
zì rán zhuànɡ tài
  • naturalness;natural position
  1. 经皮瓣膜置换术植入的瓣膜中,有些瓣膜的瓣叶有轻微的损伤、撕裂或者瓣叶处于非自然状态。

    The valves , which were implanted by percutaneous valve replacement , were damaged , had some tears or were not in natural position .

  2. 同样道理,火,气,水,的自然状态,便是以球状形式围绕着地球,先是水,再来是气,接着是火。

    Likewise , fire , air , water their natural position is with earth in sphere at the center then water then air then fire .

  3. 焦虑是现代人的自然状态。

    Anxiety is modern man 's natural state .

  4. 野生动物园之旅使我们得以接触自然状态下的野生动物,让人感觉很刺激。

    Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state .

  5. 当你完全处于自然状态时,你显得好多了。

    You 're far nicer when you 're just being yourself .

  6. 瑞士的一项研究报告显示,虽然贵金属类电子商品的重量比全部废品的要小,可与自然状态相比较,那些所谓的电子废品中所含黄金等贵金属的纯度更高。

    A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comparison to total waste , the concentrationof gold and other precious metals was higher in So-called e-waste than in naturally occurring minerals .

  7. 自然状态下树木排放N2O的研究

    N_2O Emission by Trees under Natural Condition

  8. 确定了适宜的发酵条件:温度为28℃,溶氧浓度控制30%饱和度,pH值在自然状态下进行发酵。

    The optimized fermentation conditions are : temperature 28 ℃, dissolved oxygen 30 % saturated concentration , pH natural .

  9. 软X射线显微术适合于自然状态下生物样品的高分辨率显微成像。

    Soft X-ray microscopy is mostly suitable for the high resolution imaging ofbiological specimens in nature or living state .

  10. 自然状态的图形文件太大,不能通过web快速下载,因此必须通过压缩文件以减小其大小。

    A graphics file in its natural state is too large to download quickly over the web , so you must reduce the size of the file by compressing it .

  11. 但即使是生物降解塑料,自然状态下不是短时间内就能完全降解的,因此对以PLA为代表的生物降解塑料的生物降解研究是十分必要的。

    But even the biodegradable plastics , it not easy to complete degradation in short time in nature conditions .

  12. 结果:外周血染色体分析表明:自然状态下和丝裂霉素C诱导下,淋巴瘤组的染色体断裂率和细胞畸变率均比正常对照组高。

    Results : Both in nature and MMC ( mitomycin C ) condition , chromosome breakages rate and percentages of aberrant cell in patients of lymphomas were higher than that in control group .

  13. 携带B等位基因的群体较非携带B等位基因的群体自然状态下排出更多的卵子,差异极显著(P<0.01),且排卵后黄体直径较小,差异显著(P<0.05)。

    Sheep carrying B allele were able to ovulate more ova than non-gene carriers on the condition of spontaneous ovulation ( P < 0.01 ), and ovulating at a smaller diameter ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 蛋白质X射线结构的目录也为蛋白质结构类型、自然状态下的折叠和域提供了有用信息。

    X-ray structures of catalogs of proteins have also provided useful information on the types of protein structures , folds and domains found in nature ; this is sometimes termed structural genomics .

  15. 而内在品质方面,HB柚自然状态下的维生素C、可滴定酸和可溶性固形物含量均显著高于杂交处理。

    While the inner qualities , like vitamin C , titratable acid and soluble solids content of the natural pollinated HB pomelo fruits , were significantly higher than the cross-pollinated fruits .

  16. 结果表明:(1)在自然状态下,AMF的侵染率和侵染强度高;

    The result showed that in the natural condition , AMF 's colonization and colonization intensity were high .

  17. 以黑龙江海伦为研究地点,利用CENTURY模型模拟了自然状态下的黑土在1953-2000年实际气象条件及以此为基础的9种气候变化情景下的土壤有机碳(0~20cm)。

    CENTURY model is used to simulate effect of climate change on soil organic carbon ( SOC )( 0 ~ 20 cm ) in Hailun natural grasslands , Heilongjiang province .

