
yánɡ jǐ
  • oceanic ridge
  1. 两类辉长岩的地质地球化学特征表明它们可能形成于慢速扩张的洋脊环境。

    Geochemical characteristics of two types of gabbro suggest that their formation environment is an oceanic ridge of low spreading rate .

  2. 中、上奥陶统下部与玄武岩共生的硅质岩显示热液成因,沉积于洋脊环境;

    The siliceous rocks intercalated with basalts in the lower part of Middle-Upper Ordovician suggest a hydrothermal origin , and were deposited in an oceanic ridge setting ;

  3. 角砾状黑云母片岩的REE具有洋脊拉斑玄武岩特征;

    The REE of breccia biotite schist represents feature of oceanic tholeiite .

  4. 甘孜&理塘蛇绿混杂岩带历经30余年的研究与争论,无论持何种观点者,均未能在带中找到N型洋脊玄武岩。

    N-type Oceanic Ridge Basalt had been not found in the Garg ê - Litang Ophiolite M é lange Zone in the past 30 years .

  5. 最富化的玄武岩产在西部洋脊与转换断层交叉部位,其MgO含量较低,成分变化大。

    The most evolved samples with lower MgO content were collected from the western ridge-transform intersection .

  6. 选择胡安.德富卡(JuandeFuca)洋脊热液喷口对巨羽流的形成进行了模拟,其结果与Baker根据实测数据估算的近似值吻合很好。

    As an instance , the hydrothermal venting plume on the Juan de Fuca Ridge has been simulated and the simulated results are fairly consistent with Baker 's imputed data on surveying .

  7. 本区洋脊拉斑玄武岩为蛇绿岩的组成部分,指示一套MORB型蛇绿岩组合以及秦岭与杨子板块之间古生代中期&早中生代期间存在的一个古洋盆。

    It implys a MORB type ophiolite association and an ancient ocean basin between Qinling and Yangtze plates during middle Palaeozoic early Mesozoic era .

  8. 昌宁&孟连带洋脊、洋岛型火山岩研究

    Study on ocean ridge , ocean island volcanic rocks of Changning-Menglian belt

  9. 洋底动力学&从洋脊增生系统到俯冲消减系统

    Marine geodynamics : from mid-oceanic ridge system to subduction factory

  10. 洋脊三联点研究进展

    Research Progress on the triple junction of ocean ridges

  11. 蛇绿岩岩石组合及洋脊下岩浆作用

    Rock Assemblages of Ophiolites and Magmatism beneath Oceanic Ridges

  12. 大西洋洋脊的转弯处发生强烈地震。

    A strong earthquake occurred in the turn of the Atlantic Ocean Ridge .

  13. 现今全球洋脊系统的定向性与等距性及其形成的动力学机制

    Directional and equidistant distribution of mid-oceanic ridges and the mechanism of their formation

  14. 北祁连奥陶纪洋脊扩张速率及古洋盆规模的岩石学约束

    Petrologic restrictions on the Ordovician ocean basin scale and spreading rate in Qilian area

  15. 北祁连山早古生代洋脊-洋岛和弧后盆地火山作用

    Post-ALL Early Palaeozoic Mid-Ocean Ridge-Ocean Island and Back-Arc Basin Volcanism in the North Qilian Mountains

  16. 洋脊地质学和成矿学

    The Geology and Metallogeny of Oceanic Ridges

  17. 洋脊热液金属矿床

    Hydrothermal metal ore deposit on oceanic ridge

  18. 洋脊中轴裂谷地形的动力学描述

    Dynamical description of the topography of Rift Valley over axial part of the oceanic ridge

  19. 这些特征均表明,乌依塔克花岗岩体属大洋斜长花岗岩,是乌依塔克蛇绿岩套的一部分。形成环境与塞浦路斯的特罗多斯相似,为俯冲带上洋脊环境。

    The tectonic environment is similar to that of Troodos massif which generated in supra-subduction zone ridge .

  20. 4东南太平洋洋脊西侧太平洋板块总体向北西西方向运动;

    The Pacific Plate to the west of the southeastern Pacific Rise broadly moves to the WNW ;

  21. 对海洋板块而言,软流层静压推力在物理意义上与传统的分布力型洋脊推力没有差别。

    For a oceanic plate , there is no difference of ASP and the traditional ridge push force .

  22. 热液活动区数目和洋脊扩张速率的关系及其在冲绳海槽的应用

    Relationship between the number of hydrothermal activity fields and spreading rate and its application in the Okinawa Trough

  23. 所谓被动型的大陆边缘与洋脊任何变动事件有很大关系。

    Continental margins of so-called " passive " types are strongly coupled to any events at ridge crests .

  24. 前期的一些调查研究显示该隆起的形成与洋脊或幔柱头存在某种联系。

    The Previous research suggests that the formation of the rise may have some relationship with ridge or plume .

  25. 太平洋:科玛狄克群岛,菲律宾,在中太平洋,塔斯曼海,纳兹卡洋脊的达尔文海洋山脊。

    Pacific Ocean : Kermadec Islands , Philippines , Darwin Seamount in central Pacific , Tasman Sea , Nazca Ridge .

  26. 此假说只是观察到岩石和大洋洋脊的感应剩磁场来回反向而提出来的。

    This hypothesis is only observed oceanic ridges of rock and the residual magnetic field sensors made to return the reverse .

  27. 4南极洲相对环南极洋脊的偏极分流运动还有待进一步研究。

    Further study on the movement away from the pole of the Antarctic Plate related to the Peri-Antarctic oceanic ridge is needed .

  28. 板片窗形态依赖于3个主要因素:板块的相对运动、俯冲前的洋脊&转换断层组合样式、俯冲角度。

    The shape and size of a slab window are mainly controlled by the re-subduction ridge-transform-trench configuration , slab dip angles and vectors of plate convergence .

  29. 层状辉长岩(或堆晶层状辉长岩)通常起源于洋脊下的岩浆房,因而它的形成年龄代表洋壳形成的时代。

    Layered gabbro ( layered cumulate gabbro ) was derived from magma chamber under ridge , thus its formation age records the generation of oceanic crust .

  30. 文中系统分析了海沟、洋脊以及转换断层的16种组合的几何学和相关三节点的稳定性。

    This paper also describes 16 kinds of possible geometric patterns between trenches , transform faults and mid-oceanic ridges , and stability of their related triple junctions .