
  • 网络Scientific information;Data;material
  1. 目的总结张掖市1982~2000年动物鼠疫间接血凝(IHA)的监测动态,为今后的鼠疫防治提供科学资料。

    Objective To sum up surveillance developments of plague epizootics IHA in the city of Zhangye from 1982 to 2000 and provide scientific information for plague control in future .

  2. 香港天文台于一八八三年成立,当时的主要任务是提供科学资料,确保船只航行安全。

    The Hong Kong Observatory was established in 1883 , mainly to provide scientific information for the safe navigation of ships .

  3. 从Internet上检索食品科学资料

    Approaches to Search Food Science Information On Internet

  4. 这些研究结果为地球动力学研究的进一步深入探讨提供了新的科学资料。

    Those results provide new scientific data for the researches on geodynamic .

  5. 通过本研究可为二甲氧苄啶的临床使用提供相关的科学资料。

    Through this research can provide the scientific basis for clinical use of diaveridine .

  6. 为制订白附子饮片质量标准,控制饮片质量提供了较客观的科学资料。

    Some specifications to control the quality of the Rhizoma Typhonii praeparatum have been established .

  7. 目前这种新发现的生物体的科学资料正在整理过程中,届时会正式发表。

    The scientific data on this newly recognized organism is being prepared for formal publication .

  8. 史密森科学资料交流所

    Smithsonian Science Information Exchange

  9. 我们开始时技术力量有限,科学资料很少,自然有很多因难。

    Starting with a limited technical force and very little scientific data , we naturally had many difficulties .

  10. 目的探讨影响胆石病流行的相关因素及其现状,为临床决策提供科学资料。

    Objective To investigate the affecting factors and present status of cholelithiasis to provide scientific materials for clinical practice .

  11. 新获得的科学资料为进一步研究宇宙飞行的必要条件,打下一个较为牢固的基础。

    The new scientific data obtained will a firm foundation for further studies on the necessary conditions for space flight .

  12. 这两个机构说,根据他们的科学资料,没有公共卫生或环境问题。

    But the two agencies say based on the scientific information they have there are no public health or environmental concerns .

  13. 对科学资料有点稍微认识的,都会知道这个模型显示出原子模拟为太阳系统的情况。

    Familiar to all with but the slightest exposure to scientific literature , this model shows the atom as a miniature solar system .

  14. 讨论了低水平环境因子诱导适应性反应科学资料的实际应用前景。

    A discussion is given to the outlook of application of the scientific data concerning the adaptive response induced by low level environmental agents .

  15. 本文对中国喀喇昆仑山地区的物种多样性研究、植物资源合理利用与保护提供了基础科学资料。

    The article provided basic science information for lucubrating how to protect biology diversity and utilize plant resource in the Karakorum mountains of China .

  16. 本文为帕米尔地区的生物多样性保护、植物资源利用等方面的深入研究提供了基础科学资料。

    By means of collecting , and investigating Gramineae in Pamirs Plateau of China , we studied floristic characteristics of Gramineae in this area .

  17. 这些科学资料也可供政府全面评估各水污染管制措施的成效,并规划日后的水质政策。

    Based on this scientific information , the government is able to assess the effectiveness of its pollution control measures , and plan further strategies .

  18. 目的查清浙江省地方性砷中毒分布状况,为制定防治措施提供科学资料。

    Objective To investigate the distribution status of endemic arseniasis in Zhejiang province for the sake of providing scientific data for building the preventive measures .

  19. 结论本研究为急诊科医生提供了有关综合性医院急诊中毒特点的基本资料,为急性中毒防治提供最新的科学资料和依据。

    Conclusion This study supplies the basic material for the characteristics of common acute poisoning in comprehensive hospitals together with the newest scientific data and theory basis for acute poisoning prevention and treatment .

  20. 我没有科学资料支持这些,但我个人感觉如果不是对任何成分的食物过敏者,康普茶对任何人饮用都是安全的。

    I do not have scientific data to support this , but I personally feel that kombucha tea is safe to be drunk by anyone who does not have a food allergy to any of the constituents in it .

  21. 该校是我国重要的人文社会科学资料中心、信息中心和图书出版中心。学校图书馆设施先进,馆内藏书250万册(包括线装古籍40余万册),电子图书15.04万种,并设有“教育部文科文献信息中心”。

    The RUC also functions as a resource center for data , information , and publications in the humanities and social sciences in China.The University Library has advanced facilities and has a collection of 2.5 million books ( including 400000 thread

  22. 泥河湾盆地旧石器文化异常丰富,在约1800平方公里范围内新发现各时期的旧石器文化遗址或地点三十余处,这些发现为该盆地旧石器文化研究提供了大批的科学资料。

    The paleolithic cultural sites are very plentiful in the Nihewan Basin , More than thirty sites of various period have been found recently in the Basin . These discovery provided a large quantity of scientific information for the research of paleolithic culture .

  23. 这些初步认识为进一步探讨祁连&西秦岭造山带构造交接部位的形成与演化乃至中国大陆造山带的基本特征及大陆动力学探索提供了重要的基础科学资料。

    These elementary knowledge provide important basic scientific data for discussing the joining relationship , formation and evolvement of the tectonic joint of Qilian and Western Qinling orogenic belts and the basic characteristics of continental orogenic belts , and exploring the continental dynamics in China .

  24. 采用TCM-90(台风运动-90)台风现场科学试验资料,对台风FLO,ED个例进行了诊断分析,并做了有关数值试验研究。

    By using TCM 90 typhoon field experiment IOP data , the motion characteristics of target typhoons FLO and ED are investigated .

  25. 你要给我的文章提供一些科学背景资料

    to give me some scientific background for my article .

  26. 从五月份成功地着陆以来,凤凰号已发回极为丰富的科学观测资料。

    Since its successful landing in May , Phoenixhas sent back a bonanza of scientific discoveries .

  27. 气候行动组织提供了综合的信息资源,可以帮助人们迅速找到实用科学的资料。

    This organization of Climate Action Now was created to provide comprehensive resources to help people quickly find scientifically sound , understandable information that is useful .

  28. 结果表明:目前的高中生物教学中,教师和学生都对利用科学史资料促进学生对生物学核心概念的建构持积极的肯定态度,并抱有比较高的期望,也在积极尝试着实施。

    The result showed that : teachers and students took a positive affirmation attitude on the view of using the History of Science content in the core concepts teaching of biology in senior high school .

  29. 萃集的史料,作为阶段性的研究成果,在精选之后已收入《20世纪50&70年代中国科学批判资料选编》一书,对弥补相关研究基础的不足,略尽笔者的微薄之力。

    The gathering materials , as a temporary achievement , have been included in the book " Chinese scientific criticism material anthology in 1950-70s ", as the author 's small contribution to the relative basic research .

  30. 鉴于现今缺少构件空间初始缺陷的科学统计资料,初步提出实用计算方法&折算长细比法。

    In view of the fact that the scientific statistical data of members ' spatial initial flaw are lack nowadays , the reduced slenderness ratio method , one kind of practical calculation method , is proposed preliminarily .