
  • Wang Lee Hom;Leehom Wang
  1. 王力宏是1976年5月17日在纽约的罗契斯特出生的。

    Leehom Wang was born in Rochester , New York on May17th , 1976 .

  2. 王力宏出生在美国的一个富裕的家庭,但他却不是一个娇生惯养的孩子。

    Leehom Wang was born nto a rich family in america , but he was not a spolied chile .

  3. 王力宏是一位有数百万专辑销量的ABC流行歌手。自1995年出道以来,他在中国成为了炙手可热的明星。

    Wang Leehom is a multi-million album-selling Taiwanese-American pop star who has remained one of the hottest names in Chinese music since his debut in 1995 .

  4. 他借由研究诸如此类他所谓“傻瓜基本知识”,来深入这个高速运转的故事。这部影片由克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(ChrisHemsworth)、维奥拉·戴维斯(ViolaDavis)和王力宏等人主演,希望能在多厅影院里真实地再现网络恐怖主义。

    Investigating these and other " dopey fundamentals , " as he put it , was his way into a turbocharged story that stars Chris Hemsworth , Viola Davis and Wang Leehom , and aims to bring authentic depictions of cyberterrorism to the multiplex .

  5. 中国最受欢迎的歌手之一是王力宏。

    One of the most popular singers in China is Wang Lihong .

  6. 我认为王力宏很帅,而且我的朋友也很喜欢他。

    Lee is so handsome and my friends like him , too .

  7. 在整个娱乐圈里,王力宏已经成为一个话题。

    Lee-hom Wang is the talk of the entertainment world .

  8. 事后证明,王力宏做的是明智的决定。

    Wang 's decision proved to be a wise one .

  9. 但王力宏的支持者不光来自看台。

    But support for Wong didn 't just come from the stands .

  10. 喜欢王力宏的那首歌《改变自己》。

    I like the song " change myself " by Leehom very much .

  11. 王力宏就是这些年中一个在追逐流行的人;

    Wang Lee Hom is one who has been pursuing this for years ;

  12. 王力宏补充说他整个作品在他看来自然而有艺术感。

    Wang added that he saw the project as being artistic in nature .

  13. 社交活动,王力宏的慈善工作,去与他的职业生涯手牵手。

    Socially active , Leehom 's charity work goes hand-in-hand with his career .

  14. 在华语歌坛,王力宏一直被认同是多才多艺的。

    Wang has established himself as a versatile musician in the Mando-pop scene .

  15. 取代了少数民族音乐,王力宏专注于京剧和昆曲。

    Instead of ethnic minority music , Wang focused on Peking Opera and Kunqu .

  16. 王力宏获得新城电台最佳作词者。

    Lee-Hom Wang won Metro Radio Producer .

  17. 王力宏的学术也不赖。

    Wang himself is no academic slouch .

  18. 迄今为止,王力宏对音乐的操控似乎没有伤及到他的受欢迎的程度。

    So far Wang 's musical manipulations don 't appear to have hurt his popularity .

  19. 演唱会以王力宏身穿长袍从天而降开场。

    The concert began with Wang descending from the sky in a splendid traditional Chinese gown .

  20. 随着王力宏的成长,将来从事什么职业的决定使他家里气氛有些紧张。

    Decisions about what Wang should do when he was older created tension in his family .

  21. 王力宏告诉记者,整场演唱会将会被强烈的视觉冲击所占有。

    Strong visual effects will be a feature of the concerts , Wang told the Tungstar .

  22. 台湾歌手兼演员王力宏最近开始拍摄他的第一部好莱坞电影《骇客交锋》。

    Taiwanese singer-actor Wang Leehom has recently begun filming for his first Hollywood movie , Cyber .

  23. 王力宏的最新电影角色认定他与成龙在新片即将上映的影片大战士。

    Leehom 's latest movie role finds him costarring with Jackie Chan in the upcoming film Big Soldier .

  24. 流行歌手王力宏用他温柔的嗓音来向他的粉丝传情,灿烂的烟火着实让大家都吃了一惊。

    Pop troubadour Wang Leehom wooed his fans with his butter-smooth vocals and wowed them with flashy pyrotechnics .

  25. 这是王力宏首次举行个人演唱会,他一直想做的。

    It was Wang 's first time to hold a solo concert and he wanted to do it right .

  26. 王力宏不研究中国,直到他17岁,但现在在语音和书写流利。

    Leehom did not study Chinese until he was17 , but is now fluent in both speech and writing .

  27. 王力宏首先演唱了《盖世英雄》,与他最新专辑同名。

    Wang 's first song was " Unparalleled Hero ", the hit single off his latest album of the same name .

  28. 王力宏:因为这是座需要用无限潜能和丰富知识领域去攀越的高山(比喻华语流行乐坛)。

    Wang Lee Hom : Because it is a mountain that needs to be climbed with so much potential and territory .

  29. 李玟,王力宏,还有顺子。顺子说两种外语&英语和法语。

    Li Wen , Coco Li , Leehom , and Shunzi , Shunzi speaks two foreign languages & English and French .

  30. 当王力宏在中文流行界有了新的突破之后,他在他的表演生涯中也取得了很大成功。

    While he breaks new ground in Chinese pop , Wang has also scored a major coup in his acting career .