
dào dé pǐn zhì
  • moral character
  1. 还是纠结于他们那种观点吗?认为“good”只能用于形容我们的道德品质,而“well”指我们的身体状况不错?

    The argument that " good " can only apply to our moral character and that " well " means we 're physically OK .

  2. 学生道德品质自我评价倾向性的研究

    A study of students ' self evaluation of their moral character

  3. 人的道德品质不是遗传的,而是由环境塑造而成。

    The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment

  4. G公司实行年度考核,重点考核员工的工作贡献、工作表现、业务水平、工作业绩、团队精神、道德品质等,并将考核结果作为员工职务调整、年终奖金发放的重要依据。

    G Company implemented the annual assessment , focusing on assessment of contributes , behavior , level of business , performance , teamwork and moral quality etc. Examination results were taken as important reference for the adjustment of staff positions and annual bonus .

  5. 当前大学生道德品质教育之校正

    On the Improvement in the Present Colleger Education of Moral Quality

  6. 谈大学生社区道德品质的培养

    On the Cultivation of Moral Qualities of College Students in Community

  7. 这事会对青少年的道德品质产生不良的影响。

    It will have a bad moral effect on the youngsters .

  8. 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力强。

    A strong work ethic , the ability to work independently .

  9. 和一个道德品质败坏的人,无法完成一桩好交易。第四种品质是以身作则&做个有道德的人。

    You cannot make a good deal with a bad person .

  10. 体育活动与青少年道德品质培养

    The Sport Activities and Moral Quality 's Cultivation of Youth

  11. 论网络文化对大学生道德品质的影响

    On the Influence of Cyber Culture on the Morality of College Students

  12. 培养大学生良好道德品质的途径和方法

    On Approaches and Methods to Cultivate College Students ' Good Ethnical Qualities

  13. 道德品质是一个人素质的主要方面。

    Moral character is an important aspect of the quality of people .

  14. 道德品质形成发展的内化与外化运行机制

    On Internal and External Mechanisms of Moral Character 's Formation and Development

  15. 最后就是道德品质,这一点非常重要。

    And finally ethic fiber and this is really , really important .

  16. 少数民族大学生道德品质的建构

    On the Construction of the Fine Moral Quality of Minority College Students

  17. 和一个道德品质败坏的人,无法完成一桩好交易。

    You can 't make a good deal with a bad person .

  18. 圣人应具备仁、义等道德品质,拥有天德及闻天道、知天道的能力。

    The sage should have moral characters such as benevolence and righteousness .

  19. 以道德品质为引领,促创新人才之培养

    Take Moral Character as Lead to Promote the Cultivation of Innovative Talents

  20. 宽恕是一种亲社会行为,也是一种重要的道德品质。

    Forgiveness is a prosocial behavior , and also an important moral merit .

  21. 他的目的是去教导孩子们一些好的道德品质,同时让他们的生活更有趣。

    He aims to teach kids good morals while also brightening their days .

  22. 德育叙事作为一个交往过程,对学生道德品质的影响。

    Making effect on the ethic of students as a whole communication process .

  23. 途径四:培养高尚道德品质,尽显教师人格魅力。

    Way 4 . For the noble moral character , the teacher charisma .

  24. 它是一种知晓如何应对自身局限性的道德品质。

    It 's the moral quality of knowing how to handle your own limitations .

  25. 造成粤西沿海地区初中生道德品质教育问题的原因是多方面的。

    There are many reasons for these problems .

  26. 部试图评估申请人的“良好的道德品质”。

    Section D attempts to assess an applicant 's " good moral character " .

  27. 试论青年道德品质教育

    On the Youth 's Education in Moral Character

  28. 道德品质、道德人格的形成离不开道德实践。

    The shaping of moral character cannot do without the practice of moral education .

  29. 从伦理学上讲,信用是一种信守诺言的道德品质;

    In ethnics , credit is a kind of abide by promise moral character .

  30. 因为道德品质低或违法而不适于出版。

    Unfit for print because morally or legally objectionable or offensive to good taste .