
kē xué zhī shi
  • scientific knowledge
  1. 实践是一切科学知识的根源。

    Practical experience is the source of all scientific knowledge .

  2. 物理学开始从或多或少不太定型的一堆科学知识变成一门范围明确的学科。

    Physics began to emerge from the more-or-less amorphous body of scientific knowledge as an identifiable discipline .

  3. 他们不知所云,把科学知识讲得错误百出。

    They don 't know what they 're talking about and mangle scientific information .

  4. 在寻找解决这些问题的方法时,需要有政治知识作为对科学知识的补充。

    Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems .

  5. 科学知识是积累起来的。

    Scientific knowledge is cumulative .

  6. 我们中那些不是科学家的人应准备好支持科学家参与公众活动,并且将科学知识纳入公众交流中。

    Those of us who are not scientists should also be prepared to support public engagement by scientists , and to incorporate scientific knowledge into our public communications .

  7. 然而,技术也是运用科学知识来解决问题,通过无数方法来触及人们的生活。

    However , technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem , touching lives in countless ways .

  8. 在他们的时代,科学知识还不能足以解决这些问题。

    In their day scientific knowledge was insufficient to settle the matter .

  9. 它们的科学知识、革新和技术能力对于保持本国的竞争力和生产率来说都是至关重要的

    Their scientific know-how , innovation and technical capability are critical to maintaining the nation 's competitiveness and productivity .

  10. 为此,必须建立一个Ba或者一种情境,它可以支持科学知识创新的发展和实践。

    For this purpose , it is required to establish a " Ba " or an environment or circumstance , which supports the development and practice of scientific knowledge creation .

  11. 我们认为,Research4Life肯定只能起到帮助作用,它不会妨碍到这些国家的科学知识的生产。

    What we believe is that Research4Life can certainly only be helping , it cannot be hindering production of scientific knowledge in these countries .

  12. 同时也反映出学生希望教师在课堂上能够讲授一些与热学知识相关的科学知识、最新热学发展状况、热学发展史和一些现代教育理论,这些恰恰是STS教育所能做到的。

    At the same time , the questionnaire also reflected that students hoped the teachers can teach some scientific knowledge which related thermotics intellectual , the newest thermotics studies and development condition , the thermotics history and some modern education theories , that are exactly the STS education can achieve .

  13. 论理工科学生加强人文科学知识学习的必要性

    On necessity of strengthening knowledge of humanities for students of engineering

  14. 从话语分析到反思性&科学知识社会学发展的一个新趋向

    From Discourse Analysis to Reflexivity & A New Trend in SSK

  15. 化学教学中的生命科学知识及微量元素

    Trace Elements and Life Science in College Chemistry Teaching Program

  16. 因为我十七岁的儿子知道的科学知识都比他多

    Because my 1 7-year-old kid knows more science than he does .

  17. 人们利用科学知识去了解自然,改造自然。

    People use science knowledge to understand and change nature .

  18. 逻辑在科学知识创新中的重要作用

    The Important Role that Logic Plays in the Scientific Innovation

  19. 从科学知识的不同解释模式看科学知识社会学的发展

    Development of SSK from the Perspective of Different Explanations of Scientific Knowledge

  20. 反思科学知识权力学说

    SCIENCE Reflections on the Power of Scientific Knowledge Theory

  21. 科学知识何以成为历史产品

    Why Does the Scientific Knowledge Become A Historic Product

  22. 人们对科学知识本性的认识是一个不断发展的历史过程。

    The view of people on science knowledge is in developing historical process .

  23. 科学知识变化的三种解释模式及其评价

    On the Three Models of Explaining Scientific Knowledge in Contemporary Philosophy of Science

  24. 从科学知识到科学素质转化机制研究&一种哲学和历史的考察

    On Transfer Mechanism from Scientific Knowledge to Scientific Quality

  25. 科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判

    A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  26. 但两类人群都严重缺乏健身锻炼的科学知识。

    Both of them lack in the scientific knowledge of the workout seriously .

  27. 科学知识社会学实验室研究述评

    Survey and Comment of laboratory Study Windows of Knowledge

  28. 试论科学知识生产的组织学分析

    Tentative on Organizational Analysis on the Scientific Knowledge Production

  29. 复杂性科学知识论

    The Theory of Knowledge of the Sciences of Complexity

  30. 库恩哲学与科学知识社会学

    Kuhn 's Philosophy and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge