
  • 网络huntington;huntingdon;Samuel Huntington;Samuel P. Huntington;Ellsworth Huntington
  1. 塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿及其文明冲突论

    Samuel P. Huntington and the clash of Civilizations

  2. 塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿系美国哈佛大学教授,世界著名的政治学家。

    Samuel P. Huntington is the Harvard University professor , world famous political scientist .

  3. 与亨廷顿病严重程度相关的小胶质细胞激活:一项临床及PET研究

    Microglial activation correlates with severity in Huntington disease : A clinical and PET study

  4. 质粒转染后亨廷顿蛋白过表达可显著增加溶酶体酶cathepsinB、D水平。

    Over-expression of exogenous Htt in cells significantly increased levels of the lysosomal enzymes cathepsin B and D.

  5. 亨廷顿身后留下妻子南希(Nancy)和两个儿子。

    He is survived by his wife , Nancy , and two sons .

  6. 中国人亨廷顿病CAG三核苷酸重复的分子分析

    Molecular analysis of huntington 's disease with expanded CAG trinucleotide repeat in Chinese

  7. 一些基因要不全能、要不不能预测确定的特性,像亨廷顿氏舞蹈病,Bishop说。

    Some genes are all-or-nothing predictors of certain traits , such as Huntington 's disease , Bishop says .

  8. 到了1996年,亨廷顿去掉了题目中的的问号,把文章扩展为一本畅销书《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》(TheClashofCivilizationsandtheRemakingofWorldOrder)。

    By 1996 , Huntington had dropped the question mark and expanded his thesis into a best-selling book , The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order .

  9. 亨利·克莱·弗里克(HenryClayFrick)、安德鲁·卡内基(AndrewCarnegie)、科里斯·P·亨廷顿(CollisP.Huntington)、威廉·亨利·范德比尔特(WilliamHenryVanderbilt),那个饱受唾骂的资产阶级几乎个个长须虬髯。

    Henry Clay Frick , Andrew Carnegie , Collis P. Huntington , William Henry Vanderbilt and almost every other member of the vilified capitalist class sported extravagant facial hair .

  10. 本文对锥体外系疾病中帕金森病(PD)、Wilson病(WD)、肌张力障碍、亨廷顿舞蹈病(HD)的诊疗进展作一简要介绍。

    The progress in the diagnosis and treatment of several extrapyramidal diseases , including Parkinson disease ( PD ), Wilson disease ( WD ), dystonia and Huntington disease ( HD ) was reviewed .

  11. 塞缪尔·P.亨廷顿(SamuelP.Huntington)是美国著名的政治学家、国际政治学者,他以其敏锐的洞察力和独树一帜的理论风格斐名国际学术界。

    Samuel P. Huntington , a famous politician and international scholar , is well-known in international politics study for his keen insight and unique theoretical style .

  12. 他将对女演员们飞吻,活动结束后,他将和超模罗西·亨廷顿-怀特利(RosieHuntington-Whiteley)一起在舞台上上演百老汇戏剧式的送别场面。

    He 'll air-kiss actresses and , when it 's all done , take the stage for a Broadway-style send-off next to the supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley .

  13. 咪唑啉I2受体与抑郁症、帕金森病、亨廷顿病、阿片成瘾及阿尔茨海默病等疾病的发生有关。

    I 2 receptor is related to some diseases , such as depression , Parkinson ′ s disease , Huntington ′ s disease , opioid addiction and Alzheimer ′ s disease .

  14. 与亨廷顿氏病患者相比,AD患者大脑灰质非水溶性级分三种NF亚基的含量均升高,且升高的NF-H和NF-M主要表现为异常过度磷酸化形式。

    Compared with Huntington 's disease ( HD ), the content of NF subunits was increased in AD brain gray matter and the increased level of NF-H and NF-M were mainly in abnormal hyperphosphorylated form .

  15. “如部分红斑狼疮、代谢紊乱、亨廷顿舞蹈病会出现在一些非常年青的孩子中,”Kelley在路透社健康报中说。

    " Some of the important causes , such as lupus , metabolic disorders , Huntington chorea , among others , can occur in very young children ," Kelley told Reuters Health .

  16. 亨廷顿氏症应该占据我思想的全部

    that Huntington 's should occupy 100 % of my thoughts .

  17. 因为你得了亨廷顿氏症医生不许你开车

    because the doctors ordered you not to drive with Huntington 's.

  18. 浅析亨廷顿政治发展与稳定理论

    A theoretical study of Huntington 's political development and political stability

  19. 文明冲突中的中国文明与人口&亨廷顿的文明冲突论及人口要素

    Chinese Civilization and Population in the Context of Clash of Civilizations

  20. 恐怕你患了亨廷顿氏症州长

    I 'm afraid you have Huntington 's disease , governor .

  21. 亨廷顿病的临床前期:学习期间大脑的代偿性反应

    Preclinical Huntington 's disease : Compensatory brain responses during learning

  22. 亨廷顿病潜伏期局部皮质变薄及其与认知功能的关系

    Regional cortical thinning in preclinical Huntington disease and its relationship to cognition

  23. 试析亨廷顿的文明冲突论

    On Analyzing Huntington 's " The Clash of Civilizations "

  24. 这种蛋白被认为是引起亨廷顿舞蹈症的病因。

    This protein is considered to be the cause of Chorea Huntington .

  25. 肝豆状核变性、亨廷顿病和遗传性共济失调的分子诊断方法研究

    Molecular Diagnostic Methods for Wilson Disease , Huntington Disease and Spinocerebellar Ataxia

  26. 亨廷顿舞蹈病的分子病理研究进展

    Research progress in molecular pathology of Huntington 's disease

  27. 汤因比和亨廷顿的文明观

    On the View of Civilization of Toynbee and Huntington

  28. 亨廷顿病的基因诊断及家系分析

    Molecular Diagnosis of Huntington 's Disease : an analysis of two large families

  29. 他是亨廷顿理工学院的学生。

    Who was actually a math student at Huntington tech.

  30. 约翰.凯利生于1963年,于美国西维珍尼亚州亨廷顿市长大。

    Born in1963 , John Kelly grew up in Huntington , West Virginia .