  18. 采用血清直接感染法进行滋养层细胞的HBV感染,模拟自然状态下HBV分别感染胎盘屏障中的滋养层细胞及内皮细胞,然后感染构建的胎盘体外屏障,探讨HBV感染胎盘屏障的可能性。

    The direct serum infection method is used to simulate the natural HBV infection of trophoblastic cells or HUVEC separately , and then the possibility of HBV infection of human placental barrier is discussed .

  19. 目的:利用陆川猪建立自然状态下的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)动物模型,研究镍-钛金属支架(NT支架)置入术治疗OSAHS的可能性。

    Objective : To investigate the therapeutic effect of nitinol stents implantation for Luchuan pigs with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) .

  20. 基于logistic模型并加以改进建模,通过分析微分方程平衡点的稳定性,分别得出了自然状态下益虫和害虫的数量发展规律。

    Based on logistic model , a new predator-prey model is advanced , and then the stability of its equilibrium points is analyzed to solve the regularity of the trend of beneficial insects and pests without human interference .

  21. 以矿井火灾或有火灾危险区域的自然状态和防治策略作为输入单元,火灾的防治效果作为输出单元建立神经网络系统,采用误差反算法训练BP网络。

    The BP network was trained by error inverse calculation , with the natural status and the prevention and cure strategies of mine fire being the input units , otherwise the prevention and cure effects of fire being the output units .

  22. 研究表明,在自然状态下丽蚜小蜂100%感染Wolbachia,其孤雌产雌的生殖方式是由体内共生的Wolbachia引起的,并已成为它的固有生殖模式。

    Researches have shown that thelytoky in E. formosa is caused by Wolbachia and this mode has become its stable reproductive way .

  23. 用有限元软件ANSYS对向家坡边坡稳定进行数值模拟分析,结果表明该边坡在自然状态下发生较小的水平位移,处于稳定状态。

    Use the finite element software ANSYS to carry out numerical simulation of Xiang jia po slope . The results show that the horizontal displacement is small in the natural condition , and the slope in a state of stability .

  24. 应用AmiraVR软件在PC机上对数字化下颌骨模型进行了初步的虚拟现实显示,所重建的结构可以基本恢复到自然状态。

    The visualization mandibular model can be displayed in virtual reality by Amira VR in PC. The reconstituted structure can be recovered in raw state .

  25. 目的了解体外传代HIV-1包膜基因高变区的变异性,以深入了解HIV-1在自然状态下的生物学性状,为艾滋病的预防和治疗提供基础资料。

    Objective To understand the variation of hypervariable regions of HIV-1 envelope gene in vitro , thoroughly understand biological characteristics of HIV under natural conditions and provide reliable reference for preventing and curing AIDS .

  26. 大气中主要温室气体之一N2O的部分来源尚不清楚,以前认为只有土壤微生物过程是N2O的生物源,本文则旨在证明自然状态下植物也是N2O的排放源。

    The sources of N 2O , one of the major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere , are still unclear till now . It was previously thought that only soil microbial process produced N 2O .

  27. 结论经GFP基因标记的人类RB细胞裸鼠视网膜下腔移植建立的RB移植瘤模型,为研究自然状态下RB肿瘤的生长和转移提供了新的工具。

    Conclusion The established orthotopic RB model expressing GFP via injection of human RB cells into the subretinal space of nude mice provides a new approach to exploring the growth and metastasis processes of RB in natural situations .

  28. NOA包括在自然状态下原地找到的被描述为石棉的矿物,例如在基岩或土壤中的这种矿物。

    NOA includes minerals described as asbestos that are found in-place in their natural state , such as in bedrock or soils .

  29. 方法:应用刀豆蛋白A(concanavalin,ConA)刺激OLP患者外周血淋巴细胞,用流式细胞术检测OLP患者及正常对照组在自然状态和ConA刺激下CD4+T淋巴细胞抑制诱导亚群CD4+CD45+RA+T细胞的表达。

    METHODS : Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) were isolated from OLP patients and healthy controls . Spontaneous and ConA-induced CD4 + CD45RA + T cells were analyzed by flow cytometry .

  30. 结果:自然状态下,生长期大鼠髁突内源性Ins含量存在昼夜节律,峰值相位约在12:13;

    Results : ① The levels of endogenous insulin in the growing rat condylar cartilage displayed a significant circadian rhythm . The acrophase was about 12:13 . ② The circadian rhythm still existed after the rats had been put on the functional appliance .