
  • 网络SAMMI;Sammi Cheng
  1. 郑秀文就曾经大吃木瓜来减肥,她够瘦吧!

    Sammi Cheng has been gorging on papaya to lose weight , she lost it enough !

  2. 香港导演杜琪峰携手两位巨星刘德华和郑秀文共同缔造了这部惊悚片。

    Johnnie To unites the star power of Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng in this thriller about a gifted

  3. 郑秀文曾出演过许多讲述他人爱情故事的脍炙人口的浪漫爱情电影。

    Cheng has played in many romantic films , which tell the love stories of others .

  4. 欢迎任何歌迷交换或传送最近关于郑秀文的消息或照片给我。

    Any Sammi Fans want to sent or exchange Sammi 's information or photo with me are welcome .

  5. 很多女生模仿歌星阵慧琳和郑秀文,晒黑皮肤,把头发梳成辫子。

    Many are following the style of pop stars Kelly Chen Wai-lam and Sammi Cheng Sau-man by getting a suntan and a braid .

  6. 据报道,老歌手兼男演员刘德华计划5月28日前往四川,同行的还有其他几个明星,包括容祖儿和郑秀文。

    Veteran singer and actor Andy Lau is reported to plan to go to Sichuan on May28 , together with several other stars including Joey Yung and Sammi Cheung .