
  • 网络University of Michigan, Ann Arbor;The University of Michigan;Ann Arbor;Michigan University
  1. 在加入MCI之前曾是密西根大学电机系的专职研究员。

    Before joining MCI , he was a research faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Michigan .

  2. 本周我们以位于安阿伯的密西根大学为例。

    Our example this week is the University of Michigan in Ann arbor .

  3. 但是这个例子中,身为这篇报道作者之一的密西根大学的DanielSilverman却并没有把身高问题归因于营养摄入,而是认为身高优势是得利于中学的一些俱乐部。

    In this case , Daniel Silverman of Michigan , one of the report 's authors , doesn 't blame nutrition . Rather , he blames high school clubs .

  4. 美国密西根大学的Ann·Arbor历时7年的调查表明:无论面临多么大的压力,那些把大多数时间花在关心配偶上的人,死亡率比没做这些事的人低36%。

    Despite the stress involved , men and women who put in the most time taking care of a spouse cut their own risk of dying by 36 percent over a seven-year period , researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor found .

  5. “我将打赌我们会最终发现与扁桃体相同类型的事情”,密西根大学内科学和微生物学教授GaryHuffnagle说。

    " I 'll bet we 'll eventually find the same sort of thing with the tonsils ," said Gary Huffnagle , a professor of internal medicine and microbiology at the University of Michigan .

  6. TerriOrbuch密西根大学的婚姻治疗师和社会学教授说,他们在我们眼中是十全十美的一对,这是我们为什么感到错愕的原因。

    " They were seen as this perfect couple , that 's why we 're traumatized ," says Terri Orbuch , a marriage therapist and sociology professor at the University of Michigan .

  7. 美国密西根大学的研究小组应用TDLN细胞联合CD3+CD28+IL-2体外刺激方案,治疗晚期黑素瘤和肾癌,动物与临床实验均取得了明显疗效。

    A research group from University of Michigan obtained a significantly curative effect by using a scheme of in vitro stimulation with TDLN cells combined with CD3 + CD28 + IL-2 to treat the late-phase melanoma and kidney cancer in both animal and clinical experiment .

  8. 女演员刘玉玲在密西根大学的专业是亚洲语言。

    Lucy Liu , actress , studied Asian Languages at the University of Michigan .

  9. 也许你还记得,我高中毕业后上了密西根大学。

    As you may remember , I went to the University of Michigan after high school .

  10. 西摩目前在由密西根大学心外科医生史蒂文。博林博士主持的心脏保护研究实验室做研究。

    Seymour manages the U-M Cardioprotection Research Laboratory , which is headed by U-M heart surgeon Steven Bolling , M.D.

  11. 密西根大学罗斯商学院表示,校园开放日的来访人数翻了一番。

    And University of Michigan Ross School of Business says that campus visits by prospective students have more than doubled .

  12. 那是根据密西根大学科学家研究了腹部脂肪的健康风险,也称为内脏脂肪。

    That 's according to ? University of Michigan scientists studying the health risks of abdominal fat , also called visceral fat .

  13. 信息时代研究型大学创新发展的孵化器&密西根大学媒体联合体的经验与启示

    The Incubator of A Research University in Digital Age & Experiences and Implications of " Media Union " at University of Michigan

  14. 我整整提前一年从密西根大学商科本科毕业,节省了3万美元和一年时间。

    I graduated from Michigan 's undergraduate business program a full year early , saving $ 30,000 and a year 's time .

  15. 2保罗.桑克。《奥古斯丁时代形象的权力》。安娜堡∶密西根大学出版,1988。

    Zanker , Paul . The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 1988 .

  16. 如果我有一个女儿,必须在「柯林顿」和「密西根大学的毕业生」中择一而嫁,那她最好给我嫁柯林顿!

    If I had a daughter , and she had to choose between Clinton and a UM graduate , she 'd better pick Clinton !

  17. 可是对密西根大学的学生提出的第一个挑战更为具体,并且在听众心中引起强烈的共鸣。

    But this first challenge to the students in Michigan was more specific , and it struck a strong nerve among those who heard it .

  18. 美国密西根大学的研究显示,肾脏活组织检查可能是决定小占位性病变治疗决策中的重要一环。

    This study from the University of Michigan suggests that renal biopsy may be an important part of the decision-making process for treatment of small renal masses .

  19. 1991年国际金融工程师学会成立,同时以大通曼哈顿银行和美洲银行为代表的一些金融机构创立了金融工程部门,美国麻省理工大学、斯坦福大学、密西根大学等名校也相继设立金融工程博士学位。

    In 1991 , the International Association of Financial Engineers found . At the same time some financial institute set up financial engineering department , many universities open the financial engineering doctor degree .

  20. 邵宁先生在马里兰大学帕克学院完成了三年公共政策博士课程,并拥有密西根大学的国际关系学硕士学位。

    Shao studied in a doctoral program in public policy for three years at the University of Maryland , College Park , and holds an MA degree in international relations from Michigan State University .

  21. 密西根州立大学的植物生物学家RobinBuell也在研究这种基因组。

    Plant biologist Robin Buell at Michigan State University also worked on the genome .

  22. 密西根州立大学MSU是美国唯一包含三所医学院校的大学。

    MSU is the only university in the U.S.that encompasses three medical schools .

  23. 包装科学技术人材的摇篮&美国密西根州立大学包装学院

    Introduction to Michigan State University School of Packaging , USA

  24. 学生初到密西根州立大学后要参加一次密西根州立大学组织的英语水平考试。

    Students will take MSU ELT test as soon as they arrive at Michigan State University .

  25. 最近,密西根州立大学的科学家们研制出一种新的被称为电子晶体的晶体。

    Recently , scientists at Michigan State University created a new kind of crystal called an electride .

  26. 摘要主要介绍了美国密西根州立大学包装学院的包装教育定位和课程设置特点。

    The orientation and curriculum of packaging education in the school of packaging , msu , was introduced .

  27. 密西根州立大学的研究人员称,养狗且遛狗的人实现锻炼目标的可能性通常高出34%。

    Researchers from Michigan State University say people who own and walk their dogs regularly are34 % more likely to hit exercise targets .

  28. 密西根州立大学的研究团队指出,在将来可能进行对葡萄的临床研究,但是现在还没有计划。

    The U-M team notes that a clinical research on grapes may be a possibility in the future , but is not currently planned .

  29. 密歇根州北部半岛的密西根科技大学拥有一座山,所以那的学生们可以免费游览普利山。

    At Michigan Tech in the Upper Peninsula , the university actually owns a mountain so students have free access to nearby Mont Ripley .

  30. 按照密西根州大学的知识产权政策,如果签署商业许可并销售产品,他们将收取使用费。

    They would receive royalties under U-M 's Intellectual Property Policy in the event that a commercial license is signed and a product is sold .