
  1. 密云区宣布,今年已安排50人参加轮岗。

    Officials in Miyun district have also announced that they have arranged for 50 educators to take part in rotations this year .

  2. 密云县平原区是北京市重要水源地之一。

    The campagna section of Miyun county is of great significance as one of Beijing 's main water resources .

  3. 环境优美、设施完备,是密云经济开发区的重点扶植工业企业。

    Possessing perfect environment and facilities , Raymond has already become one of the leading enterprises in Miyun Economic Development Zone .

  4. 门头沟、房山、密云和昌平区所在的教育部门也宣布考虑到学生安全,山区的学校停课关闭。

    Education departments in suburban Mentougou , Fangshan , Miyun , Changping districts also announced to close schools in mountain areas to ensure students ' safety .

  5. 密云水库网箱养鱼区底泥残留物清除的设想及初步探讨

    Discussion on the removal of residua in cage fishery areas in Miyun Reservoir

  6. 北京市农田生态系统氮素养分平衡与负荷研究&以密云县和房山区为例

    Nitrogen Nutrient Balance and Load in Agro-ecosystem of Miyun Fangshan County in Beijing

  7. 密云水库水源保护区不同类型村庄生活污水排放特征

    Discharge Features of Rural Domestic Wastewater from Different Types of Villages in Water Source Protection Area , Miyun Reservoir , Beijing

  8. 以北京市密云水库水源保护区为例,通过实地考察、访谈与问卷调查等方法,研究考察了当地农村厕所及人粪尿排污情况。

    In this thesis , as an example watershed of Miyun reservoir , rural household toilet and dejecta are studied by first-hand investigation , questionnaire survey .