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  • natural rights
  1. 霍布斯第一次从抽象的人性原则出发来阐述自然权利理论。

    Hugo Grotius first expounded the theory of natural rights .

  2. 基因隐私威胁人类最基本的自然权利;

    Human 's radical natural rights are being menaced by gene privacy ;

  3. 就像古代的国王一样,他们开始把自己的特权地位看作是一种自然权利。

    Like the kings of ancient times , they have come to perceive their privileged positions essentially as a natural right .

  4. 沉默权,(TheRightToSilence)作为一项自然权利,是否适用于中国,学术界褒贬不一。

    Whether the right to silence as a natural right is suitable in China is spoken ill of in China .

  5. 浅析斯宾诺莎论人的自然权利

    Analysis of Spinoza 's Discussion on People 's Natural Right

  6. 近代中国自然权利观的历史际遇

    The Evolution of Natural Rights Concepts in Modern China

  7. 自然权利&可持续发展的新支点

    The Concept Changes of Nature Right for Sustainable Development

  8. 从自然权利到环境伦理的反思

    Introspection from ' natural right ' to environmental ethics

  9. 生命,自由和财产的自然权利没有保障。

    The natural rights of life , liberty , and property were uncertain .

  10. 自然权利的批判与辩护

    On the Critique and Defense of Natural Rights

  11. 依据人不可侵犯的自然权利和人类理性的局限,洛克主张宗教宽容。

    Locke stands for religious tolerance according to natural rights and human rational limits .

  12. 在法律用语中,平等被认为是自然权利的一种。

    In legal contexts , equality is commonly deemed among " natural rights " .

  13. 西方近代自然权利观念研究&起源、本质及其历史作用

    Study on Western Modern Natural Rights Concepts Their Origin , Essence and Historical Effects

  14. 但什么是亚里士多德式的,自然权利或自然正义标准?

    But what is the Aristotelian standard of natural ? right or natural justice ?

  15. 另一种基于人的自然权利的信念。

    The second approach is based on a belief in the natural rights of persons .

  16. 为了得到家中的舒适待遇,他们放弃了许多其它的自然权利。

    Many of their other natural rights have been exchanged for the comforts of home .

  17. 自然权利被认为是个人与生俱来的、普遍的、先在的权利,是国家权力的界限,是法律权利的道德合理性的根据。

    Natural rights were considered as individual rights that were innate , common and prior .

  18. 用立法保障的方式,实现人对自然权利的尊重与维护;

    Second , human should respect and protect the nature rights under the guarantee of law ;

  19. 其主要缺陷是过分强调自然权利而忽视人的实践本性。

    The drawback is the over-emphasizing of nature right while ignoring practice nature of human being .

  20. 以这一思想为基础,斯宾诺莎论证了在自然权利的问题上人人平等。

    Based on this thought , Spinoza has proved the natural right that everyone is equal .

  21. 而这种维护财产权利的方式也可以体现自然权利所引申而出的正当性。

    This safeguard property rights can be manifested in the way natural rights arising out of legitimacy .

  22. 为了保障自己的自然权利,人们订立契约,组成社会。

    In order to guarantee their own natural rights people made contract and thus formed the society .

  23. 第二部分对西方近代自然权利观念形成和发展中的代表人物的思想进行了梳理。

    The second part combs with the thought of representatives who held the modern natural rights concepts .

  24. 自然权利观念在实践中的贯彻有赖于人类社会关系的和谐。

    The implementation of the concept of natural right in practice depends on the harmonious social relation .

  25. 人类生存的全新困境是自然权利提出的现实基础。

    The totally new predicament of human exist is the actual foundation to put forward natural right .

  26. 其中,有限政府思想的哲学渊源包括自然权利理论、人性幽暗理论和有限理性理论等三个部分。

    The philosophy part includes natural rights theory , evil humanity theory and limited " rational " theory .

  27. 财产权既是人类不可或缺的自然权利,又是人类社会存续和发展的物质基础。

    Property right is not only an inherent right , but also the fundmental interests among social numbers .

  28. 康德统一自然权利和实在法权利的这一企图为黑格尔继承,但他也失败了。

    The attempt to unify natural rights and positive rights was inherited by Hegel , but also failed .

  29. 自然权利思想是现代环境伦理意识中的重要组成部分,有其丰富的内容。

    The conception of the natural right is an important part of environmentally ethical consciousness , containing abundant content .

  30. 立法保障和依法维护是自然权利实现的社会条件。

    III Legislative safeguard and maintain according to law is the social conditions to realize the right of nature .