
  • 网络Scientific and technical personnel;tissue technologist
  1. 科学技术人员应当把最大的精力放到科学技术工作上去。

    Scientists and technicians should concentrate their energies on their professional work .

  2. 掌握和了解自动控制的基本理论和方法,对各专业的科学技术人员都是十分必要的。

    It is pretty necessary for technicians to know the basic theories and methods of automatic control .

  3. 由于角色的激增和追究责任的困难,科学技术人员只能承担有限的责任。

    Because of the roles rising sharply and the difficulties to investigate responsibility , the responsibility was limed .

  4. 根据美国劳工统计局公布的数据,司法科学技术人员是30个增长最快的行业之一。

    Forensic science technician is one of the 30 fastest growing occupations , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  5. 我们的科学技术人员,为社会主义的科学事业辛勤劳动,怎么是脱离政治呢?

    How can our scientists and technicians who work diligently at socialist scientific enterprises be accused of being divorced from politics ?

  6. 我们的文学艺术家,我们的科学技术人员,我们的教授、教员,都在教人民,教学生。

    Our writers and artists , scientists and technicians , professors and teachers are all educating students , educating the people .

  7. 公众可以在技术创新决策中发表自己的建议,这些建议和参与可以帮助科学技术人员以及政府更好地进行技术决策。

    People can have their own advice in technological innovation and this kind of participation can help technicians and government in better decision-making .

  8. 由于物质包囊后有许多特殊性能,胶囊技术被各国科学技术人员广泛研究。

    Because material has a lot of special performance after kystis , capsule technology was widely researched by various countries ' scientific technical staffs .

  9. 中国是第三世界国家,中国的科学技术人员要积极参加这个世界实验室的工作。

    China belongs to the Third World , so our scientists and engineers should take an active part in the work of the Laboratory .

  10. 第十三条国家机关的现职工作人员不得兼任执业律师。鼓励科学技术人员到职业学校兼职兼课

    Article 13 An in-service functionary in a State organ shall not concurrently practice as a lawyer . encourage qualified scientific and technical personnel to join the staff of vocational schools or give courses in them

  11. 他们把有贡献的科学家、教授、工程师诬蔑为资产阶级学术权威,把我们党和国家培养成长的优秀中年青年科学技术人员,诬蔑为修正主义苗子。

    Scientists , professors and engineers distinguished for their contributions were labelled bourgeois academic authorities , and outstanding young and middle-aged scientists and technicians trained by our party and state were vilified as ` ` shoots of revisionism ' ' .

  12. 鼓励科学技术人员到职业学校兼职兼课取得律师资格的人员不能脱离本职的,可以担任兼职律师。

    Encourage qualified scientific and technical personnel to join the staff of vocational schools or give courses in them Those who are eligible as lawyers but are unable to leave their present positions to practise law may act as part-time lawyers .

  13. 我国科学技术研究人员浮躁心理研究

    Study on Impetuous Mental State of Science and Technology Researcher in China

  14. 法庭如何看待科学专业技术人员和政府机构对科学的使用?

    How do the courts treat scientific expertise and agencies'use of science ?

  15. 六是中国拥有世界最庞大的科学技术研究人员。

    Sixth , China boasts the world 's largest team of researchers in science and technology sector .

  16. 双方农业交流的成效显著,无论是农产品贸易还是农业科学技术与人员交流,都对各个不同历史阶段中俄两国经济和社会发展起到了积极的促进作用。

    Whether it carried out trade exchange or expert communication , it has make achievements and has played a positive role in promoting economic and social development in different historical stages between the two countries .

  17. 摘要随着医疗卫生行业信息化建设进程的加快,急需一批既懂医学又懂信息科学的专业技术人员从事医疗机构信息应用领域的开发和管理工作。

    With the informatization construction of medical industry , the talents with a knowledge background of medicine and information science have to be available for the development and management in the field of medical facility informatization .

  18. 因而,不适定问题的求解算法成为广大数学工作者、自然科学工作者及工程技术人员努力开拓的一个崭新的研究方向。

    Hence algorithm for ill-posed problem becomes a new research direction .

  19. 数字存储示波器在工程测量中有着广泛的应用,是科学研究和工程技术人员最常用的电子测量仪器之一。

    The digital storage oscilloscope measurements in engineering has a wide range of applications , scientific research and engineering staff is the most commonly used one of the electronic measuring instruments .

  20. 协会是由全国从事灾害预防、救助、管理、宣传、教育等单位、团体及科学技术和灾害管理人员自愿组成的社会团体,依法在国家民政部登记注册。

    CADP is a legally registered national nonprofit organization with the members from institutions , teams and personnel engaged in disaster forecasting , prevention , relief , management , publicity and education of disaster knowledge .

  21. 2008年,中国科学技术大学的科研人员经过长期的研究,首次制造出一种结构简单,便于加工,且扭转角度大的螺旋电极式压电纤维扭转致动器。

    After a long term research , the University of Science and Technology of China first fabricated a piezoelectric fiber torsional actuator with spiral electrodes which could be fabricated easily and produced an big torsional angle .

  22. 大的企业都要有科学技术研究机构,有科学技术研究人员。

    Large enterprises should all have their own scientific and technological research organs and personnel .

  23. 对于从事科学技术研究着有功绩之科学技术人员,应给予必要奖励,以表彰其贡献。

    Scientific and technological personnel with major achievements in scientific and technological research shall be awarded by necessary incentives so as to honor their contributions .

  24. 人们正在通过你们的工作,来评价科学技术在现代化建设中的地位,评价科学技术人员的作用。

    It is by your work that people judge the role of science and technology in the modernization programme and the importance of scientists and engineers .