
  • 网络code breaking;cryptanalysis
  1. 如今,它们的应用更为广泛,可处理气候研究、分子建模、大型物理模拟甚至强力的密码破译等领域内的大量计算问题。

    Today , their application is much more diverse , tackling massive computational problems in the fields of climate research , molecular modeling , large-scale physical simulations , and even brute force code breaking .

  2. 洗槽站PLC密码破译方法的研究及实现

    Research and realization of the decrypt methods on PLC in the tank wagon clean station

  3. 楚泽计算机用于飞行器工程,而不是用于密码破译。

    Zuse calculators were used in aircraft engineering but not in code-breaking ;

  4. 你们这些人,还搞密码破译,谁稀罕?

    You and your deciphering ! Who needs it ?

  5. 是莱奥尼德·莱森科波兰密码破译家

    That 's Leonid Lisenker . Polish-born cryptographer .

  6. 现代的密码破译技术无法破解

    Modern code-breaking methods won 't unravel it .

  7. 计算机实时密码破译系统

    System of Computer Real Time Decoding Secret Codes

  8. 他们是一个密码破译小组的工作人员。

    They were part of a team whose job was to decipher messages written in code .

  9. 卡拉克本身也是一名核心的密码破译人员,因其杰出的才能受到赞誉。

    Clarke herself was a pivotal codebreaker in her own right , praised for her intellect .

  10. 第一次世界大战之后,现代密码破译技术进入了黄金发展时期。

    The years after the First World War had been ' the golden age of modern diplomatic codebreaking ' .

  11. 如果是来了一位密码破译者,很可能是那个人已弄懂了索尼埃的意思。

    If a code breaker had now arrived , it most likely meant someone had decrypted Sauni è re 's message .

  12. 一些英国最杰出的科学家们呼吁政府为第二次世界大战中的密码破译大师阿兰·图灵致以歉意。

    Some of Britain 's most eminent scientists have called for a government pardon for World War II code breaker Alan Turing .

  13. 他的母亲以搬到一处更便宜的住所为代价,用省下来的钱给他买了第一台电脑,阿桑奇从此成为一名自学成才的密码破译高手。

    His mother moved to a cheaper home to pay for his first computer , and he became a skilled , self-taught cryptographer .

  14. 此新方法吸取了新老密码破译方法的长处以解读生命的遗传基础。

    The new hybrid method combines the best of new and old code cracking methods for " fingerprinting " the genetic basis of life .

  15. 盟军在密码破译和密码使用方面,严重地缺乏平衡性,这里隐藏着另一个问题:泰普克斯会比谜机更安全吗?

    Behind the mis-match of Allied cryptanalytic and cryptographic standards there lay another question : were the Typex transmissions really more secure than those of the Enigma ?

  16. 隆美尔在埃及的东进7月时遭到奥钦列克的遏制,8月时又遭到了蒙哥马利的遏制,密码破译工作对后者起到了很大的帮助。

    Rommel 's eastward advance on Egypt had been checked by Auchinleck in July and by Montgomery in August , the latter being particularly helped by deciphered signals .

  17. 数据安全、信息加密、密码破译。第二天,我收到一条信息,为我和朋友提供工作机会。我们四人进了这家位于办公园区的新公司。

    Data security , steganography , cryptography.The next day , I got a text message , offering jobs to me and my friends from school.The four of us crowded into one of those office park start-ups .

  18. 他描述得很清楚,自己的宗教信仰和惊奇感是如何随着写有DNA的遗传密码被破译而得到加深的。

    He writes well about how , as the code on which DNA is written began to reveal itself , his faith and sense of wonder increased .

  19. 关于人类基因组密码全面破译的伦理思考

    Ethical Think about Human Genom Codes Successfully Decoded

  20. 随着人类基因组计划的胜利完成,人类遗传密码的破译,有关人类基因隐私的问题日益提上了人们的议事日程。

    As following the successful completion of the human genome project ( HGP ) and the drawing of the profile of human genome , the problem about the privacy of the human gene is discussed by more and more persons .

  21. 随后,在2005年2月14日,王小云教授的密码小组又破译了SHA-1算法。

    Soon after that , in February of 2005 , professor Wang deciphered SHA-1 algorithm .

  22. 在论述Vigen埁re算法加密解密原理的基础上,对Vigen埁re密文的密码分析和破译进行了详细的分析,提出了一种基于JAVAapplet的Vigen埁re密文破译的完整实现方法。

    Discusses the encryption and decryption of Vigen è re algorithm , analyzes in detail the Vigen è re cipher attack , demonstrates a complete scheme of attacking Vigen è re ciphertext based on Java Applet .

  23. 全部密码子的破译及其特征。

    Khorana , and the decipherment and characteristics of all codons .

  24. 密码是可以破译的,坦率地说,现在我们正逐渐得到我们需要的一切。

    Candidly , we get to know just about everything we need these days .

  25. 遗传密码是怎样破译的

    How the genetic code were deciphered

  26. 索普和自己的合作者——在二战时期致力于密码编写和破译的相关研究的克劳德-香农共同发明了被公认为世界上第一台的可穿戴式电脑。

    Thorp and his co-conspirator , professor Claude Shannon , who had worked on cryptography and code-breaking during World War II , created what is widely regarded as the first wearable computer 。

  27. DES密码终告被破译

    DES At Last Cracked

  28. 战国文字就像古老的密码,很难破译。

    The Warring States script is very difficult to decipher .

  29. 现在有这么许多的密码我们都可以破译,我们知道怎么破译。

    So many ciphers today we could crack-we know how to crack them .

  30. 另外,既含有字母又包括数字的密码会更难破译。

    In addition , passwords that use both letters and numbers are harder to break .