Great Wall .

  21. 华北地区河北省的一农户家中,发现了两道写于帛书上的明代(1368-1644)圣旨,距今分别为540年和472年。

    Two imperial edicts written on silk scrolls 540 years ago and 472 years ago in the Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) have been discovered in a villager 's home in north China 's Hebei Province .

  22. 他永远也不会知道这个秘密,因为自爱伦以下直到最粗笨的大田劳工,都在暗中串通一起,让他始终相信自己的话便是圣旨。.

    It was a secret he would never learn , for everyone from Ellen down to the stupidest field hand was in a tacit and kindly conspiracy to keep him believing that his word was law .

  23. 当然,在众多的治理措施中,最重要的莫过于法律治理了,一道圣旨,一个诏令,凡此种种,都构成了治理流民的法律之网。

    Of course , in many control measures , the most important thing in legal governance , and an imperial decree , one edict , all these have constituted the legal governance of the network of displaced persons .

  24. 《清立堂里的圣旨》同时,保存完整的康熙帝在陈廷敬病重期间和病故后亲赐的御碑,表达了康熙对陈廷敬的敬重,是对陈廷敬生荣死贵的最好记录。

    Decree in Qingli Hall At the some time , the imperial stele bestowed when Chen Tingjing is ill by Emperor Kangxi which shows his respect towards Chen Tingjing and is also a good record of Chen 's life .

  25. 圣旨是来自于皇帝的命令或是评价,持有这两道圣旨的是80岁的老人崔西波,这两道圣旨是他的传家宝。周一,当地政府在广宗县进行了一次考古调查,老人向研究人员和考古学家展示了这两道圣旨。

    The imperial edicts , order or comment from emperors , are a family heirloom belonging to 80-year-old Cui Xibo , who showed them to researchers and archaeologists on Monday as local authorities conducted an archaeological survey in Guangzong County .

  26. 才子佳人小说将理想婚姻的缔结寄希望于人治社会的“法”皇帝的圣旨虽然靠不住,但我们却可以保留其“法”的基本内核,代之以法治社会的法。

    In novels of such materials , the ties of ideal wedlock often appeal to the " law " of man-rule society imperial firman notwithstanding unlikelihood , but we still can reserve its core of " law " rather than the law of rule-of-law society .

  27. 其中一道圣旨颁发于成化十一年,长3.42米,宽33厘米,全文412字,大意为皇帝赞扬时任吏部尚书的崔氏先人崔恭效力任事,尽职尽责。

    One of the edicts , issued in the 11th year of Emperor Chenghua 's reign , is 3.42 meters long and 33 centimeters wide and has 412 words , in which the emperor praised Cui 's ancestor Cui Gong , the personnel minister at that time , for his hard work and diligence .