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tàn suǒ
  • explore;exploration;probe;search;seek;look for;quest;enquiry;plumb;trace back
探索 [tàn suǒ]
  • (1) [probe;seek;explore]∶多方寻求答案;研究

  • 探索究竟

  • (2) [search]∶搜查

  • 已而为敌发觉,探索极严,乃走瑞士。-- 鲁迅《坟.摩罗诗力说》

探索[tàn suǒ]
  1. 我们要探索一切途径,直到找到答案为止。

    We will explore every avenue until we find an answer .

  2. 孩子们用幻想来探索实际生活中令人不安的各种事情。

    Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life .

  3. 登陆月球开创了太空探索的新纪元。

    The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration .

  4. 目前,我们正探索发展会员的新途径。

    We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership .

  5. 在探索治疗办法方面,我们正不断取得重大进展。

    We 're making great strides in the search for a cure .

  6. 她毕生探索人类心灵的奥秘。

    She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche .

  7. 他把生命看作是一次探索未知世界的航行。

    He saw life as a voyage of discovery .

  8. 她思想活跃,善于探索。

    She had a lively and enquiring mind .

  9. 他过去一直想探索洞穴。

    He had always wanted to go caving .

  10. 将尝试和探索纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。

    Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities

  11. 人类在接近各个星球,探索新的天体。

    Man was drawing closer to the stars , opening new worlds .

  12. 我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。

    We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information .

  13. 韦特毕生都在进行精神探索。

    Waite spent his life on a spiritual quest .

  14. 这种理论仍然是探索性的。

    Such theories are still very tentative .

  15. 您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。

    In your free time , explore all that this incredible city has to offer .

  16. 这家英国机构似乎开始了又一次徒劳无功的探索。

    The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool 's gold .

  17. 我们欢迎你加入探索这处独特的澳大利亚景观的特别之旅。

    We welcome you to join us on a special tour which explores this unique Australian attraction

  18. 他在创作室的地位让他可以在艺术上自由探索。

    His status at the studio afforded him all the artistic latitude he could ask for .

  19. 看着孩子探索她身边的世界能让你体会到早已忘记的快乐。

    Watching your child explore the world about her can open your eyes to delights long forgotten .

  20. 通过简单地规划一下路线,你可以随意探索,随时随地想停就停。

    By simply planning a route , you can explore at will and stop whenever and wherever you like .

  21. 我以音乐为生,对音乐的不懈探索已经成为我生活的动力。

    My life has been music , and a constant search for it has been the mainspring of my life

  22. 他说美国不愿意参与仅仅解决部分问题的方案的探索——按照他的说法,这种做法就是向诱惑低头。

    He said the United States was not willing to engage in a search for partial solutions — to succumb , as he put it , to a siren song .

  23. 科学技术使科学家得以探索宇宙。

    Science and technology make it possible for scientists to explore the universe .

  24. 这些实验的目的就是探索这两种现象之间的联系,如果存在着任何联系的话。

    The object of these experiments was to find the connection , if any , between the two phenomena .

  25. 超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代投入夸克探索的工作之中。

    Superpotent atom Smashers will undertake the quark quest in the1980s .

  26. 探索外太空是一项向人类发出的挑战。

    Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind .

  27. 科学家们认为,他们在探索主要病症的病因方面有了新的进展。

    Scientists think they have broken through in their attempt to find the causes of many major diseases .

  28. 为了探索太阳输出可能存在的时间变化,还采用了两种标准的天文技术。

    Two standard astronomical techniques have been used in the search for possible time variations in the solar output .

  29. 他们想要自由探索自己的身份和周围的世界。

    They want the freedom to explore their identity and the world around them .

  30. 美国国家科学院的报告强调了立方体卫星在科学探索和培养未来太空科学家和工程师方面的重要性。

    The National Academy of Sciences report emphasizes CubeSats ' importance in scientific discovery and the training of future space scientists and engineers .