
  • 网络Geographic Discoveries;Great Geographical Discoveries;The Age of Discovery;Age of Exploration
  1. 地理大发现和大航海触发了疾病的大传播。

    The great geographical discoveries and great navigations lead to great spread of diseases .

  2. 地理大发现开启了全球大交流,其中包括生物大交流。

    The great geographical discoveries brought about global interchanges , including global biotic interchange .

  3. 长期以来,这个词一直在困扰着中国学者,而地理大发现初期的西方君主,也对China与Cathay之间是否有关系感到迷惑。

    These questions have long attracted the attention of Sinologists , and a similar confusion between China and Cathay can also be observed among the pioneering generation of early Western explorers and their overlords .

  4. 论地理大发现的文化背景

    The Cultural Background of the Geographic Discovery A Big Cheater

  5. 信息技术的虚拟性是新的地理大发现,它开拓了构造乌托邦的新空间,提供了感受乌托邦的新实践。

    Virtual technology provides a new space and a practical foundation for utopia .

  6. 地理大发现是欧洲中世纪史上的一个重要事件。

    The geographical discovery was an important event in the Middle Ages Europe .

  7. 马可·波罗与地理大发现

    Marco Polo and the Great Geographic Discoveries

  8. 经济地理大发现与中国农民走出去

    " Discovery of Economic Geography " and China Farmers ' " Go Global " Strategy

  9. 地理大发现新论

    The Great Geographical Discovery

  10. 大洋洲是在地理大发现的白银时代才呈现在欧洲人面前的。

    Only during the Silver Age of the Great Geographical Discovery did Oceania appear to the eyes of the Europeans .

  11. 经济全球化是一个客观发展的历史进程,其源头可以追溯到地理大发现。

    The economic globalization , a historical process of objective development , can trace back to the great geographical discovery .

  12. 16&18世纪,在地理大发现和新航路的推动下,国际贸易快速发展。

    In 16-18 centuries , international trade developed rapidly under the promotion of the discovery of new land and new sea-lane .

  13. 利玛窦在华期间刊出的《万国舆图》,综合反映了世界地理大发现的成果。

    The " Great Map of Ten Thousand Countries " which Ricci produced in China showed the geography of the modern world .

  14. 中西两种科学文化背景下的郑和下西洋和地理大发现之比较西方马克思主义中的发展观理论剖析

    Differences of Zhen He 's Travel to the West from the Great Geographical Discovery in Background of Chinese and Western Scientific Culture

  15. 地理大发现使世界各国相互联结为一个整体,加强了彼此相互了解和商品的相互往来,打破了相互隔绝的局面。

    Geographical discovery united the world into a whole , strengthened the mutual understanding and trade , smashed up the phase of isolation .

  16. 地理大发现的历史动因:欧洲的落后与衰落历史上有些大国兴起尔后又衰落了。

    Historical Momentum for the Discovery of New Land : fall and Decline of Europe ; Some great states rose and faded away in history .

  17. 黑死病是宗教改革、文艺复兴、地理大发现、医学革命等一系列有深远历史影响的历史事件的远因。

    Therefore , Black Death constitutes an indirect reason of religious revolution , renaissance , geographical discovery and medical revolution that are all profound historic events .

  18. 从15世纪开始,在地球的另一端,西欧各国进入到大航海时代,也就是我们常说的、人们也称之为地理大发现时代。

    Since the 15th century , the European countries experienced the " Age of Discovery " . That is what we often consider as geographical discovery .

  19. 在地理大发现和欧洲宗教改革运动的背景下,明清之际许多耶稣会传教士纷纷来华。

    After the Great Geographical Discovery and Religious Reformation in Europe , A lot of the Society of Jesus missionary came to China in Ming and Qing dynasty .

  20. 地理大发现可依其主角的变换而分为前后两个阶段,即西葡阶段和英法荷俄阶段。

    Geographical discoveries can be divided into two stages according to different discoverers , stage of West Portugal and that of Britain , France , Netherlands and Russia .

  21. 伴随着自地理大发现以来的全球化进程,一体化趋势在不同领域、不同地区、不同层次上都变得愈发明显。

    With the grocess of globalization since the great geographical discoveries , the integration trend have become increasingly apparent in different areas , different regions and different levels .

  22. 19世纪末到20世纪初的外国探险者对中国西部的地理大发现,是在中国沦为半殖民地的历史背景下发生的。

    The Great Geographical Discovery of the West China of foreign adventurers was made at the beginning of the 20th Century when China was reduced to semi colony .

  23. 历史上,中国没有成为世界大国的意识,失去地理大发现的机会后,已没有成为世界大国的可能。

    Historically , China has no sense of the world 's largest country , loss of geographical discovery of opportunities , has not yet become a world power possible .

  24. 15世纪60年代至17世纪末,欧洲人进行和完成了地理大发现,这段历史时期地理发现的规模、成果、意义和影响特别重大。

    From the 1460s to the end of 17th century , the Europeans made great geographical discoveries since the discoveries of this period has significant scale , achievement , meaning and influence .

  25. 中世纪大学为近代大学模式打下了雏形,打破了教会垄断教育的局面,并在一定程度上推动了后来的文艺复兴、宗教改革、地理大发现等,促进了欧洲乃至世界的进步。

    Medieval universities lay a foundation for the university of modern times , broke the monopoly of church on education , give impetus to the development of Europe and even the whole world .

  26. 而印度洋及其北岸地区自地理大发现以来就是大国争霸的中心地区,很多地缘政治大师和著名的战略家都十分重视这一区域。

    Indian Ocean and its north shore have been the center for great power contending for supremacy since the great discoveries of geography . Many geopoliticians and famous strategists attach great importance to this area .

  27. 在地理大发现时代(15世纪末至17世纪末),欧洲人把咖啡传遍全世界;此后又将咖啡馆文化发展得最繁荣。

    The Europeans spread coffee throughout the world in the time of the great geographical discoveries ( from the ends of 15th to 17th century ), and developed the coffeehouse culture to the most thriving too ever since .

  28. 根据国内外历史学家的意见,所谓全球化至少可以追溯到15世纪末16世纪初的地理大发现时代。

    In the view of Chinese and foreign historians ," globalization " can be traced back to the great geographical discovery period ( from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century ) .

  29. 试论郑和下西洋和地理大发现之异同同中有异:东西诗人学理论探幽

    Study on the Same And Difference of ZHEN He s Going to the West and the Great Geographical Discovery ; Differences on Common Ground : a Theoretical Probe into the Studies of Poets in the East and the West

  30. 15世纪至16世纪之交地理大发现后,西欧殖民者先后来到世界东方,各地区间封闭状态被打破,明朝遇到了如何应对即将急剧强大起来的西欧殖民者的问题。

    It was a problem for Ming China to deal with how to confront the West European colonialists since they came to the East Asia after the great geographical discoveries during the late 15th century and early 16 century .