
tàn xiǎn jiā
  • explorer;expeditionist
  1. 这位探险家把他的冒险经历写成日记。

    The Explorer kept a journal of his adventures .

  2. 于是葡萄牙人加入其贸易,将这种果实和其他商品一起沿海岸线运出,但直到1620年英国探险家理查德·乔布森来到赞比亚时,可乐果在他看来依然十分稀奇。

    And while the Portuguese took part in the trade , ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods , by 1620 , when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia , the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes .

  3. 南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。

    Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions .

  4. 葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。

    Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone

  5. 6名探险家都完成了穿越沙漠的艰难旅程。

    All the 6 adventurers survived the arduous journey through the desert .

  6. 除了历史著名人物托马斯·爱迪生、亚历山大大帝等人的故事,《年代学》也讲述了一些不太知名的个人生平,比如探险家蒙戈·帕克和雕塑家格曾·鲍格勒姆。

    While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great , this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum .

  7. 在中文里的读音为:zhōngguó,字面意思是“中间的国家。”最初使用这个词汇的人是意大利探险家马可波罗。

    In Chinese , the name is pronounced zh ō ng gu ó and literally means " the middle country . " The name was first used by the Italian explorer , Marco Polo .

  8. 英国《卫报》曾经说它藏有“当时世界上最为著名的探险家和学者的发现”。

    The Guardian5 has even said that it holds “ the discoveries of some of the most remarkable6 explorers and scholars of their time ” .

  9. 现在,几乎每个探险家和登山者都使用全球定位系统(GPS)以确保旅行更安全。

    Nowadays , almost every explorer and mountain climber uses the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) to make their journeys safer .

  10. 英国探险家约翰爵士(StJohn)讲述了迈克唐纳离开长崎二十年后北海道附近一位外国海难幸存者的经历。

    Yet St John , the British explorer , relates a foreign shipwreck on Hokkaido justtwo decades after MacDonald left Nagasaki .

  11. 问问那些四处找寻埃尔多拉多或者失落的Z城却空手而返的探险家,你就知道了。

    Just ask any of the doomed explorers who set off to find El Dorado or the Lost City of Z.

  12. 而现在,雅虎的巴塞罗那研究实验室研发的时间探险家(TimeExplorer)新闻搜索引擎原型能够生成贯穿过去与未来的时间轴。

    But Time Explorer , a prototype news search engine created in Yahoo 's Barcelona research lab , generates timelines that stretch into the future as well as the past .

  13. 在那之前,美国航天局说,从海拔最高的地球照片一直采取为13.7英里的气球探险家II在1935年。

    Until that point , NASA says , the highest altitude from which pictures had been taken of Earth was13.7 miles , from the Explorer II balloon in1935 .

  14. 对于亿万富翁探险家理查德•布兰森(RichardBranson)来说,太空显然已不是什么终极的探索前沿了。

    Apparently , for billionaire adventurer Richard Branson , space is no longer the final frontier .

  15. 在为一家健康类杂志撰写了一大版关于长寿的专栏后,我见到了来自BlueZones的一名探险家,他在对一个区域进行研究,那里的人们是最长寿的。

    After writing a big feature story on longevity for a health magazine , I met an explorer from Blue Zones who studies regions where people are living the longest .

  16. 有关这座古城最有名的报道来自美国探险家TheodoreMonde。

    The most famous declaration of the discovery was by American explorer Theodore Monde .

  17. 行星资源是由迪曼蒂斯和埃里克安德森(ericanderson)创建的,电影导演、海洋探险家詹姆斯卡梅隆(jamescameron)任该公司顾问。

    The company , which is being advised by film director and marine explorer James Cameron , was founded by Mr Diamandis and Eric Anderson .

  18. 好:该探险家GC是一个坚固的小装置,全球定位系统的IPX-7防水。

    The good : The eXplorist GC is a rugged little GPS device that is IPX-7 waterproof .

  19. 1911年,耶鲁历史学家及探险家海拉姆•宾厄姆(HiramBingham)让此“失落的”城市得到了世界的关注。

    In1911 , Yale historian and explorer Hiram Bingham brought the " lost " city to the world 's attention .

  20. 尽管呼声很高的女性如妇女参政权论者苏珊·B·安东尼(SusanBAnthony)和印第安探险家莎卡嘉微亚(Sacagawea)等都曾随男性一起出现在美元硬币上,但她们中只有一个人有幸单独出现在美元上。

    Though acclaimed women such as suffragette Susan B Anthony and Native American guide Sacagawea have appeared alongside men on US coins , only one has ever graced a printed US bill .

  21. 从CD上引导非常简单,但是由于从USB笔式驱动器上引导看起来非常吸引人,因此我们就假设大部分探险家都希望采用这种方式来使用DSL。

    Booting from a CD is fairly straightforward , and since booting from a USB pen drive appears to be the most enticing , I will assume that most adventurers will want to use DSL in this way .

  22. 探险家诺埃尔·奥德尔(NoelOdell)在1924年第一次发现了嵌入珠穆朗玛峰岩石中的海洋化石,证明了珠峰所在地区原是一片海洋。

    Explorer Noel Odell first discovered the fossils embedded within Everest 's rocks in 1924 , proving that the mountain had once been below sea level .

  23. 中午十二点,我们的青少年探险家们在迈尔福德湾离开了帆船,他们要返回到Invercargill搭乘班机回到位于世界各地的各自的国家。

    At12 noon our Young Explorers left Pangaea in Milford Sound and returned to Invercargill to get flights home to their respective countries around the world .

  24. 他说自己刚去纽约的华道夫—亚斯托里亚(Waldorf-Astoria)饭店参加为探险家俱乐部(Explorers'sClub)成员所举办的晚宴。

    He told me he 'd just been to a fancy dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York , honoring members of the Explorers ' Club .

  25. 当时穿梭于河西走廊的骆驼满载着香料、丝绸、经卷,有些经卷原先保存于著名的藏经洞里,正是这个洞窟吸引探险家奥雷尔·斯坦因爵士(SirAurelStein)和保罗·伯希和(PaulPelliot)在20世纪初来到敦煌。

    Camel caravans crossed the Hexi Corridor here laden with spices , silks and scriptures , some of which were deposited in the famous library cave that drew the explorers Sir Aurel Stein and Paul Pelliot in the early 20th century .

  26. 我仍然得到正视与WPF中,昨天晚上,作为较大的部分文章,我还在工作,我想创造一个探险家树,显示驱动器和文件夹的简单。

    I am still getting to grips with WPF , and last night , as part of a larger article that I am still working onn , I wanted to create a simple of an explorer tree , which shows drives and folders .

  27. 文件浏览器,文本剪辑,代码探险家,项目经理

    File explorer , text clips , code explorer , project manager

  28. 探险家的故事把孩子们给迷住了。

    The explorer 's story held the children under a spell .

  29. 这条河以英国探险家亨利?哈德逊的名字命名。

    The river was named after the English explorer Henry hudson .

  30. 试想一想南极探险家忍受的艰难困苦。

    Think of the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic .