
  • 网络seawater mixing
  1. 城市污水与海水混合过程中有机污染物的转移

    Transfer of organic pollutants during sewage and seawater mixing

  2. 热水流体的传导冷凝过程导致硫化物沉积,热水流体与冷海水的简单混合导致硅质岩或/和重晶石淀积,传导冷凝与海水混合的联合作用导致含硫化物重晶石、硅质岩和红碧玉形成。

    Meanwhile simple mixing of hydrothermal fluid and cool seawater resulted in formation of silicate and barite rocks . The combined action of conduction cooling and seawater mixing would cause deposition of sulfide-bearing barite , silicate and jasper rocks .

  3. 污水-海水混合体系中磷和有机物的吸附过程

    The Adsorption of Phosphorous and Organic Matters in Sewage-Seawater Blending System

  4. 污水与海水混合后海水颗粒物对磷的吸附-释放实验

    Adsorption-release experiment of phosphorus on particles in seawater-effluents mixture

  5. 海水混合和层化对叶绿素a垂直分布的影响

    Impacts of sea water mixing and stratification on the vertical profile of chlorophyll a

  6. 连续的事情你将不得不是一个海水混合和盐水比重。

    Consecutive thing you will have to get is a saltwater mix and a saltwater hydrometer .

  7. 通常情况下,河流流入海洋,淡水与咸海水混合。

    Normally , as rivers empty into an ocean , fresh water mixes with the salty ocean water .

  8. 选择北海半岛南流江河口、半岛近岸海域及涠洲岛附近海域为对象,研究河海水混合过程中稀土元素的某些地球化学特征。

    The geochemical features of REEs in Nanliu River mouth and the coastal water along Beihai peninsula and Weizhou island in Guangxi were studied .

  9. 这个模拟器证明当淡水和海水混合时,浓度会一直扩散,直到在液体中盐分完全均等。如果在淡水和海水中放置一张选择膜,就可以控制扩散程度、获得潜在能量。

    The simulator proves that when sweet and salt water join , the concentration will diffuse until the salinity is equal in the total fluid .

  10. 研究了受重金属严重污染的锦州湾内表层沉积物中铅、锌、镉在各地球化学相间的含量,及其在湾内河水-海水混合界面附近各相间的迁移转化特征。

    The fractionation f lead , zinc and cadmium in sediments from Jinzhou Bay and the translocation of the metals among different fractions in the polluted surface water and sea water mixing area were investigated .

  11. 混合水δ11B值的这种变化是长江淡水与海水简单混合的结果。

    The change of δ ~ ( 11 ) B values for mixed water indicates a simple mixing procedure of freshwater and seawater .

  12. 海水池塘混合施肥养殖台湾红罗非鱼的鱼产力和负荷力

    Fish productivity and carrying capacity of fertilized seawater ponds for tilapia culture

  13. 海水强烈混合发生在吕宋海峡附近;

    The intense mixing of the sea water occurred near the Luzon Strait .

  14. 白云岩成因的研究目前还处于假说阶段,主要包括蒸发、渗透回流、海水、混合水以及埋藏白云岩化作用五种模式。

    The research on dolomite genesis is in postulation stage at present , which includes five models of vaporization , infiltration and circumfluence , sea water , mixing water and buried dolomitization .

  15. 在河口控制营养盐含量的主要因素是河水和海水的混合过程。

    The linear correlation between the nutrient and the salinity also shows that the main controlling factor of nutrient at the estuary is the mixing processes of fresh water with high nutrient and sea water with low nutrient .

  16. 同时,结合历史资料分析认为,海水的混合、温度和盐度的层化将影响营养盐的浓度和分布,从而影响海水中叶绿素a的垂直分布。

    At the same time , integrated with historical data , suggest the mixing of sea water , stratification of temperature and salinity would affect the concentration and distribution of nutrients , accordingly affect distribution of chlorophyll a in the vertical profile of sea water .

