
dì zhèn
  • earthquake;quake;seism;temblor;earthshock;earthdin
地震 [dì zhèn]
  • [earthquake;seism;quake] 地球局部的震动或颤动,伴有造山运动或其他地壳运动

地震[dì zhèn]
  1. 地震震中均被标示在一张世界地图上。

    The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map .

  2. 数千名地震灾民仍在等待安排新住处。

    Thousands of earthquake victims are still waiting to be rehoused .

  3. 地震是由两块地壳构造板块互相碰撞造成的。

    Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other .

  4. 大地震之间的间隔时间可能有200年。

    The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years .

  5. 地震过后,人们开始重建家园。

    After the earthquake , the people set about rebuilding their homes .

  6. 成百上千的人因为地震而无家可归。

    Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake .

  7. 我们向地震基金捐赠了5000英镑。

    We contributed £ 5 000 to the earthquake fund .

  8. 地震将整座整座的城镇掀到悬崖之下。

    The earthquake plunged entire towns over the edge of the cliffs .

  9. 地震造成大约600万元的财产损失。

    The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $ 6 million .

  10. 地震发生后政府已宣布进入紧急状态。

    The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake .

  11. 救援队伍正利用热成像确定地震幸存者的位置。

    Rescue teams are using thermal imaging to locate survivors of the earthquake .

  12. 该城的精美建筑很少是1755年大地震前建成的。

    Few of the town 's fine buildings pre-date the earthquake of 1755 .

  13. 地震震级为里氏3级。

    The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale .

  14. 所有建筑现都已加固,以抗地震。

    All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes .

  15. 地震把他活埋了。

    He was buried alive in the earthquake .

  16. 为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,几百万人慷慨相助。

    Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake .

  17. 首都发生了地震,引发民众恐慌。

    An earthquake hit the capital , causing panic among the population

  18. 肯尼亚北部也感觉到了最近的地震活动。

    The latest seismic activity was also felt in northern Kenya .

  19. 约200人在秘鲁北部发生的地震中丧生。

    About two-hundred people died in the earthquake which hit northern Peru

  20. 地震带来的冲击波在德黑兰也能感觉到。

    The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran

  21. 地震在这一带不常发生。

    Earthquakes are not common in this part of the world

  22. 那次地震的震中位于首都东北200公里处。

    The earthquake had its epicentre two-hundred kilometres north-east of the capital .

  23. 1985年地震遗留的废墟大部分已经被清理干净。

    Most of the wreckage from the 1985 quake has been cleared .

  24. 他在气窝里度过了3天,得以从地震中幸存。

    He survived the earthquake after spending 3 days in an air pocket

  25. 1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。

    The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3 .

  26. 这次地震摧毁了许多偏远乡村的土坯房。

    The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages .

  27. 弥补地震造成的损失需要超过70亿美元。

    The cost of repairing earthquake damage could be more than seven-thousand-million dollars

  28. 地震前有一阵巨大的轰隆声,持续了20秒钟。

    The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds

  29. 渔民们说这家公司进行的地震勘测把鱼都吓跑了。

    The fishermen said the company 's seismic survey was frightening away fish

  30. 昨天加利福尼亚发生了里氏6.1级地震。

    An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter Scale struck California yesterday .