
yánɡ pén
  • ocean basin
  1. 研究表明盆地区域主压应力场方向在加里东期呈NNE-SSW向和近SN向,主要是晚奥陶世以来秦岭洋盆向北俯冲并与华北板块碰撞的结果;

    The directions of the major tectonic stress fields for the basin are NNE-SSW and SN respectively during the Caledonian movement , and this was resulted from the northward subduction of the Qinling ocean basin and its collision with the North China plate since late Ordovician .

  2. 锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年结果给出2个铜矿床含矿斑岩的时代分别为127.8Ma±2.6Ma和112.0Ma±2.3Ma,处于造山带演化的碰撞后阶段(班公湖-怒江洋盆的闭合时间为145Ma)。

    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating yielded ages of 127.8 ± 2.6 and 112.0 ± 2.3 Ma for the two deposits respectively and indicates that the two deposits formed in a post-collisional stage of the orogen evolution ( the Bangong Co-Nujiang ocean basin closed at 145 Ma ) .

  3. 雅鲁藏布江主洋盆演化可分为4个阶段:(1)裂谷起始阶段(P2);

    The evolution of Yarlung-Zangbo main Ocean can be divided into four stages : ( 1 ) Rifting stage ( P2 ) .

  4. 此外,变质作用PTt轨迹还反映勉略小洋盆洋壳厚度与标准大洋型洋壳厚度差异较大。

    In addition , the metamorphic PTt path reflects that the thickness of oceanic crust of the Mian Lue small ocean is thinner than that of the standard oceanic crust .

  5. 基性辉长岩中锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年代学的研究表明425±8Ma古亚洲洋南缘南天山一带存在一小洋盆。

    The zircons from basic gabbro have obtained an age of 425 ± 8Ma by SHRIMP U-Pb method , indicating that a small oceanic basin may exist in the southern Tianshan along the southern margin of the Paleo-Asia ocean .

  6. 大量来自俯冲板片的水和大离子亲石元素进入亏损地幔楔,使之发生部分熔融,生成的岩浆沿着扩张脊在海底喷发,形成了新的SSZ型洋壳和洋盆,时代为175Ma左右。

    Plenty of H2O and LILE entered the depleted mantle wedge , led to the partial melting . Along the spreading ridges , the magma extruded on the sea floor and formed the new SSZ-type oceanic crust and basin ( 175Ma ) .

  7. 残余洋盆的大地构造演化及其油气意义

    Tectonic evolution of remnant oceanic basin and its implication for hydrocarbon

  8. 早古生代北祁连是一个陆间微洋盆。

    North Qilian range was a intercontinental micro-oceanic basin of Early Paleozoic .

  9. 新疆北天山晚古生代洋盆演化与推覆构造

    Evolution of the oceanic basin of Late Paleozoic and nappe structure of North Tianshan , Xinjiang

  10. 俯冲阶段(O3&S),南天山残留洋盆、塔里木板块克拉通坳陷盆地。

    Subduction stage ( O3-S ), the southern Tianshan relict oceanic basin , Tarim cratonic depression ;

  11. 与其相邻的羌塘盆地是中生代特提斯洋盆形成与演化的忠实记录者,它是研究特提斯洋陆转换、盆山藕合的理想地区之一。

    It is one of the ideal areas to study the ocean-land conversion and basin-range coupling .

  12. 弧后盆地扩张到达小洋盆,出现蛇绿混杂岩。

    The small ocean basin is formed and the ophiolite appear when back arc basin expands .

  13. 其构造环境可能为小洋盆初始扩张时的扩张脊。

    Its tectonic environment may be the spreading ridge of a small oceanic basin at the start .

  14. 晚古生代早期的洋盆较狭窄,生存时间为数千万年。

    The ocean basin became more narrow in early Late Paleozoic , which last several millions years .

  15. 洋盆包容了大约2.85亿立方英里的庞大水体。

    The ocean basins hold at vast quantity of water , over 285 million cubic miles of water .

