
  • 网络Cai Yuanpei;tsai yuan-pei;Ts'ai Yuan-p'ei
  1. 查里斯·W·艾略特和蔡元培教育思想之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Educational Thoughts of Charles · W · Eliot and Cai Yuanpei

  2. 蔡元培北大改革的心理史学研究

    A Psycho-history Study of Cai Yuan-pei 's Reform on Peking University

  3. 图形发生器图形生成程序蔡元培先生图书馆建设思想研究刍议

    Graphics generator Discussion on Cai Yuanpei 's Thoughts of Library Development

  4. 蔡元培健全人格教育思想浅析

    An analysis of Cai Yuanpei 's educational theory of perfect personality

  5. 蔡元培健康教育思想初探

    Study on Cai Yuan - pei 's educational ideology about heath

  6. 蔡元培艺术教育思想探究

    A Study on Cai Yuanpei ′ s Thoughts on Art Education

  7. 论蔡元培的女性教育思想与成就

    On CAI Yuan-pei 's thinking on women education and his achievements

  8. 蔡元培先生音乐美育思想初探

    Studies in the Ideology of Cai Yuanpei 's Musical Aesthetic Education

  9. 蔡元培是我国著名的教育家和思想家。

    Cai Yuanpei is our country famous educator and thinker .

  10. 蔡元培与威廉·洪堡教育思想之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Cai Yuanpei and Humboldt Educational Thoughts

  11. 蔡元培是我国伟大的教育家。

    Cai Yuanpei is a great educationalist in our country .

  12. 蔡元培现代学生观探析

    The Analysis On Cai Yuanpei 's Perspective of Modern Student

  13. 略论蔡元培先生民族学思想的来源及其形成

    On Origin and formation of Mr. Cai Yuanpei 's Ideas about Ethnology

  14. 蔡元培辞职动因新探

    New Probe into the Cause of Cai Yuanpei 's Resign

  15. 蔡元培心理健康教育思想研析

    Research on CAI Yuanpei 's Thought of Mental Health Education

  16. 以蔡元培美育代宗教为代表的资本主义美育思想。

    Cai Yuanpei 's idea of aesthetic education used as opposing religion ;

  17. 蔡元培女子教育事迹考略

    Textual Research on Cai Yuan-pei 's Achievements on Female Education

  18. 1912年&蔡元培的新教育精神

    Cai Yuanpei 's new education spirit in 1912 Move towards New Education

  19. 蔡元培与民国初年的教育改革

    Cai Yuanpei and the Educational Reform in the Early Republic of China

  20. 蔡元培中学教育思想述论

    An Essay on Cai Yuanpei 's Middle School Educational Theory

  21. 蔡元培对中国教育近代化的思考与探索

    Cai Yuanpei 's Thinking and Researching on the Educational Modernization of China

  22. 蔡元培与洪堡的教育目的观之比较研究

    A comparative study of Cai Yuanpei and Alexander von Humboldt on educational objectives

  23. 蔡元培北大改革成功原因剖析

    The Reasons for CAI Yuanpei'Successful Reform in Peking University

  24. 蔡元培的美育思想及其启示

    Aesthetic Educational Thought Of Cai Yuan-pei and Its Implication

  25. 蔡元培美学思想的价值论取向

    The Value Orientation of Cai Yuan-pei 's Aesthetics Ideology

  26. 蔡元培主体性德育思想及对高校德育的启示

    CAI Yuan-pei 's Thoughts of Subjectivity Moral Education and the Enlightenments to Colleges

  27. 大学教授的学术生活空间&以蔡元培、胡适与顾颉刚为例

    Academic Life Space of University Professors In Republican China

  28. 蔡元培大学理念的现代性分析

    The Modernity Analysis of Cai Yuanpei 's College Concept

  29. 蔡元培是中国近代一个重要的历史人物,90年代以来对他的研究形成一股热潮。

    Cai Yuanpei is one of the important figures in Chinese modern history .

  30. 时人记忆中的蔡元培,也止是在此过程中悄然发生着变化。

    People 's memory of Cai has been changing quietly in this process .