
  • Chinese Film;Chinese Movies;Chinese cinema
  1. 您这儿卖中国电影的激光视盘吗?

    Do you have some VCD of Chinese movies ?

  2. 中国电影欣赏:你看过中国电影吗?

    Chinese movies : Have you ever watched Chinese movies ?

  3. 尹力,全国政协委员、中国电影集团公司一级导演

    Yin Li , director at China Film Group Corporation

  4. 现在政府在中国电影产业上投资了大量的人力物力,力求让中国电影“走出去”。而这些高水准的影视作品自然而然也会吸引国际上的影视公司与中国演员或公司签约,进行出国巡演。

    The government now spends a lot of money and effort on promoting Chinese productions abroad , and these high-quality productions will naturally attract agencies to book actors and companies to tour abroad .

  5. 中国电影数据信息网的数据显示,该片已经超过派蒂·杰金斯2017年导演的超级英雄影片《神奇女侠》,成为全球票房最高的女性导演作品。

    It surpassed the 2017 superhero film " Wonder Woman " from Patty Jenkins and became the world 's top-grossing film ever from a solo female director , according to the China Movie Data Information Network .

  6. 从International到National&论当代中国电影中的父亲形象和文化建构

    From " International " to National : On the Cultural Construction of Chinese Cinema since 1949

  7. 加入WTO对中国电影的发展无疑具有积极的意义。

    China 's entering WTO is significant for the development of Chinese movie industry .

  8. 上海是中国电影的摇篮,徐克说。

    Shanghai is the cradle of Chinese film , Tsui said .

  9. 第五代电影对中国电影的主要贡献

    The Main Contribution of the Fifth Generation to the Chinese Film

  10. 试论九十年代中国电影的后现代特征

    On Characteristics Of Post Modern in the 1990s ' China Film

  11. 试论中国电影参与全球化的策略

    The Strategies for the Chinese Films to Enter into the Globalization

  12. 90年代以来中国电影人力资源政策研究

    Research on China ' Film Human Resources Policy Since the 1990s

  13. 百年中国电影与中外文化

    A Century 's Chinese Movie and the Chinese and Foreign Cultures

  14. 新中国电影:第三世界批评的笔记

    The New Chinese Film : Notes on the Third World Criticism

  15. 二十世纪中国电影文学现实主义的流变

    The Vicissitudes of Chinese Cinematic Literary Realism in the 20th Century

  16. 中国电影的精神地图&论主流电影与文化核心价值观的传播路径

    Path of Propagation of Sense of Worth of the Cultural Core

  17. 中国电影的身体转向&近期中国电影中的身体呈现与身体焦虑

    The Representation and Anxiety of Body in the Recent Chinese Films

  18. 韩国国产电影繁荣对振兴中国电影产业的启示

    Enlightenment from the Prosperity of Korean Movies to Chinese Movie Industry

  19. 中国电影伦理叙事的历史变迁

    Historical Changes in the Ethical Narrative of Ch in ese Films

  20. 伴随着现代化技术的发展中国电影工业成长起来。

    Chinese Film Industrialization grows with the Development of Modern Technology .

  21. 点·符号·蒙太奇中国电影博物馆建筑设计解读

    Point · Symbol · Montage Reading China National Film Museum

  22. 新时期中国电影叙事时间研究

    Research of the Narration Time for Chinese Films of the New Times

  23. 中国电影业是什么时候发展起来的?

    When did the film industry begin to do well in China ?

  24. 中国电影第六代导演的成长道路、审美特点及其他

    The Sixth Generation Directors ' Growth Roads , Aesthetic Features and Others

  25. 韩国的电影市场:中国电影票房的艰难挺进

    The Box Office of the Chinese Films in Korean Market

  26. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越&对中国电影产业化发展的思考

    A Reflection on the Industrialization of the China 's Film

  27. 中国电影创作生产现状分析及思考

    The Current Situation of the Production of Films in Today 's China

  28. 中国电影商业模式分析及实证研究

    Analysis and Demonstration Research on the Business Model of Movies in China

  29. 历史的另一种面貌&从《申报》广告看20世纪40年代中国电影的商业类型建设

    The Commercial Genre Construction of the Chinese Films in 1940s

  30. 卡尔:我刚刚看了最新放映的那部中国电影。

    Carl : I 've just seen the latest movie from China .