
dào dé guān
  • Morality;moral concepts
  1. 党的四代领导集体的青少年道德观与启示

    On Teenagers ' Moral Concepts of Four Generations Leader Groups of CPC

  2. 刍议生物教学中的道德观教育

    Moral Concepts Education In The Teaching Of Biology

  3. 宗教价值观常常和人本主义道德观相去甚远。

    Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals .

  4. 该作家的风格表明其道德观有点暧昧不明。

    The author 's style suggests a certain ambiguity in his moral view .

  5. 过着一种道德观暧昧的生活(b阿纳托尔布鲁瓦亚尔)

    Leading a life of alleged moral ambiguity ( bAnatole Broyard )

  6. 这让他的故事在道德观上和J•R•R•托尔金的作品略有差别。

    This makes his stories more morally nuanced than that of J.R.R. Tolkein .

  7. 实践呼唤过渡经济道德观。

    Practice on transitional economy call the economic ethics of transition .

  8. 新生态伦理道德观对环境法的影响

    The effect of new ecology ethical conception for the environmental law

  9. 生态文明时期道德观的新视角

    New Visual Angle of the Moral Concepts During the Ecological Civilization

  10. 论富勒法律内在道德观的确立及价值

    On the Law 's Inner Morality Establishment and Value of Fuller

  11. 第三章具体论述了贝娄的道德观。

    Part Three is the specific analysis of Bellow 's ethics .

  12. 教师从传统道德观向现代道德观转变路径探讨

    On How Teachers Transform Traditional Moral Outlook to Modern Moral Outlook

  13. 提高公众环境意织,树立生态道德观。

    Increase public 's environment consciousness and set up ecological moral view .

  14. 奥斯丁小说的绅士道德观研究

    A Study of Gentleman Morals in Jane Austen 's Novels

  15. 论社会主义和谐社会道德观的构建

    On the Building of Morality of A Socialist Harmonious Society

  16. 费尔巴哈道德观的现实思考

    On the Realistic Implications of Feuerbach 's Perspective of Morality

  17. 中学生公民道德观发展初步研究

    A Study on the Citizen 's Moral View of Middle School Students

  18. 论可持续发展的社会经济道德观

    A Study on the Sustainable Moral Outlooks of Social Economy

  19. 中国的道德观很少反对虐持妇女的现象。

    Chinese ethics have seldom fought against the evil treatment of women .

  20. 脑子里根本没有一点道德观。

    They have no sense of morals in their brains .

  21. 医患关系在医疗纠纷中受到心理学、道德观的挑战。

    This relationship is challenged by psychology and morality .

  22. 我知道以你的道德观一个女孩撒谎意味着什么。

    I know what a lie means to a girl of your morality .

  23. 青年群体的自私论道德观探析

    Analysis on the Selfishness Ethics View of Young People

  24. 文学道德观是其文学评论中的核心内容。

    Morality is the essence of his literary criticism .

  25. 中学生公民道德观在一些维度上存在生源地区的差异。

    · Region differences exist in several dimensions .

  26. 有助于学生树立正确的道德观;

    Helping students establish correct view of virtue ;

  27. 论亚当·斯密市场经济概念中的道德观

    Adam Smith Moral Conceptions in a Market Economy

  28. 这两种道德观势必会发生冲突。

    Conflict must arise between the two morality .

  29. 维多利亚小说中的中产阶级妇女道德观研究

    A Study of the Morality of the Middle Class Women in the Victorian Novels

  30. 为可持续发展理论提供了新的道德观支持;

    Ecologic ethics provides a new moral support for the theory of sustainable development .