
  • 网络Sounding station;radiosonde station
  1. 探空站历年各方位的仰角最低值统计程序

    Angle of Elevation Lowest Value Statistic Program of the Sounding Station Apiece Azimuth in Past Year

  2. 应用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的完全弹性三维冰雹云模式,使用河北省内三个探空站(张家口、北京、邢台)的探空资料,制作了河北省冰雹区域客观预报。

    With the 3-D hailstorm numerical model , regional hail forecast in Hebei Province is made .

  3. 从绿洲上空水汽含量区域分布及沿着探空站南北向和东西向剖面看,水汽含量在空间分布上存在较大差异。

    According to the regional distribution of the water vapor content and the section plane along the sounding site from East-West and south-north , there is biggish difference in the spatial distribution of the water vapor content .

  4. 对于空间研究活动的援助是通过联合国支助的两个探空火箭发射站进行的。

    Space research activities are being aided through two sounding rocket launching stations sponsored by the United Nations .

  5. 利用兰州CINRAD/CC多普勒天气雷达观测资料及探空资料、自动站及测站150km范围内的数字高程模型(DEM)资料等,对2004年8月18日发生在甘肃中部的中小尺度冰雹天气过程进行分析。

    Combining CINRAD / CC Doppler radar data with some routine observation data including surface and aerological chart , Yuzhong RW station information , ground-based automatism stations observations and DEM data in the distance of 150 km , the mesoscale weather processes on 18 August 2004 have been analyzed .