
  • 网络Cleopatra
  1. 但这是克利奥帕特拉死亡的真相吗?

    But is this the true story of cleopatra 's death ?

  2. 克利奥帕特拉是一个辉煌文明的最后一位法老。

    Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh of a glorious civilization .

  3. 克利奥帕特拉把他当做将来的国王对待。

    Cleopatra is showing him here as the future king .

  4. 克利奥帕特拉自杀了,她的女仆自杀了。

    Cleopatra committed suicide and the handmaidens committed suicide .

  5. 布朗的克利奥帕特拉死亡的说法可能就是真相。

    Brown 's version of cleopatra 's death could be the true story .

  6. 克利奥帕特拉被囚禁在她的陵墓里。

    Cleopatra is imprisoned inside her mausoleum .

  7. 克利奥帕特拉的陵墓和克利奥帕特拉的寝宫之间的距离很近。

    Cleopatra 's mausoleum was very close to the palace complex where Octavian was lodged .

  8. 商博良基于杨的研究成果,发现不同的象形文字拼写的是国王或王后的名字,像“亚历山大”或“克利奥帕特拉”。

    Champollion built on Yang 's work , showing that different hieroglyphs spell the name of the kings or queens like Alexander or Cleopatra .