
mì qiè
  • closely;close;intimate;carefully;establish closer
密切 [mì qiè]
  • [close;intimate] 彼此间关系亲近;使关系接近

  • 经济、政治和法律原则的密切关系

  • [carefully;closely] 慎密,仔细

  • 密切注视

密切[mì qiè]
  1. 球迷和他们的球队之间有密切的同一性。

    There 's a close identity between fans and their team .

  2. 她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。

    She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients .

  3. 这桩离婚案是在舆论的密切关注下进行的。

    The divorce was conducted in the full glare of publicity .

  4. 他们曾密切合作,共同规划这一项目。

    They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project .

  5. 她与受害者的家人一直保持着密切的联系。

    She has kept in close contact with the victims ' families .

  6. 高脂肪饮食与增加心脏病发作的风险密切相关。

    A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease .

  7. 他始终密切关注商机。

    He 's always on the qui vive for a business opportunity .

  8. 这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。

    The firm has close ties with an American corporation .

  9. 密切注视路的前方。

    Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead .

  10. 这两个国家一直保持着密切关系。

    The two countries have always maintained close relations .

  11. 他们和美国一所学院保持了密切联系。

    They have maintained a close association with a college in the US .

  12. 我们与警方密切配合。

    We work in close liaison with the police .

  13. 警方要求居民密切注意一切可疑的情况。

    Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious .

  14. 政府正在密切注视着形势的发展。

    The government is keeping a close watch on how the situation develops .

  15. 这个问题突然引起人们的密切关注了。

    The problem was suddenly thrown into sharp focus .

  16. 我们与警方保持着密切联系。

    We keep in close touch with the police .

  17. 在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。

    Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales .

  18. 每一位同学的学习情况都受到密切的关注。

    Each student 's progress is closely monitored .

  19. 我还不知道你和他的关系这么密切。

    I had no idea that you and he were on such intimate terms .

  20. 警方必须密切注意这一带城区。

    The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .

  21. 医院会对她24小时密切观察。

    In hospital she 'll be under observation all the time .

  22. 环境保护主义者将会密切关注对野生动物造成的伤害。

    Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife .

  23. 对这些人来说,土地与生活本身有着不可分割的密切关系。

    For these people , land is inextricably interwoven with life itself

  24. 他说两国之间有着密切友好的关系。

    He said the two countries had close and cordial relations .

  25. 美国官员一直密切注意着事态的发展。

    US officials have been keeping close watch on the situation .

  26. 你女朋友的恐惧似乎与你的恐惧有密切关联。

    Your girlfriend 's fear seems to interlock with your fear .

  27. 他们密切追踪有线电视新闻网上的国外新闻。

    They follow minutely the news from abroad on Cable News Network .

  28. 大部分农场主的一举一动都受到银行经理们的密切关注。

    Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks .

  29. 这一拘留行为引发了两个互为独立但又密切相关的问题。

    The detention raised two distinct but closely linked questions .

  30. 这个部门与化工行业保持着众多密切的联系。

    The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry