
  • 网络lake michigan;Michigan lake
  1. 然而,伍兹力求这周在紧邻密歇根湖的呼啸峡举行的美国PGA锦标赛爬上来,进入自动比赛的行列。

    However , Woods is aiming to climb back into an automatic qualifying place after this week 's USPGA Championship at Whistling Straits next to Lake Michigan .

  2. 密歇根湖还尚未发现亚洲鲤鱼的踪迹。

    No Asian carp have yet been found in Lake Michigan .

  3. 有官员表示两周前,在电网和密歇根湖附近的一处闸口之间,已发现亚洲鲤鱼的DNA。

    Officials said two weeks ago that DNA from Asian carp had been found between the barrier and a lock near the lake .

  4. 美国威斯康星州东部密歇根湖的一港湾上的城市。

    A city of eastern Wisconsin on an arm of Lake Michigan .

  5. 美国伊利诺伊州最大的城市;位于密歇根湖上。

    Largest city in Illinois ; located on Lake Michigan .

  6. 美国威斯康星州东南部一城市,临密歇根湖,位于密尔沃基市以南。

    A city in southeastern Wisconsin on Lake Michigan S of Milwaukee .

  7. 重要河流:苏必利尔湖,密歇根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖。

    Important Lakes : Superior , Michigan , Huron , Erie , Ontario .

  8. 我们要在密歇根湖的一些沙滩营地野营。

    We 'll camp out at some of the beach sites on Lake Michigan .

  9. 美国威斯康星州东部格林湾上的城市,格林湾为密歇根湖的一狭长港湾。

    A city of eastern Wisconsin on Green Bay , an arm of Lake Michigan .

  10. 密歇根湖在阳光下波光粼粼。

    Lake Michigan shimmers in the sun .

  11. 密歇根湖映照出城市的辽阔景观,同时也为城市增添了一道风景。

    The lake mirrors the expansive reflection of the city and gives it back transformed .

  12. 一个从前住在密歇根湖和撒布瑞尔湖之间,现在已经灭绝的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

    A member of the extinct Algonquian people formerly living between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior .

  13. 以前住在密歇根湖西部、福克斯河沿岸,属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

    A member of an Algonquian people formerly living W of Lake Michigan along the Fox River .

  14. 他们正前往几年前修建的连接密西西比和密歇根湖的系统。

    They are making their way up a system built years ago to link the Mississippi to Lake Michigan .

  15. 比如,伊利诺伊州芝加哥城的人们会选择在密歇根湖上进行多种特殊的度假旅程。

    For example , people in Chicago , Illinois , can choose from several special holiday trips on Lake Michigan .

  16. 他感受到了第一股凉风从密歇根湖吹来,他知道,它要来了

    and he 'd feel that first cold wind come sweeping off Lake Michigan , he knew it was coming .

  17. 不过她不是在眺望密歇根湖,而是在向下注视着我们她的六个孩子。

    But instead of gazing out over Lake Michigan , she would be looking down at us , her six children .

  18. 学院近期开始动工修建一座超现代化的新校园,届时,在新校园将可以欣赏到密歇根湖和芝加哥天际线的壮丽景色。

    The school recently broke ground on a new ultra-modern home with dramatic vistas of Lake Michigan and Chicago 's skyline .

  19. 如果你能在此多呆些时间,那么你就会发现芝加哥沿着密歇根湖的西南方向伸展达29英里。

    If you can stay for some time you will find that Chicago stretches for29 miles along the south-west shore of Lake Michigan .

  20. 2005年8月18日在美国威斯康星州,闪电奔向在密歇根湖的风点灯塔,就像风暴袭击了风点。

    Lightning streaks toward the Wind Point Lighthouse on Lake Michigan as severe storms hit Wind Point , Wis . , on Aug.18,2005 .

  21. 语言学家巴里·泼皮克曾在他的主页上提到,芝加哥的“风城”之名取自密歇根湖吹来的风。

    Language expert Barry Popick says on his website that Chicago was called a " windy city " because of the wind that blows off of Lake Michigan .

  22. 陆军工程团本周发布了报告,包含了可能解决这个问题的方法,这些方法包括建造堤坝将密歇根湖与亚洲鲤鱼泛滥的密西西比河隔离。

    Corps released report this week was a potential approach to the problems including sealing off Lake Michigan from the carp-infested Mississippi river with a series of dams .

  23. 语言学家巴里·波皮克在他的网站上表示,芝加哥之所以被称为“风城”是因为从密歇根湖吹来的风。

    Language expert Barry Popick says on his web site that Chicago was called a " windy city " because of the wind that blows off of Lake Michigan .

  24. 于2002年建成的五大湖区电网用于驱赶鱼类,而其所带电压不足以将它们致死。这些电网曾被认为是阻止亚洲鲤鱼进入密歇根湖的最后屏障。

    The electrical barrier , installed in 2002 to repel fish with non-lethal jolts , had been thought to be the only thing standing between the carp and Lake Michigan .

  25. 而来自密歇根湖的生物学家,丹-马考斯卡斯表示,造成这一令人费解的现象的原因可能是,某些鱼类对于水中氧含量的降低非常敏感,因不适应而造成了“缺氧死亡”。

    However Lake Michigan Program biologist Dan Makauskas said that gizzard shad are no a quite tough kind of fish and are extra acute apt drips in oxygen levels than maximum fish .

  26. 总是一个具有里程碑意义的无与伦比的精致舒适与密歇根湖和城市景观,从北密歇根大街店别致的步骤,-和分钟从芝加哥的商业和金融中心。

    Always a landmark of refined comfort , with unrivalled Lake Michigan and city views , steps from chic North Michigan Avenue shops – and minutes from Chicago 's business and financial centres .

  27. 球场下,他喜欢牛排。密歇根湖在他眼里美不胜收。美国俚语努力学,这一点倒不知道是好是坏。

    Off the court , he has acquired a taste for steak , thinks the " Michigan Lake " is very scenic and is learning some American slang , which might or might not be a good thing .

  28. 由于描绘了一幅密歇根湖上办奥运的美好前景,而且有强大的财政计划支持,昨天芝加哥压倒洛杉矶成为2016年奥运会的国际竞争中美国参选城市。

    By pitching its vision of an Olympic Games along Lake Michigan and backing it with a solid financial plan , Chicago prevailed over Los Angeles yesterday to become the u.s.entrant in the international competition for the2016 summer games .

  29. 城市延伸至西南部的密歇根州湖的40公里处。

    The city stretches for about forty kilometers along the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan .

  30. 最近,一项魅力旅游活动宣传了密歇根的湖湾、丛林,驱散了悲观消息不断的阴霾。

    More recently , a lovely tourism campaign has advertised Michigan 's beaches and forests , a bright antidote to relentless gloomy news stories .