
yánɡ wù yùn dònɡ
  • Westernization Movement
  1. 中国近代化的起点&洋务运动

    Starting point of China 's modernization & " Westernization " movement

  2. 洋务运动在巩固中国近代西北边防中的作用

    On the Westernization Movement and Modern China 's Northwestern Frontier Defense

  3. 如何从近代化角度评价洋务运动

    How to Evaluate the Westernization Movement from the Perspective of Modernization

  4. 洋务运动是中国近现代化历程的起点;

    Learning Westerners Movement was the beginning of modernization in China .

  5. 论洋务运动时期的职业技术教育

    The Discussion of the Vocational and Technical Education During the Westernization Movement

  6. 洋务运动与近代留学教育

    Westernization Movement and Studying Abroad Education in Chinese Modern History

  7. 洋务运动时期的来华科技人员与中国文化

    Foreign Scientists and Technicians during Westernization Movement and Chinese Culture

  8. 浅析洋务运动时期的新式学堂

    New Style Schools in the Period of Westernization Movement

  9. 洋务运动与明治维新教育改革中的功利主义

    Utilitarianism in the Education Reform of the Westernization Movement and the Meiji Reform

  10. 湖南洋务运动失败原因探析

    Analyzing the Failure of the Westernization Movement in Hunan

  11. 第二次鸦片战争后,洋务运动兴起。

    After " The Second Opium War ", the Westernization movement has developed .

  12. 洋务运动与明治维新之比较

    A Comparison between Westernization Movement and Mingzhi Reform

  13. 洋务运动期间的对内融资思想

    The Thought of inner financing Westernization Movement period

  14. 中国近代的职业教育产生于洋务运动时期。

    The vocational education of modern China emerged in the Movement of Foreign Affairs .

  15. 近代以来,教师的称谓随着时代变革发生了巨大的变化,从洋务运动兴办新式学堂中教习到清末的《奏定学堂章程》中教员;

    Tremendous changes in teachers ' title took place in modern times in China .

  16. 洋务运动时期的电报技术

    Telegram Technology in the Period of Westernization Movement

  17. 试论洋务运动时期对新型人才的培养

    Discussing on the New Type of Talents ' Training during the Period of Westernization Movement

  18. 浅析洋务运动的积极作用

    Illuminating the Active Role of Westernization Movement

  19. 洋务运动与近代纺织工业

    Westernization Movement and modern textile industry

  20. 洋务运动与江南制造局

    Westernization Movement and Jiangnan Manufacture Bureau

  21. 从科学观的角度看洋务运动

    On Westernization Movement in Science View

  22. 洋务运动开创了中国军事近代化的先河。

    In a word , the Westernization Movement paved the way for China 's military modernization .

  23. 试图将西方的科技嫁接到中国的制度上的尝试开始自“洋务运动”。

    The effort to graft Western technology onto Chinese institutions became known as the Self-Strengthening Movement .

  24. 洋务运动时期的科学教育及其主要特征

    The Science Education and Its Main Features in the Westernization Movement of the Late Qing Dynasty

  25. 试论洋务运动时期新式学堂中的科学教育

    A Discussion on the Science Education in the New Schools in the period of Westernization Movement

  26. 一败一成:中国洋务运动与日本明治维新的比较。

    Failure vs success : a comparison of china 's self-strengthening movement with japan 's Meiji restoration .

  27. 中国与日本的现代化之路&以洋务运动和明治维新为中心

    The Way to Modernization of China and Japan & The Centre on Westernization Movement and Meiji Restoration

  28. 中国现代化起始的哲学思考&对洋务运动的哲学审视

    On Consideration of the Beginning of Chinese Modernization & From the View of Philosophy on Westernization Movement

  29. 太平天国运动加速了中国近代历史的进程,推动了洋务运动的勃兴。

    The Taiping movement accelerated the progress of China 's modern history and promoted the Westernization Movement .

  30. 洋务运动时期,清政府从海外采购过大批的军备。这种海外军备的采购活动构成了近代中外经济史和中外关系史的重要内容。

    The purchase abroad of Qing Government of westernization movement period has occupied main status to modern times .