
  • 网络Natural explanation;natürliche Auslegung;natuerliche Auslegung;natural interpretation
  1. 不需引入任何其它假定,就自然解释了Υ→3g三胶子碎裂末态重子多重数增高的重要特征。

    The important character of increment of the baryon multiplicity in Υ→ 3g fragmentation is interpreted naturally without any other assumptions .

  2. 在正常自然解释之外的。

    Beyond normal physical explanation .

  3. 本文利用强子非衍反应的“三火球模型”与我们提出的“夸克组合律”结合,对这一事实作出了自然解释;

    By combination of the " three fireball model " of the nondiffrac-tive hadron-hadron collision and the " quark combination " we proposed caller , this can be ex-plained naturally .

  4. 科学主义是一种科学的世界观,它对所有现象提出自然解释,避开对超自然与灵异的臆测;它簇拥经验主义与理性,将它们视为科学时代最贴近生活的两大支柱。

    Scientism is a scientific worldview that encompasses natural explanations for all phenomena , eschews supernatural and paranormal speculations , and embraces empiricism and reason as the twin pillars of a philosophy of life appropriate for an age of science .

  5. 与MO法给出的很自然的解释比较起来,论证是复杂的。

    The reasoning is involved , in contrast with the very natural explanation given by the MO method .

  6. 本文分析了800MeV/A~(12)C+~(12)C碰撞中观察到的反常大横动量,指出它可以自然地解释为核内存在多夸克系统。

    The anomalous high transverse momentum observed in 800 MeV / nucleon ~ ( 12 ) C + ~ ( 12 ) C collisions is analysed . It is pointed out that this phenomenon can be naturally interpreted as evidence for the existence of multi-quark systems in nuclei .

  7. Biswas等人的实验数据符合较好,自然地解释了强子-核碰撞的KNO标度普适性破坏。

    Biswas et al . It naturally explains the break down of the universality of KNO scaling in high energy hadron-nucleus collisions .

  8. 它能对磁扰和宇宙线Forbush下降等东、西不对称效应给出统一而自然的解释。

    It can give a unified and natural explanation for the east-west asymmetry effects of the magnetic disturbances and Forbush decrease of cosmic rays and others .

  9. 他们认为一切事物都应有一个完美而自然的解释。

    They feel there is a perfectly natural explanation for everything .

  10. 自然语言解释,在这运用到本体语义实例库。

    Natural language interpretation , In this apply applied the ontology library .

  11. 姑妈方面,我自然会解释。

    As for my aunt , naturally I 'll explain to her .

  12. 用自然电位解释孔隙压力

    Application of Spontaneous Potential in Interpretation of Pore Pressure

  13. 合乎自然的解释几乎和超乎自然的解释一样难以叫人接受。

    It was almost as difficult to accept a natural explanation as a supernatural explanation .

  14. 用自然定律解释某个装置如何作用的说明。

    An explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature .

  15. 一种基于知识的自然景物解释

    A Knowledge-based Interpretation of Natural Scenes

  16. 特别要指出的是,在20世纪后半期的变暖不能仅仅用自然因素解释。

    In particular , the warming in the latter part of the twentieth century cannot be explained only by natural causes .

  17. 尽管造物主将生命之火归功于上帝之手,但科学家们深信还会有一个更加合乎自然的解释。

    While creationists attribute that spark of life to the hand of God , scientists are convinced there 's a natural explanation .

  18. 摘要随着《巴黎手稿》在哲学领域内造成的彻底颠覆,马克思在崭新的哲学空间中也构建了自己关于人与自然的解释方案。

    With the great vibration caused by Paris manuscripts , Marx constructed his own pattern in explaining the relationship between man and nature in the philosophic field .

  19. 就是这样,真相被很自然的解释所有的问题,甚至就算我们以其他方式表达,它也会很快被确认自己本来的样子。

    It is such that the truth is naturally spoken in all matters , and even if we could speak otherwise it would be immediately recognized for what it was .

  20. 近年来,一种特殊的具有额外维空间的宇宙模型被提出,它允许所有标准模型的场在其中传播,此模型可自然地解释宇宙暗物质的存在。

    A specific cosmological model with extra dimensions has recently been proposed , in which all standard model fields are allowed to propagate in the extra dimensions , it may explain the exist of dark matter in the universe naturally .

  21. 教科书把古代朴素唯物主义者关于说明世界本原的某种具体物质形态理解为古代的物质概念,把近代自然科学家解释物质结构的观点当成近代的物质范畴,这是不妥的。

    The textbook has some specific material formation , which was used to explain the origin of the world by ancient native materialists as the concept of material in ancient time . It also considers modern natural scientists'explanation of the materials structure as the material category in modern time .

  22. 这些奇怪现象也许有符合自然法则的解释。

    There may be a physical explanation for these strange happenings .

  23. 基于概念图的自然语言语义解释

    The Conceptual Graph - based Semantic Interpretation of Natural Language

  24. 这种对自然法则的解释起初让我感觉很不自然。

    Such explanations of the natural order felt most unnatural at first .

  25. 既谓之诠释,自然包含着解释与重构两个方面。

    As we call it annotation , it naturally contains the two aspects of interpretation and reconstruction .

  26. 对人与自然关系重新解释的西方后现代哲学思潮和中国的传统哲学中的天人合一观,对当今设计观念产生了重大的影响。

    Both the post modern philosophy and the Chinese traditional philosophy will affect designers ' thought deeply .

  27. 自然选择也解释了愉悦--性愉悦,对糖、脂肪和蛋白质的喜爱,

    Natural selection also explains pleasures -- sexual pleasure , our liking for sweet , fat and proteins ,

  28. 他们不知道,在这个问题上,自然科学只能解释问题一个方面。

    They do not see that natural science can do no more in this question than serve to illumine one side of it .

  29. 在美国的科学报告中的11个问题,在《寻找自然的终极解释》书中都涉及到,并且都有解释。

    The11 questions are all involved in this book Search For The Ultimate Explanation Of Nature and the answers to them is available .

  30. 自然法学重新解释了法的自由价值,使自由通过人本主义回归到人的主体世界;

    It make a new interpretative statement for the law value on the free and made it come back into the humanity world ;