
  1. 死后,埃迪发现天堂里会有五个人为你阐明你生命的意义,这些人曾在很大程度上改变了你的人生道路。

    In the hereafter , he discovers that heaven is a place where your life is explained to you by five people — people who changed your life 's path in significant ways .

  2. 维克多•弗兰克尔(ViktorFrankl)的《活出生命的意义》(Man'sSearchforMeaning)。

    Man 's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl .

  3. 美国著名搜索引擎AskJeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括生命的意义是什么、有没有上帝等等。

    The world 's ten most unanswerable questions include " what is the meaning of life ", " does God exist ", showed a study made by Ask Jeeves , a popular search engine in US .

  4. 美国著名搜索引擎AskJeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括“生命的意义是什么”、“有没有上帝”等等。

    The world 's ten most unanswerable questions include " what is the meaning of life , " " does God exist , " showed a study made by Ask Jeeves , a popular search engine in US .

  5. 某些富有创造力的手机用户向Siri提问了各种五花八门的问题。他们和Siri聊生命的意义、宗教、爱情,甚至聊两性话题。令人惊讶的是,Siri的有些回答相当巧妙。

    Some creative iPhone owners have asked Siri questions about almost everything , from the meaning of life , to religion , love and even sex . To their surprise , Siri has given some quite smart answers .

  6. 有些人说,生命的意义在于获取知识。

    Some people say that life is all about acquiring knowledge .

  7. 我们用心灵这个读卡器读懂了生命的意义。

    We read the meaning of life by the spirial reader .

  8. 生命的意义在弹指一挥间。

    The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment .

  9. 它赋予了我们生命的意义。

    It 's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives .

  10. 仓里满:陶子,我对于生命的意义感到困惑。

    Tao Zi , I puzzle over the meaning of life .

  11. 他们担心他们找不到他们生命的意义。

    That they 'll never find what their life is about .

  12. 我认为他正在探索他生命的意义。

    I think he was seeking some meaning in his life .

  13. 什么是生命的意义,据布拉德深圳?

    What is the meaning of life according to Brad Feld ?

  14. 爱是生命的意义以及最终的答案。

    Love is the ultimate meaning and answer in life .

  15. 生命的意义就是接受挑战并超越自我!

    The meaning of life is to accept challenge and surpass limits .

  16. 重要的不是你成功了,而是你生命的意义。

    What will matter is not your success , but your significance .

  17. 他不知道生命的意义。

    He doesn 't know what life means to him .

  18. 奋斗就是生命的意义所在。

    Struggle is where the significance of the life lies .

  19. 生命的意义在于帮助他人过更好的生活。

    Life is about helping others live a better life .

  20. 生命的意义是进化成神。

    The goal of the life is to be devine .

  21. 关于人生和生命的意义,

    about the meaning of life and what is this all about ,

  22. 什么是生命的意义?

    Cb : What is the meaning of life ?

  23. 帮助学生深刻理解生命的意义,传播道德智慧;

    Helping the students understand the meanings of life and spreads moral wisdom ;

  24. 我相信是我们给予了生命的意义。

    I believe that we give life its meaning .

  25. :生命的意义就在于你能够思考这样的问题。

    Siri : To think about questions like this .

  26. 让我们一起感受生命的意义!

    Let us feel the meaning of life together !

  27. 凭借感知,人们通过追求对立面的极致来追求生命的意义。

    They pursue the meaning of life towards the extremes of either one ;

  28. 生命的意义在你的人际关系中。

    The meaning of life is in your relationships .

  29. 你让我第一次看见生命的意义。

    Newland : You gave me my first glimpse of a real life .

  30. 就目前而言,生命的意义略微超出了我的知识范畴。

    The meaning of life is a bit outside my range of expertise .