
  • 网络Undersea mountain range;seamount range;Oceanic range
  1. 当前一轮如火如荼的争论与罗蒙诺索夫海岭(lomonosovridge)相关,它是一座蛇形的海底山脉,呈弧形环绕在地球的顶端,一头指向俄罗斯,另一头指向加拿大以及丹麦的格陵兰岛自治区。

    One high-profile existing dispute relates to the rights to the Lomonosov ridge , a snaking undersea mountain chain that arcs over the top of the world , pointing towards Russia at one end and Canada and the Danish autonomous territory of Greenland at the other .

  2. 此外,新研究也有助于解释太平洋其它海底山脉是怎样形成的。

    It may also help explain how other Pacific seamounts came to be , he added .

  3. 巴西大西洋群岛指的是南大西洋费尔南多迪诺罗尼亚群岛露出海面的海底山脉和巴西沿海的罗卡环形礁。

    Peaks of the Southern Atlantic submarine ridge form the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and Rocas Atoll off the coast of Brazil .

  4. 火山口区域沿中大西洋海岭铺开,这是一个纵向伸展于由板块的缓慢分离而形成的大西洋海底山脉。

    The vent field lies along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , an undersea mountain range extending the length of the Atlantic that 's created by the slow separation of tectonic plates .

  5. 这三个新的海洋保护区的总面积大致相当于西班牙。这3个地区有岛屿、暗礁、珊瑚礁和海底山脉。在那里生活着无数的物种。

    The three new marine monuments together equal an area roughly the size of Spain and are made up islands , reefs , atolls and underwater mountain ranges that are home to countless species .

  6. 应当说,绝大多数的生物科技和制药公司尚未急于动手勘探深海热泉、海底山脉和其他独特的海底生物居住地,抢夺那里的微生物并研究确定其是否有用。

    Admittedly , most biotech and pharmaceutical companies are not yet rushing to hydrothermal vents , sea mounts , and other unique habitats to scoop up organisms and figure out if they can be useful .