  17. 之后利用Mercer定理的核函数,做多维SVM回归训练,得到海冰、海水、冰水混合区域纹理特征后进行回归实验。

    Using nuclear function of Mercer theorem , do multi-dimensional SVM regression training to get the texture features of sea ice , sea water and ice water mixing zone , and then do regression experiments .

  18. 海水围塘混合养殖生态系统氮磷平衡的研究

    Material Balance of N and P of Mixed Culture Ecosystem in Seawater Pond

  19. 海水的咸味混合着热带腐朽的味道,还有空调、煎炸棕榈油的气味。

    There 's the salty smell of ocean mixed with tropical rot , air conditioning , and frying palm oil .

  20. 到冬季快要开始的时候,沿岸的海水已经彻底混合,表层和底层的水几乎没有什么温度差和盐度差了。

    By the time winter begins , coastal waters are thoroughly mixed , with virtually no temperature or salinity differences between surface and bottom waters .

  21. 过渡带地下水化学成分不是淡水和海水的简单混合,阳离子交换在其中起了重要作用。

    The chemical composition of groundwater in the transition zone is not a simple mixture of local fresh water and sea water , in which the canon-exchange played an important role .

  22. 本文研究不同类型石墨的灰口铸铁的铸态与离子渗氮试样,以不同冲击速度下在海水与砂粒混合的介质中的腐蚀磨损的表面特征。

    It has been studied that grey cast iron which is in as - cast condition or is treated in plasma nitriding , exhibits the surface feature of corrosion wear in sea - water mixed with fine sand at the different impact speed .

  23. Eu正异常和弱Ce负异常同时在矿石中发育,说明矿石沉淀时较高温度的热流体与少量的海水发生了对流混合。

    The coexistence of both apparent positive Eu anomalies and weak negative Ce anomalies in the ores indicate the convectively mixing of hydrothermal fluids with a small amount of seawater when the ores were precipitated on ancient seafloor .

  24. 该丘经历了早期海底、海水潜流带、混合水和大气淡水成岩环境。

    This sponge mound has experienced the early submarine , marine phreatic water , mixed water and meteoric freshwater environments .

  25. 海水盐度对完全混合活性污泥法氨氮去除率的影响研究

    Effects of varying salinity on the removal efficiency of NH_3 & N in the complete - mixing activated sludge process

  26. 通过不同比例的海水与淡水的混合作用及其混合水对碳酸盐岩的混合溶蚀作用的室内模拟实验,对滨海岩溶区海水入侵过程中的化学过程和水岩作用进行了研究。

    Through two simulation experiments , the mixture effects from seawater and freshwater in different proportions , the mixture corrosion effects of mixed solutions on carbonate rocks , the chemistry process , and the water-rock interaction in the process of seawater intrusion in littoral karst area are studied .

  27. 本文的工作主要集中在:(1)分析典型赤潮海水、泥沙浑浊海水、赤潮泥沙混合海水,以及清洁海水的MODIS影像光谱特征;

    This article mainly focused on the following aspects : ( 1 ) analyzed the MODIS spectral characteristics of four typical kinds of seawater : clear water , turbid water , red tide water and mixed water ;

  28. 在海水入侵过程中,海水与淡水的混合作用是以机械混合为基础的复杂化学过程;

    In the process of seawater intrusion , the mixture effects from seawater and freshwater are the complicated chemistry processes based on the mechanical mixture .

  29. 正位移式能量回收装置利用盐水直接增压进料海水实现反渗透淡化系统余压能回收利用的同时,不可避免会产生盐水和进料海水间的混合。

    Mixing of feed and concentrate inevitably happens when positive displacement energy recovery device for seawater reverse osmosis ( SWRO ) plant transfers hydraulic energy from the concentrate stream directly to the feed stream .

  30. 针对深圳西部电厂4号、5号机组海水烟气脱硫工程中曝气池的设计变化,进行了一些初步的流场研究,比较了深层、浅层曝气以及不同气流速度时海水、空气的混合情况。

    According to the design changes on the Seawater treatment plant of 4 , 5 and 6 units of Shenzhen West Power Plant , Two-phase flow of different aeration methods , including deep and shallow aeration , high and low air inlet velocity , were studied .