
  • 网络Santa fe
  1. 马丁·里奥斯(MartínRios),RestaurantMartín,新墨西哥圣菲

    Mart í n Rios , Restaurant Mart í n , Santa Fe , N.M.

  2. 此镇有点像是小型、太平洋版的圣菲镇(SantaFe),只不过这儿到处是趴趴走的猴子,还有身穿传统服饰的巴厘人家。

    The town is sort of like a small Pacific version of Santa Fe , only with monkeys walking around and Balinese families in traditional dress all over the place .

  3. 克劳塞特在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(UniversityofColorado,Boulder)任教,同时还是圣菲研究所(SantaFeInstitute)研究员,他在过去十年内一直奋战在计算和统计研究的前沿。

    Clauset , who teaches at the University of Colorado , Boulder and is part of the Santa Fe Institute , has spent the past decade on the frontier of computing and statistical research .

  4. 这是新墨西哥州圣菲市的自然景观。

    Check out this landscape in Santa Fe , New Mexico .

  5. 就在那一天,他在圣菲。

    On that precise date he was in Santa fe .

  6. 圣菲在洛斯阿拉莫斯以南。

    Santa Fe is south of Los alamos .

  7. 大半夜从圣菲飞过来和你会面呢?

    flew from Santa Fe , to see you in the middle of the night .

  8. 我戴着手铐,被联邦执法官带往圣菲县成人管教所。

    The federal marshals took me away in handcuffs to the Santa Fe County Adult Correctional facility .

  9. 在镇中心,有两个规模较小的小学,圣菲霍华德天主教学校和格罗夫纳。

    There are two smaller primary schools in the town centre : St Philip Howard Catholic School and Grosvenor House .

  10. 1943年在去圣菲游览时,女儿问他,为什么她无法看到他刚刚拍摄的照片。

    On a visit to Santa Fe in1943 , she asked why she couldn 't see the picture he had just taken .

  11. 组织者说,他们需要这样一个周年庆祝,来纪念圣菲不能被忘记的历史。

    Organizers say they need all that time to include all that needs to be remembered about the history of Santa Fe .

  12. 西雅图、伯克利、圣菲、奥斯汀和费城等城市立法要求设立每次仅供一人使用的全性别卫生间。

    Seattle , Berkeley , Santa Fe , Austin and Philadelphia are among the cities that have passed laws requiring single-user all-gender restrooms .

  13. 美国新墨西哥州圣菲研究所的科学家们经研究发现,这一神奇的数字约为10年。

    The magic number , a new study from scientists at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico reveals , is about 10 years .

  14. 我们一行四人两个来自旧金山,一个来自波士顿,还有一个来自西雅图登上了飞往新墨西哥州圣菲的航班。我们这帮人中有一个住在圣菲,为那里的一家画廊工作。

    Four of us-two from San Francisco , one from Boston , and one from Seattle-boarded planes bound for Santa Fe , New Mexico , where one of the gang lives and works for an art gallery .

  15. 雄伟的圣菲亚大教堂(由东罗马帝国君主渣士丁尼一世于公元537年修建)是古代奇迹之一。罗马斗兽场(可举行赛马)的规模甚至超过罗马大剧院。

    The imposing cathedral of Hagia Sophia , built by Emperor Justinian I in 537 AD , was one of the Wonders of Late Antiquity , and the Hippodrome , where horse races were held , surpassed even the Coliseum of Rome .