
shēnɡ wù huán jìnɡ
  • Biological environment;biotic environment
  1. 硒是生物环境中存在的一种重要的类金属元素。

    Selenium is one of the most important metalloid element existing in biotic environment .

  2. 海洋微生物以其生存于特殊的生物环境中而具有产生新型生物活性物质的巨大潜力。

    Marine microorganisms , which live in special biotic environment , have been proven to be potential in producing novel bioactive substances .

  3. 经计算以及对结果的分析表明,考虑溶剂效应的计算结果才能符合真实生物环境下ATP分子的物理化学性质。

    It is showed that , computation results considered the solvent effect are in according with physical chemistry characters of ATP in real biologic environment .

  4. 高浓度的PBDEs已经在不同的非生物环境包括水、沉积物、大气、室内空气及各种生物体中被检出。

    High concentrations of PBDEs have been found in various abiotic environmental sectors , including water , sediments , air , indoor dust , and in different organisms .

  5. 海水养殖环境污染及控制对策植物修复技术与农业生物环境工程

    ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND COUNTERMEASURES IN MARICULTURE Phytoremediation and Agrobiological Environmental Engineering

  6. 美国土地利用的生物环境保护工程措施&缓冲带

    Biological Environment Measures of United States Land Uses : Buffer Strips

  7. 合理套种牧草对山地果园生物环境和土壤肥力的影响

    Effects of pasturage intercropping on bio-environment and soil fertility in hilly orchards

  8. 农业部生态农业环境工程重点开放实验室浙江大学农业生物环境工程研究所杭州浙大博奥生物环境工程有限公司

    Key Laboratory of Eco-Agriculture Environmental Engineering , Ministry of Agriculture , China

  9. 生物环境因子对树干呼吸时空变异的影响

    Effect of Biophysical Factors on Spatio-temporal Variation in Stem Respiration

  10. 氟的生物环境地球化学与含氟水处理技术

    Fluorine Bio - environmental Geochemistry and Fluoric Water Treatment

  11. 枯枝落叶分解对相应土层的生物学活性产生刺激作用,可促进土壤生物环境的改善。

    The decomposition of litter had a promoted function on soil biological activities .

  12. 模拟生物环境下黄酮类化合物抑制铝离子含量的研究

    The Study of Flavonoids Decrease the Content of Aluminium in Simulate Biological Environment

  13. 草本泥炭形成的生物环境机制

    Bio-environmental mechanism of herbaceous feat form in g

  14. 不同水氮供应对日光温室番茄土壤酶活性及生物环境影响的研究

    Influences of different water and nitrogen supplies on soil biological environment in solar greenhouse

  15. 智能化,聚合物纳米粒子能对外界刺激作出响应,尤其是对生物环境中的条件变化作出应答;

    Polymer nanoparticles can be responsive to external stimuli , especially in the bioenvironments ;

  16. 中国南方公路生物环境工程实施的原则与实践

    Principal and Practice of Applying Bioengineering into Highway Infrastructure Development in the South of China

  17. 合理撒施有机肥还可以改善农业大气环境、水环境、生物环境。

    Broadcasting manure reasonably can improve agricultural atmosphere condiction , water condition and biology condition .

  18. 黄海北部中国对虾放流虾的生物环境

    Biological environment of releasing Chinese shrimp ( penaeus orientalis ) in the northern Yellow Sea

  19. 外来物种对本土生物环境的影响是环境发展中长期存在的一个问题。

    Influence of foreign species on local biological environment has long been a problem in environmental development .

  20. 本研究运用传热学和生物环境工程学的理论,建立了日光温室热环境的动态数学模型。

    A dynamic simulation of sun-light greenhouse thermal environment was made by using the heat transfer and bio-environmental engineering theory .

  21. 再运用模糊聚类分析方法和层次分析评价方法,对巢湖渔业水域生物环境和水质环境的实测数据进行分析和评判,并用模糊综合评价法对巢湖水质进行了评价;

    Analyzing and assessing the measured data of the organism and water quality of Chaohu Lake using fuzzy comprehensive assessment method ;

  22. 畜牧生态环境优化包括生物环境因素优化和非生物环境因素优化。但是,到目前为止,首先要求非生物因素优化。

    Optimization of biotic and abiotic environmental factors were involved , but that of the abiotic should have the first priority .

  23. 结果显示桑色素、芦丁在模拟生物环境中能够与铝相互结合,并能够拮抗铝离子与牛血清白蛋白的结合。

    It is found that morin and rutin can compete trivalent aluminium ion from the complex of trivalent aluminium ion and Bovine Serum Albumin .

  24. 然而,人参栽培高度耗损土壤肥力,对土壤侵蚀及土壤生物环境也产生一定的影响。

    However , the cultivation of ginseng consumes soil fertility badly , and it also affects the soil erosion and the environment of soil animals .

  25. 干旱、高盐和低温等非生物环境以及生物胁迫严重影响了植物的生长发育和限制作物的产量。

    Abiotic stresses such as drought , salinity or low temperature are major environmental factors that have adverse effects on plant growth and limit crop production .

  26. 在非生物环境胁迫因子中,盐胁迫是造成农作物减产的主要因素之一。

    Soil salinity , one of the major abiotic stresses that can be able to reduce agricultural productivity , affects large terrestrial areas of the world .

  27. 文章对我国环境保护系统研制出用于海洋和江河水域环境监测的牡蛎生物环境标准样品的一些情况做了详细介绍;

    This paper described in detail the oyster biology and environment reference material used in environment monitoring of ocean and rivers and prepared by environment protection system .

  28. 太湖湖鲚渔获量变化与生物环境间相互关系

    A Study on the Change of Lake Anchovy ( Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin ) Catches and Its Mutual Relationship to the Biological Environment in Lake Taihu

  29. 非生物环境因素优化包括小气候优化和充分运用现代科学技术成就,改进饲养管理条件,以提高畜禽生产性能。

    Optimization of abiotic environmental factors included the microclimate , full application of morden scientific and technological achievements and improvement of management to increase the productivity of animal-poultry .

  30. 根据大熊猫生境分布特点,将影响大熊猫生境质量的因素分为非生物环境因子、生物环境因子和干扰因子,探讨大熊猫生境评价的指标体系,为大熊猫栖息地评价提供参考。

    The key factors affecting the behaviors and reproduction of giant panda are divided into three categories : abiological environmental factors , biological environmental factors and impacts factors .