  16. 硅质岩的形成环境反映了该陆缘小洋盆在晚侏罗世所处的构造背景。

    The sedimentary environment of the chert reflects the tectonic setting of the small oceanic basin in Late Jurassic .

  17. 连续而持久的远洋沉积记录是判别古代洋盆规模的最有效的依据之一。

    The continuous and lasting pelagic record is one of the most effective evidences to size up the ancient ocean basin .

  18. 基性火山岩具大洋拉斑玄武岩特征,常量元素和稀土元素显示陆间洋盆性质。

    Geochemistry of major and rare-earth elements of the basic volcanic rocks indicates the features of an ocean basin between continents .

  19. 因此,雅鲁藏布江结合带是弧后扩张洋盆闭合造山及其遗迹,为次级结合带,非新特提斯大洋壳残片。

    Therefore , BSZ is a relic of arc-back extensive ocean-basin , a sub-suture-zone , but not a relic of new Tethys ocean crust .

  20. 总体反映了古特提斯晚二叠世&中三叠世的残留洋盆性质和主洋域之所在。

    All these features suggest the nature of a Late Permian-Middle Triassic remnant basin for the Paleo-Tethys and the position of the main ocean domain .

  21. 北天山古洋盆于晚石炭世的闭合导致了南天山碰撞造山作用。

    The collision orogeny in southern Tianshan occurred as the result of the closure of the northern Tianshan paleo ocean basin in the late Carboniferous .

  22. 滇西北拖顶地区斜向走滑构造是金沙江再生小洋盆关闭、陆-陆斜向碰撞构造转化的结果。

    The oblique strike slip structure is resulted from the closing of little Jingshajiang regeneration ocean basin and the oblique intercontinental collision in late Triassic .

  23. 侏罗-白垩纪为洋盆洋壳演化期,处于类似洋中脊的构造环境。

    Jurassic and Cretaceous , the marginal ocean basin was in the stage of ocean crust evolution and had a setting similar to mid-ocean ridge .

  24. 烃源岩沉积于比较安静、还原性强的欠补偿的环境,如半深湖&深湖相、泻湖、沼泽相、浅海大陆架、堰塞小洋盆和毗邻大陆架的深海盆地等。

    Hydrocarbon source rock formed in the calm and strong reductive environment , for example half-deep lake-deep facies , estuarine facies , shallow-sea fades and paludal facies etc.

  25. 志留纪俯冲作用停止,洋盆消失而转为岛链带及浊流海槽并存的构造格局;

    In Silurian , with subduction ended and the oceanic basin disappearing , a tectonic framework with the coexistence of island chains and turbidity trough was formed .

  26. 南秦岭洋盆的闭合是秦岭微板块和扬子板块的斜向碰撞形成的,具闭合不碰撞和碰撞不造山的特征,闭合和碰撞由东向西。

    The closing of South Qinling Ocean and collision between the Middle Qinling microplate and South China plate are also oblique , and migrated from east to west .

  27. 中志留世末洋盆扩张阶段,形成葡萄石、绿纤石相→低绿片岩相→角闪岩相的递增变质特征;

    In the ocean basin spreading stage of Middle Silurian , it formed a increase metamorphic charateristics with lotrite facies → low green schist facies → hornblende facies .

  28. 复理石沉积中夹较多的玄武岩,这与现代洋底不同,而与岛弧蛇绿岩层序有相似之处,代表早期初始洋盆型洋壳的残块;

    The flysch , with some basalts , is difference from modern ocean , but similar to arc-ophiolite sequence , represents relics of ocean crust in early ocean basin .

  29. 北秦岭-南祁连早古生代裂谷造山带火山岩与小洋盆蛇绿岩套特征及纬向对比

    Characteristics and latitudinal comparative research on the early Palaeozoic volcanic rocks of rifted orogenic belt and small ocean basin ophiolite suit from northern Qinling Mountains and southern Qilian Mountains

  30. 中央造山带原型是由一列微板块加上分别位于其北面和南面的两列不同时期的小洋盆组成。

    The Central Orogenic Belt originally consisted of a series of microplates plus two rows of micro_oceans of different stages located respectively to the south and north of the microplates .