
wáng cháo
  • dynasty;imperial court;royal court
王朝 [wáng cháo]
  • (1) [dynasty]∶朝代

  • (2) [imperial court;royal court]∶朝廷

  • 封建王朝

王朝[wáng cháo]
  1. 两汉王朝与羌族关系研究

    Research about Han Imperial Court and Relation of Qiang

  2. 中国古代王朝中兴局面的形成原因

    The Forming Cause of the Restoration of Imperial Court in the Ancient China

  3. 这一节课我将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时期。

    In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles 's reign .

  4. 几个人查看了那栋半詹姆士一世时期风格、半乔治王朝风格的大楼。

    Several people looked over the part-Jacobean , part-Georgian building .

  5. 叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝始建于1094年。

    The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094 .

  6. 她决定参与一个乔治王朝时期风格梳妆台的竞价。

    She decided to bid for a Georgian dressing table

  7. 共和国新国旗上醒目地印着希腊马其顿王朝的古老标志。

    The republic 's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty .

  8. 英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。

    England flourished under the Tudors .

  9. 1814年波旁王朝在法国复辟。

    The Bourbons were restored to power in France in1814 .

  10. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建王朝的第一枪。

    The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime .

  11. 秦朝是中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、中央集权的、封建王朝(feudal1dynasty)。

    The Qin Dynasty was the first unitary , multi-national and power-centralized , feudal dynasty in Chinese history .

  12. 它断断续续作为13个王朝的首都达1200多年之久。

    It served intermittently1 as the capital of 13 dynasties over 1200 years .

  13. 宠用奸佞是历代王朝亡国的重要原因。

    Bestowing favor on a dubious sycophant often leads to the downfall of dynasties .

  14. 在黄巢的带领下,他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。

    Led by Huang Chao , they brought down the reigning house after 300 years ' rule .

  15. L上的关系(?)大理国与宋王朝关系颇具特色。

    The relation between Dali imperial and Song Dynasty is of distinguish feature .

  16. 近三年前,大卫•德•罗斯柴尔德勋爵(LordDaviddeRothschild)将这间有两百年历史的银行业王朝的法国与英国分支集合到一起,并入ParisOrléans母公司旗下。

    Almost three years ago , Lord David de Rothschild brought together the French and British arms of the two centuries old banking dynasty , under the Paris Orl é ans parent group .

  17. 12至13世纪的新加坡拉(singapura)王朝要从新加坡史册“开除”吗?

    Do we " delete " singapura that existed from the12th to13th centuries from our history books ?

  18. 在11世纪末期,在南印度chalukaya王朝统治之下的南部尼泊尔势力强盛起来。

    By the late 11th century , southern Nepal came under the influence of the chalukaya empire of southern India .

  19. 他的子孙capetian,valois和波旁王朝统治法国直到1792年,当时,法国大革命建立了法兰西第一共和国。

    His descendants , the Capetian , Valois and Bourbon dynasties , ruled France until 1792 , when the French revolution established the French First Republic .

  20. 维查耶纳伽尔是印度最大的帝国之一的首都,它由桑伽马王朝的王子哈利哈拉(Harihara)和布卡(Bukka)于1336年建立。

    Vijayanagar , the capital of one of the largest Hindu empires ever , was founded by Sangama dynasty princes Harihara and Bukka in1336 .

  21. 紧接着经历了两场和波斯喀伽(Qajar)王朝以及俄王朝之间的战争,在1813年俄国通过Gulistan条约以及1828年的土耳其条约占领了阿塞拜疆。

    Following the two wars between the Qajar dynasty of Persia and the Russian Empire , Azerbaijan was acquired by Russia through the Treaty of Gulistan in1813 , and the Treaty of Turkmenchay in1828 .

  22. 安托万-让·格罗(Antoine-JeanGros)晚期的创作与生活在波旁王朝复辟之前,安托万-让·格罗(1771-1835)是拿破仑的御用画家,他早期的生活与创作也因此而为人所熟知。

    Before the imperial court restores the old order by House of Bourbon , Antoine-Jean Gros ( 1771-1835 ) is Napoleon 's hired painter , his early life and create and know by people .

  23. 西汉、东汉王朝为其确立阶段。

    Western Han and Eastern Han dynasties are its establishment stage .

  24. 论明初高丽王朝与明朝的关系

    Relationship between Korean and Ming Dynasty in the Early Ming Dynasty

  25. 简论清王朝的民族语言文字政策

    A Brief Discussion on the National Language Policy in Qing Dynasty

  26. 南朝宋、齐、梁、陈四代,王朝更替的模式基本相同。

    The dynasties subrogation models were basically alike in the Southern Dynasties .

  27. 明王朝历代统治者对其都非常重视。

    In Ming dynasty rulers for its are very seriously .

  28. 商代是我国历史上第二个重要的奴隶制王朝。

    Shang dynasty is the second important slavery dynasty in our history .

  29. 三是吐蕃王朝的婚姻家庭和继承制度。

    Three is the Tubo Dynasty marriage and inheritance system .

  30. 朝鲜王朝所编之中国史书

    On the Chinese History Books Compiled by the Choson Historians