
yánɡ jiǔ
  • imported wine;liquor imported from the West
  1. 宾客在大厅、贵宾厅吧台,独赏百度鸡尾酒之余,还可体味DS秀吧顶级美女的热舞及高品质洋酒的溢香。

    Guests can also savour the DS show top fanatic dance and the fragrance of high quality foreign wine while degusting alone Baidu 's cocktail in hall and function room bar counter .

  2. 但是,国际艺术品、洋酒以及珠宝将会进入拍卖名录,佳士得亚洲区总裁高逸龙(Fran&231;oisCuriel)说:我们也有能力举办私人拍卖会

    However , international works of art , wine and jewellery will be offered and , says Asian president Fran & # 231 ; ois Curiel , We will also be able to make private sales

  3. 噢,我还有一位朋友,在上海销售洋酒。

    Oh , I also have a friend in Shanghai selling foreign wine .

  4. 相比之下,洋酒在中国的销量仅为8000万公升。

    International spirits , by comparison , sold a meagre 80m litres in China .

  5. 夜色下也可以边喝洋酒边看老上海的回忆。

    You can taste the wine and cherish the memory of Shanghai at night .

  6. 说老实话,这是我第一次喝洋酒。

    To tell you the truth , this is first time for me to drink wine .

  7. 在中国市场上,洋酒展开了激烈的攻势,销售额逐年上升。

    In the Chinese market , wine engaged in a fierce offensive , with sales rising year on year .

  8. 近几年,洋酒在中国市场发展迅速,数额达十几亿美元。

    In recent years , imported wine developed rapidly in China , amounting to more than one billion dollars .

  9. 根据中国有关的并购规定,帝亚吉欧洋酒集团需要履行全面要约收购义务。

    Under Chinese laws , Diageo will need to launch a mandatory tender offer for outstanding shares of Shuijingfang .

  10. 洋酒种类很多,可供选择的啤酒和鸡尾酒也是一箩筐,不过食物就差了点。

    It had a great wine list , beer selection and cocktail menu , but the food wasn 't the best .

  11. 我可以去圆一个朋友家一有一个与他们洋酒及我可以吃真正的食物!

    I can go round to a friends house a have a bottle of wine with them AND I can eat real food !

  12. 长期遭禁的广告牌在广州各个重要地段如雨后春笋般地大量涌现,这些广告最早宣传的是外国银行、洋酒和化妆品。

    Advertising billboards , long taboo , had sprung up at various strategic locations around Guangzhou , initially promoting foreign banks , booze , and cosmetics .

  13. 中国洋酒供应已经非常巨大,进口葡萄酒的泛滥导致了这个尙不成熟的市场更加混乱。

    The supply of foreign wines in China is already huge and the profusion of imported wine has led to the confusion of this immature market .

  14. 百加得希望凭借这款绿茶洋酒,在中国这个全球最大的酒精饮料市场中夺取一块份额。多年来,国外企业始终难以攻克这个市场。

    Bacardi 's tea spirit is angling for a slice of the world 's largest alcoholic-beverage market , which has been tough for foreign companies to crack .

  15. 尽管洋酒仅占中国酒水销售额的1%至2%,但不菲的价格和迅速的增长意味着它们对生产商的利润具有超高的贡献。

    While international spirits account for only 1-2 per cent of China sales , the high price tags and galloping growth mean they contribute disproportionately to manufacturers ' profits .

  16. 公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。

    The main products imported Ren Touma wine , wine Hennessy , Martell wine Napoleon wine , wine Camus , the French original imported wines , domestic famous wine trade .

  17. 各参展商纷纷亮出自己的特色招牌,国酒、洋酒琳琅满目,我们的产品也是相当出色,整个会场独一家,想必现在在国内也是唯一的。

    The exhibitors are produced their own characteristics , wine , wine , our product also is quite good , the venue , most propbably is now in a unicorn domestic and only .

  18. 十几年来,中国长城葡萄酒有限公司依靠名牌战略,依靠科技、质量、原料,更依靠其独特的营销方式,才得以在国内众多品牌与洋酒混战的葡萄酒市场上,稳步发展,不断壮大。

    For many years China Great Wall Wine Company Limited has been developing very quickly depending on the famous brand strategies and new technology , high quality , good raw materials and especially its unique selling methods .

  19. 在回来的小车上,大款乙教训大款甲说:“你真一点都不懂,莎士比亚是饮料,你怎么把它当洋酒了!”

    On their way home in the car , Tycoon B lectured Tycoon A : " How could you be that ignorant ! Shakespeare is a beverage , and you are foolish enough to take that as an imported spirit !"

  20. 比方说,有一家高端餐厅想打广告招徕新顾客,他们可能更想招揽的是那些坐着头等舱来本市出差的商务人士,这些人更有可能在就餐时点上一瓶高档的洋酒。

    For example , the high-end restaurant considering offering a " deal " to entice new customers might prefer to target the business traveller who has just flown into town first class and is more likely to buy an expensive bottle of wine during her meal .