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mì fēng
  • seal;seal up;seal airtight;seal hermetically;seal off (up);close
密封 [mì fēng]
  • [seal off (up);seal airtight;close] 严密地封闭

  • 密封舱

  • 密封容器

  • 用于密封函件和遗嘱的印章

密封[mì fēng]
  1. 最后查出泄漏是由于密封处破裂所致。

    The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal .

  2. 密封之后再浸泡4至5天。

    Seal tightly then leave for four to five days to macerate .

  3. 如果贮藏在密封的容器里,食物能保持比较久的时间。

    Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container .

  4. 这些器官保存在密封塑料袋里。

    The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags .

  5. 地板加了密封涂料防止渗水。

    The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration .

  6. 把蛋糕存放在密封容器里。

    Store the cake in an airtight container .

  7. 某些种类的食物也可以装入密封的金属罐里。

    Certain types of foods are also dispensed in pressurized canisters .

  8. 要确保这些瓷砖经过彻底灌浆并且密封好。

    Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed .

  9. 一个女人把它们捡起来放入几只密封的塑料袋中。

    A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags .

  10. 他们首先将密封管植入动物的大脑。

    They first implanted capsules into the animals ' brains

  11. 定期检查冰箱和冷冻柜的密封装置。

    Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly .

  12. 密封的飞机内很少需要补充氧气。

    Supplementary oxygen is rarely needed in pressurized aircraft

  13. 将曲奇饼干存放于密封罐中。

    Store the cookies in an airtight tin .

  14. 这会造成漏气,破坏罐子的密封性。

    This would permit air to enter , breaking the hermetic seal of the jar .

  15. 将胡椒粒储存在密封容器中,在需要的时候磨成粉。

    Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it .

  16. 虽然这些镶板运来时经过了预处理,但是还需要涂上两层防腐剂进行最后的密封。

    Though the panels come pre-treated , they needed a final sealing with two coats of preservative .

  17. 一旦你撕开瓶子的密封条,你就无法再把它复原。

    Once you 've broken the seal of a bottle there 's no way you can put it back together again

  18. 膜盒是一种密封的弹簧绉纹管,可以感受到大气压力的变化。

    An aneroid is a sealed bellows which is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure .

  19. 这意味着:人们要进去的话,至少要通过两道密封门。

    This means that people going inside must pass through at least two airtight doors .

  20. 蝙蝠、燕子以及更多的动物遗体以化学方式保存成他们死亡时的姿势,被密封在水里的碳酸钠沉积物中。

    Bats , swallows and more are chemically preserved in the pose in which they perished , sealed in the deposits of sodium carbonate in the water .

  21. 王认为传统不应该被密封在博物馆的玻璃盒子里。

    Wang believes traditions should not be sealed in glass boxes at museums .

  22. "我试图把它装进密封罐里的时空胶囊里,"洛说。

    " I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar , " Loe said .

  23. 一些研究人员认为,我们可以将机器密封在一种防火墙内,用它们来解答难题,但决不允许它们影响现实世界。

    Some researchers argue that we can seal the machines inside a kind of firewall , using them to answer difficult questions but never allowing them to affect the real world .

  24. 它被密封在船上,直到船安全回家。

    It was sealed up and kept on board until the ship came home safely .

  25. 温度传感器密封在保护套管中。

    The temperature sensor is enclosed in a protective well .

  26. 他们发现这种双面胶带在五秒钟内就可以将组织密封起来。

    They found it worked within about five seconds .

  27. 她给他一个密封的小玻璃罐子,要他回家装些样本带来。第二天,陈先生再来,女医生却发现玻璃罐仍是空空如也。

    On the following day , Mr Chen came again , but the woman-doctor found the glass pot still empty .

  28. 这个设计灵感源于蜘蛛在雨中捕猎时分泌的“胶水”。让身体组织形成紧密的密封是十分困难的,因为它们表面的水分会使组织变得光滑。

    Getting tissues in the body to form a tight seal is difficult because water on their surface makes them slippery .

  29. 做法很简单,将剥好的蒜瓣放在一个可以密封的罐子里,然后再倒入醋。

    The practice is very simple . Put the stripped garlic cloves6 into a sealed jar , and then pour vinegar into it .

  30. 一头驴和一只狗一起外出旅行,走了一段路后,他们发现地上有一封密封好的信。

    An ass1 and a dog were on their travels together , and , as they went along , they found a sealed packet lying on the ground .