
  • 网络san jose state;San Jose State University;San José State University
  1. 洛克·陈(LocTran)是北加州圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversityinNorthernCalifornia)校园里的名人。

    Loc Tran is a big man on campus at San Jose State University in Northern California .

  2. 他在介绍自己学历时承认,在学校就读的时候满脑子里装的都是其他事。他1995年勉强从山景城高中(MVHS)毕业,后来从圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversity)辍学。

    By his own admission in listing his education -- barely graduating from MVHS in 1995 and dropping out of San Jose State University -- he had other things on his mind .

  3. 去年秋天,圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseState)使用了MIT电路与电子学的入门网络课程和互动练习。

    Last fall , San Jose State used the online lectures and interactive exercises of M.I.T.s introductory online Circuits and Electronics course .

  4. 这些兔子为圣何塞州立大学的名誉退休教授BettyChu所有,作为北加州安哥拉协会的一部分,这些兔子巡游整个州,出现在各式各样的节目中。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professoremeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state fordisplay in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  5. 艾达在主人圣何塞州立大学退休教授BettyChu的照料下,作为北加利福利亚安哥拉协会的一员参加了在该州的巡回展览演出。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professor emeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state for display in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  6. 阿格沃尔说EdX不会对圣何塞州立大学收取使用课程费用,但从本秋季学期起,EdX将面向所有加州大学,对翻转课堂收取使用费。

    Agarwal says edX didn 't charge San Jose State for the pilot program , but starting this fall , it will be offering the flipped course to all California State University campuses for a fee .

  7. 圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversity)人因工程学教授安德烈(AnthonyAndre)称,由于触控全屏需增加拉伸的幅度,我们可能会开始看到越来越多由大型触屏电子设备引发的严重重复性劳损,例如对拇指的损害。

    As the stretch to reach all areas of the screen increases , we might start to see more serious repetitive stress injuries ─ likely to the thumbs ─ in larger touch-screen devices , ' says Anthony Andre , a professor of human factors and ergonomics at San Jose State University .

  8. 玛格达琳娜巴雷拉是圣何塞州立大学美国研究学的一名教授。

    Magdalena Barrera is a professor of American Studies in San Jose State University .

  9. 我们做了一个试验性的混合实验课程,再一次关于电路与电子技术同加利福尼亚州的圣何塞州立大学合作。

    So we did a pilot experimental blended courses , working with San Jose State University in California , again , with the circuits and electronics course .