
  • 网络history of geography
  1. 从地理学史的研究中可以看出,地理学研究方法沿着描述解释系统分析与综合的道路发展。

    From the history of geography , it can be seen that the research method of geography has been developed along the road of description-explanation-system analysis and synthesis .

  2. 区域地理学在地理学史上长期居重要地位,但是五十年代以后一度衰落。

    Regional Geography had an important position for a long period in the history of geography . But since the 1950s regional geography has seldom been studied .

  3. 中国地理学史上被湮没了的屈大均其人其书

    Qu Dajun and his book stifled at Chinese geographical history

  4. 在现代学术史,特别是中国历史地理学史上有着特殊的历史地位。

    There are special historical positions in the modern academic history , especially in the Chinese historical geography history .

  5. 他在中国古代地理学史上作出了超越前人的贡献,特别关于喀斯特地貌的详细记述。

    Xu Xiake contribution to the ancient Chinese geography was unprecedented , especially his detailed narration of the karst landform .

  6. 当前,国内外地理学史界对中国先秦地理学的成就普遍认识不够。

    Nowadays both internal and external geographical history circles doesn 't deeply understand the achievements of Before Qin geography in China .

  7. 本文拟通过上述几部在近代具有代表性的地理图说的考述,阐明地理图说在中国近代地理学史上的作用。

    So this thesis , by doing the research on these modern representative Map Illustrations , clarify the role of the Map Illustrations in the history of Chinese modern geography .

  8. 其中在对会议和论著的梳理,又分为综合史、数学史、物理学史、化学史、天文学史、地理学史、生物学史、医学史、农学史、技术史等方面予以分类研究。

    Especially , in order to facilitate the introduction , conferences and works are divided into Comprehensive history , math history , history of physics , chemistry history , history of astronomy , geography history , biology history , medical history , agricultural history , technology history .

  9. 试论人文地理学思想史的范式&中国20世纪人文地理学思想史研究与表达的基本构架

    The pattern of ideological history of human geography in China

  10. 在中国地理学发展史上,最值得纪念的成就之一是我国地理学家对中国综合自然地理环境采用区划的方法进行的研究。

    One of the most outstanding achievements in Chinese history of geography studies during the20th century is that from the comprehensive physical geographical regionalization .

  11. 生态人类学与地理学、环境史亲和性论辩

    The Affinity Argument among Anthropology of Ecology , Geography and Environmental History

  12. 新历史考证学在民族史、宗教史、历史地理学、科学史等研究领域均有明显进展。

    In addition , it also made considerable headway in many other research branches including the history of nation , the history of religion , the history of science and the historical geography .

  13. 结合历史学、文化地理学、科技史等领域对中国区域文化圈的划分和确定,提出区域文化是形成中国建筑地方风格的重要影响因素,并对几个主要地区的建筑特征和风格进行了分析和阐述。

    According to the conclusions of the circuit of regional culture in history , cultural geography , this paper discusses the influence of regional culture on the distinctive local features of dwellings , analyses the characteristics of local dwellings in some districts in China .

  14. 地理学元研究:地理学思想史的范式

    The research of metageography : the pattern of geographical thought history

  15. 重新认识先秦地理学的成就&兼论中国地理学发展史上一次大断裂

    Again Understand the Achievements of Before Qin Geography ── On Discussing the Last Big Fault in the Development Geographical history of China