
  • 网络Moral Philosophy;Ethics
  1. 道德哲学功利主义教养院的奠基人JeremyBentham说,当考虑人类权利的时候,问题既不是“他们能思考么?”

    Jeremy Bentham , the founder of the reforming utilitarian school of moral philosophy , stated that when deciding on a being 's rights ," The question is not'Can they reason ?"

  2. 艾希曼战后在阿根廷藏身时写了大量回忆录和其他文件。斯坦尼思在通读这些资料时发现了他写的一大段笔记,这段笔记驳斥了伊曼努尔·康德(ImmanuelKant)的道德哲学,与阿伦特所谓的“没有思考能力”的艾希曼形象截然相反。

    Then , while reading through the voluminous memoirs and other testimony Eichmann produced while in hiding in Argentina after the war , Ms. Stangneth came across a long note he wrote , dismissing the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant , that flew in the face of Arendt 's notion of Eichmann 's " inability to think . "

  3. 第四部分是食品安全的道德哲学证成。

    The fourth part of the food safety moral philosophical justification .

  4. 道德哲学在康德哲学体系中的地位和现实价值

    On Status and Realistic Values of Moral Philosophy in Kantianism System

  5. 论道德哲学对道德教育的影响

    Discussing the Influence of the Moral Education from the Moral Philosophy

  6. 这是康德道德哲学关注的首要问题。

    This is the primary question of kant 's moral philosophy .

  7. 西方现代道德哲学的核心问题是道德证明。

    Moral justification is a centrical problem of modern moral philosophy .

  8. 从《嘉丽妹妹》和《珍妮姑娘》看德莱塞的道德哲学

    Dreiser 's Moral Philosophy Expressed in Sister Carrie and Jennie Gerhardt

  9. 韦伯伦理&经济理想类型的道德哲学结构

    Max Weber 's Ideal Type Ethics-Economics and Its Moral Philosophical Structure

  10. 生产力标准的道德哲学含义

    The Moral and Philosophic Connotation of the Standard of Productive Forces

  11. 论儒家道德哲学对当代大学生人格养成的积极意义

    The Positive Impact of Confucian Moral Philosophy on Modern College Students

  12. 现代伦理应当是多层次的理论与实践系统,其中包括道德哲学层次的思考;生命伦理中的道德原则和规范的构建;

    Modern ethics is a systematic gradation of theory and practice .

  13. 初论巴赫金道德哲学的教育意义

    Preliminary Discussion on The Education Values of Bakhtin 's Moral Philosophy

  14. 这样的问题是否要求我们发展新的道德哲学?

    Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies ?

  15. 在道德哲学中,它表现为道德的建构主义。

    In moral philosophy , it shows itself as moral constructivism .

  16. 作品深刻地反映了默多克道德哲学中自由与囚笼这一主题。

    The novel deeply reveals Murdoch 's theme of freedom and capacity .

  17. 辩乎先验经验之际&康德伦理学与儒家道德哲学的一种比较阐释

    Debating on the Boundaries of the Transcendental and the Empirical

  18. 信用伦理及其道德哲学传统研究

    The Study for Credit Ethics and Its Moral Philosophy Tradition

  19. 孟子道德哲学的实践特质阐微

    Explanation of the Practical Particularities of Mencius ' Moral Philosophy

  20. 的问题,一直是道德哲学和伦理学研究的一个重要问题。

    Is always the key question for moral philosophy and ethical research .

  21. 康德道德哲学的三个层次&《道德形而上学基础》述评

    On Kant 's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals

  22. 走向伦理思维的道德哲学

    Moral Philosophy on the Way to " Ethical Thinking "

  23. 论王阳明以良知为本的道德哲学

    About WANG Yang-ming 's Ethics Philosophy Based on Moral Insight

  24. 康德道德哲学思想的起源和理论转向

    The Origin and the Transfer of Kant 's Moral Philosophy

  25. 在尼采哲学中,道德哲学是一个非常重要的方面。

    In Nietzschean philosophy , moral philosophy is a very important aspect .

  26. 基因技术的道德哲学革命

    A Revolution in the Moral Philosophy of Gene Technology

  27. 现代基因技术的道德哲学革命具有三种形式。

    The revolution in moral philosophy of modern gene technology takes three forms .

  28. 论程颢为政以德的道德哲学

    Cheng Hao 's morality philosophy : morality in governing

  29. 浅析康德道德哲学的内涵及其现代启示

    Shallow Discussion about the Connotation and Modern Enlightenment of Kant 's Moral Philosopy

  30. 多元精巧的现代道德哲学必须回归传统德育的古朴和简单。

    The modern multi-ingenious educational philosophy should return to its simplicity and briefness .