
  • 网络Washington University in St. Louis;Washington University in St Louis;Washington University in Saint Louis;Washington University in St.Louis;Olin
  1. 圣路易斯华盛顿大学的杰克·罗森菲尔德研究薪酬结构。

    Jake Rosenfeld of Washington University in St. Louis researches pay structures .

  2. 根据最近南加州大学,圣路易斯华盛顿大学,新加坡管理学院和迈阿密大学的研究,道歉究竟有没有用要依据道歉到底够不够好。

    According to a recent paper by researchers at USC , Washington University in St. Louis , Singapore Management University and the University of Miami , it depends on if the apology is good enough .

  3. 这是MyVoucherCodes网的艺术家和研究员尼克欧蕾-拉姆向艾伦-坤博士时提出的问题,艾伦-坤博士在圣路易斯华盛顿大学获得了计算基因组学的博士学位。

    This was the question posed by artist and researcher Nickolay Lamm from MyVoucherCodes.co.uk when he quizzed Dr Alan Kwan , who holds a PhD in computational genomics from Washington University in St Louis .

  4. 第三届奥运会在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学。

    Third Olympiad is in USA Saint Louis University of Washington .

  5. 而圣路易斯华盛顿大学这项研究的研究人员杰尼路易斯表示波士顿和纽约的健康官员们也正在考虑在不久的将来利用推特。

    And study researcher Jenine Harris at the Washington University in St.Louis says that health officials in Boston and New York are also looking to tap Twitter in the future .

  6. 圣路易斯的华盛顿大学妇产科主任、美国妇产科医生协会(AmericanCollegeofObstetriciansandGynecologists)发言人马肯斯(GeorgeA.Macones)说,剖腹产的增多并没有使生产并发症减少或母婴更健康。

    The rise in caesarean sections hasn 't resulted in fewer delivery complications or healthier moms and babies , says George A. Macones , chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University in St. Louis and a spokesman for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists .

  7. 自他们步入位于密苏里州圣路易斯市华盛顿大学内一个“市政厅”的讲坛开始。

    For90 heated minutes as they paced across a platform in a " town hall " forum at Washington University in St.

  8. 我有个朋友在圣路易斯的华盛顿大学教欧洲历史,他说有一次他发现了一篇抄袭的学期论文。

    A friend of mine who teachs European history at Washington University in St. Louis tell about the time he spotted a plagiarized term paper .

  9. 在密苏里州、圣路易斯的华盛顿大学医学院,周峰晨领导的研究小组在老鼠发现这个结论,这个研究报告上星期发表在自然杂质上。

    A team led by Roufangchang zhou-Fengchen at Washington University School of medicine in Pulison measerealsaintlouis , missouri , made the discovery in mice , the study appeared last week in the Journal nature .

  10. 拉切林的观点和凡妮莎·法博的看法一致。法博是圣路易斯的华盛顿大学布朗社会工作学院的副教授,也是研究高龄变性人士为数不多的专家之一。

    This also resonates with Vanessa Fabbre , an assistant professor at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis , and one of the few experts on the subject of late transitioners .

  11. 而这正是在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversityinStLouis)工作的马修?埃利斯(MatthewEllis)及其同事们为罹患乳腺癌的妇女们所作的工作。

    And this is just what Matthew Ellis and his colleagues at Washington University in St Louis have done for women suffering from breast cancer .

  12. 由圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学的LFC领导的小组在老鼠身上发现的。

    A team led by LFC at Washington university 's school medicine in St Louis ,( Missouri ) made discovery in mice .

  13. 9月在费城开办的天普大学瘙痒中心以及2011年在圣路易斯开办的华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversity)瘙痒研究中心(CenterfortheStudyofItch)是美国开办的第一批瘙痒研究和治疗中心。

    For the first time in the United States , itching research and treatment centers have opened : Temple 's in September , in Philadelphia , and Washington University 's Center for the Study of Itch , in 2011 , in St. Louis .

  14. 位于圣路易斯州的华盛顿大学在1853年初建时名为艾里奥特神学院。此后学校名字改为美国第一任总统乔治华盛顿以示尊敬。

    Washington University in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in1853.later the name was changed to honor the first American president , George washington .