
  • 网络Tanya Chua
  1. 对于国语流行歌坛来说,之前比较成功的新加坡歌手有陈洁仪、蔡健雅。

    For Mandopop , there were [ previous Singaporean successes like ] Kit Chan and Tanya Chua .

  2. 此前,新加坡歌手蔡健雅不温不火,直到2003年签约台湾华纳唱片。

    Singaporean singer Tanya Chua did not rise to prominence until she signed with Warner Music Taiwan in 2003 .

  3. 唱片行的店员应该要知道蔡健雅,应该要知道周杰伦,应该要多放些中文CD。

    The clerks in the record store should know Tanya Tzi , they should know Jay Chow , and they should play more Chinese CDs .

  4. 蔡健雅三度封后

    Third time is a charm

  5. 但我们不会,事实上,歌手蔡健雅也只是带着一丁点忌妒向我们抱怨了几句。

    But we don 't , in fact , as fellowsinger and bud Tanya Chua has told us a tad enviously .

  6. 蔡健雅也因其创作才能闻名,她曾为著名歌手梁咏琪、王菲和孙燕姿写过许多歌。

    Chua has also made a name for herself in production , as she has written a number of hit songs for Gigi Leung , Faye Wong and Stefanie Sun .

  7. 在我们看来:与最佳男歌手奖相比,此奖项算是意料之中,甚至毫无新鲜可言,因为蔡健雅已前后七次获得最佳女歌手的提名。

    Our thoughts : Compared with the male category , this award came with no surprise at all-even a little clich é d-because Chua has been nominated seven times for best female singer .

  8. 在我们看来:与最佳男歌手奖相比,此奖项算是意料之中,甚至毫无新鲜可言,因为蔡健雅已先后七次获得最佳女歌手的提名。

    Our thoughts : Compared with the male category , this award came with no surprise at all – even a little clich é d – because Chua has been nominated seven times for best female singer .

  9. 蔡健雅本人表示,该奖项在一定程度上是对去年离世的父亲致敬,专辑《说到爱》正是为了纪念他而制作的。

    And this award , according to Chua herself , was partly a tribute to her father , who passed away last year , and to whom Chua 's album Sing It Out of Love is dedicated .

  10. 新加坡创作歌手蔡健雅将极具分量的最佳女歌手奖收入囊中,这是她六年中第三次获得该奖项,平了台湾歌手陈淑桦和张清芳三次封后的最高纪录。

    Singaporean singer-songwriter Tanya Chua bagged the prestigious best female singer award , her third win in this category in six years . Chua has equaled the record of accomplished Taiwanese singers Sarah Chen and Stella Chang , who each have three wins to their names .

  11. 蔡健雅三度封后新加坡创作歌手蔡健雅将极具分量的最佳女歌手奖收入囊中,这是她六年中第三次获得该奖项,平了台湾歌手陈淑桦和张清芳三次封后的最高纪录。

    Third time is a charm Singaporean singer-songwriter Tanya Chua bagged the prestigious best female singer award , her third win in this category in six years . Chua has equaled the record of accomplished Taiwanese singers Sarah Chen and Stella Chang , who each have three wins to their names .